

Lot 287
  • 287


2,500 - 3,500 GBP
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  • A collection of 25 volumes, early nineteenth century, including:
  • paper
Waring, E.S. A Tour to Sheeraz. 1807, first edition, large paper copy, 4to (315 x 245mm.), half-title, 2 engraved plates, original boards, uncut, modern blue cloth box, plates slightly spotted, binding worn, covers detached
Morier, J. A Journey through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor. 1812, first edition, 4to, 28 (of 29) engraved or aquatint plates and maps, 3 folding, modern half morocco, lacking one plate of sculpture at Shapour
Ibid. A Second Journey through Persia. 1818, first edition, 4to, 19 engraved or aquatint plates and maps, a few hand-coloured or double-page or folding, nineteenth-century cloth, backed with leather, lacking half-title, spotted, binding rather worn
Pottinger, H. Travels in Beloochistan and Sinde. 1816, first edition, 4to, aquatint frontispiece and large folding engraved map, both hand-coloured, modern green half calf, map offset, 2 old library stamps (one with show-through onto title)
Tancoigne, J.M. A Narrative of a Journey into Persia. 1820, first English edition, 8vo, hand-coloured engraved frontispiece, folding map, modern half morocco
Malcolm, J. The History of Persia… a new edition. 1829, 2 vol., 8vo, contemporary blue calf gilt
And 18 others (list available from the Book Department or online at www.sothebys.com); the lot sold not subject to return

Catalogue Note

The other books in this lot are:

Fraser, J.B. A Winter's Journey (Tatar) from Constantinople to Tehran, 2 vol., 1838
Analyses of new works of voyages and travels lately published in London... A Tour to Sheeraz, [1807?]
[Morier, J.J.] The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Isphahan in England, 2 vol., 1828
Schoberl, F. Persia, coloured plates, Philadelphia, 1828
Francklin, W. Observations made on a Tour from Bengal to Persia, 1790
Stocqueler, J.H. Fifteen Months' Pilgrimage through untrodden tracts of Khuzistan and Persia, 2 vol., 1832, lacking frontispiece
[Krusinski, J.T.] The  Compleat History of Thamas Kouli Kan, no date [c.1780?]
Conder, J. The Modern Traveller [Persia and China], 2 vol., 1830
Modeen, Mirza Itesa. Shigurf Namah i Velaet, or excellent intelligence concerning Europe, 1827
Drouville, G. Voyage en Perse... seconde edition, 2 vol., Paris, 1825, lacking plates
Hammer-Purgstall, J. von. Histoire de l'ordre des Assassins, Paris, 1833
Dubeux, L. La Perse, Paris, 1841
Tancoigne, J.M. Lettres sur la Perse et la Turquie d'Asie... tome second [only], Paris, 1819

These additional books are sold not subject to return