

Lot 289
  • 289


2,500 - 4,000 GBP
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  • A collection of 65 volumes, second half nineteenth and twentieth century, mostly in English and French, including:
  • paper
Soltykoff, Prince Alexis. Voyage en Perse… troisième édition. Paris, 1854, large 8vo,  22 lithographed plates, contemporary calf-backed boards, spotted, binding a bit worn
Sheil, Lady. Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia. 1856, first edition, 8vo, 7 plates, modern boards, 2 discrete library stamps
Khanikoff, N. de. Mémoire sur l’ethnographie de la Perse. Paris, 1866, first French edition, 4to, 3 lithographed plates, half calf, original wrappers bound in
Arnold, A. Through Persia by Caravan. New York, 1877, 8vo, first American edition, original cloth, slightly worn
Dieulafoy, J. La Perse, la Chaldée et la Susiane. Paris, 1887, first edition, 4to, illustrations, some full-page, map, contemporary half morocco, original wrappers loosely inserted, spine slightly faded
Ibid. A Suse, journal des fouilles. Paris, 1888, first edition, 4to, illustrations, some full-page, map, original decorated cloth, binding slightly rubbed, rebacked with morocco retaining original spine
Bishop, Mrs. Journeys in Persia and Kurdistan. 1891, 2 vol., first edition, 8vo, 13 plates, 2 folding maps, original cloth, upper joint vol.1 weak
And 57 others (list available from the Book Department or online at www.sothebys.com)

Catalogue Note

The other books in this lot are:

Bassett, J. Persia, the Land of the Imams, 1887
Hunt, G.H. Outram & Havelock's Persian Campaign... second edition, 1858
Benjamin, S.G.W. Persia and the Persians, 1887
Hedin, Sven. Konung Oscars Beskickning till Schahen af Persien, Stockholm, [1891]
[Chick, H.G.] A Chronicle of the Carmelites in Persia, 1939, 2 vol., lacks a few plates
Gobineau, comte de. Historie des Perses, Paris, 1869, 2 vol.
Sackville-West, V. Passenger to Teheran, 1926
Lockhart, L. Nadir Shah, a critical study, 1938
Jackson, A.V.W. Zoroaster the Prophet of Ancient Iran, New York, 1899
Sykes, P.M. Ten Thousand Miles in Persia or eight years in Iran... second impression, 1902
Motamen-ol-Molk. Recueil des traités de l'empire Persan avec les pays etrangers, Tehran, 1908, text in various languages
Watson, R.G. A History of Persia, 1866
Ketyer, J.A.C. and G. Uloth. The 28th Light Cavalry in Persia and Russian Turkistan 1915-1920... printed for private circulation, 1926
St John, O.B., B. Lovett and E. Smith. Eastern Persia, an account of the journeys of the Persian Boundary Commission... vol.1 The Geography with narratives, 1876, 1 vol. of 2
Adams, I. Persia by a Persian, being personal experiences, 1906
Reitlinger, G. A Tower of Skulls, a journey through Persia and Turkish Armenia, 1932
Richards, F. A Persian Journey, 1931
Berard, V. Révolutions de la Perse, Paris, 1910
Wilson, A. SW Persia, 1941
Ross, E.D., editor. Sir Anthony Sherley and his Persian Adventure, 1933
Huart, C. La religion de Bab, Paris, 1889
Linton, J.H. Persian Sketches, 1923
Stark, F. Beyond Euphrates, 1951
Stark, F. The Valleys of the Assassins, 1934 (reprint)
Poidebard, A. Voyages au carrefour des routes de Perse, Paris, 1923, presentation copy
Malcolm, N. Five Years in a Persian Town... cheap edition, 1908
Browne, E.G. A Year amongst the Persians, Cambridge, 1926, Sydney Cockerell's copy
Browne, E.G. The Political Poetry of Modern Persia, 1914
Browne, E.G. A Traveller's Narrative written to illustrate the episode of the Bab... vol.2 English translation and notes, 1891
Stewart, C.E. Through Persia in Disguise, 1911
Sparroy, W. Persian Children of the Royal Family, the narrative of an English tutor at the court, 1902
Sykes, P. Persia, Oxford, 1922, 2 copies
Sykes, P. A History of Persia... third edition, 1930, vol.2 only
Blunt, W. A Persian Spring, 1957
Bird, Mary R.S. Persian Women and their Creed, 1899
Rogers, R.W. A History of Ancient Persia, 1929
Niedermayer, O. von. Unter der Glutsonne Irans, Munich, [1925?]
Fullerton, A. To Persia for Flowers, 1938
Elgood, C. A Medical History of Persia and the early Caliphate, Cambridge, 1951
Field, H. Contributions to the Anthropology of Iran, 1939, one vol. of 2
Bell, G. Persian Pictures, 1947
Bell, G. The Letters, 1927, 2 vol., fourth impression
Bell, G. The Earlier Letters, 1937
Godard, A. Les monuments de Maragha, Paris, 1934
Gulbenkian, R. L'ambassade en Perse de Luis Pereira de Lacerda, Lisbon, 1972
Heinrich, G. Auf Panthersuche durch Persien, Berlin, 1933
Forbes, D. The Heart of Iran, 1963
Millspaugh, A.C. Americans in Persia, 1946
Willey, P. The Castles of the Assassins, 1963
Lockhart, L. Persian Cities, 1960
Smith, A. Blind White Fish in Persia, 1953, third impression
Schmidt, E.F. Persepolis III. The royal tombs and other monuments, Chicago, 1970, 2 copies of vol.3 (only)

These additional books are sold not subject to return