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Russian children's books
- A collection of 66 twentieth-century illustrated children's books, mostly from the 1920s and 1930s, including:
Samuil Marshak. Stikhi o voine [Verses about war], [Moscow], 1941, original printed wrappers
Samuil Marshak. Chudesa [Miracles], illustrated by Boris Kustodiev. Moscow, 1925, lacking title-page, many paper repairs
V. Mayakovsky. Chto ni stranitsa, to slon, to levitsa [On every page an elephant, a lioness], illustrated by I. Ustinov, Moscow, [?], printed wrappers
K. Chukovsky. Kotausi i Maisi, 1936, original pictorial wrappers, covers detached
Davaite vyrezat i nakleivat!!! [Let's cut and stick!!!] [Biblioteka I. Gornunova-Posanova dlya detei i dlya yunoshestva]. Moscow, [1912?], 13 coloured plates, original pictorial wrappers, worn, probably incomplete
A. Barto. Malchik naoborot [The contrary boy], illustrated by A. Kanevsky, Moscow, 1934, original printed wrappers, lacking lower cover
A. Vvedensky. Zima krugom [Winter circle], illustrated by L. Volshtein, Leningrad, 1935, original pictorial wrappers
A.F. Andronov. Zhivaya rabota [Lively work], Moscow, 1916, part 1, second edition, original pictorial wrappers, slightly worn
with 57 others, together 66 volumes
"In response to your inquiry, we are pleased to provide you with a general report of the condition of the property described above. Since we are not professional conservators or restorers, we urge you to consult with a restorer or conservator of your choice who will be better able to provide a detailed, professional report. Prospective buyers should inspect each lot to satisfy themselves as to condition and must understand that any statement made by Sotheby's is merely a subjective, qualified opinion. Prospective buyers should also refer to any Important Notices regarding this sale, which are printed in the Sale Catalogue.
Catalogue Note
As many authors were unable to publish their work aimed at adults due to Soviet restrictions and censorship, children's literature was seen as a way to publish without courting trouble. There are important authors represented here, from Mayakovsky to Vvedensky to Bedny; Marshak, considered the father of Soviet children's literature, was a Jewish writer who narrowly escaped execution under Stalin. Paustovsky, who wrote adventure stories, was even nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1965 but the authorities insisted the prize went to a more "soviet" writer, Sholokhov.
The collection also includes some rebusy [games], from a packet of alphabet playing cards (1949) to word puzzles (1937) to crosswords (1947), and five volumes of secondary literature about children's books.
Aleksandrova, Z. Nashi yasli. 1935
Bednyi, D. Pravda i Krivda. Basni. Petrograd, 1919 (1920)
Ershov, P. Konek-gorbunok, illustrated by Rosenfeld. Moscow, [1934]
Gernet, N./Jagdfeld, G. Katja i krokodil. Berlin, 1968
Gubarev, V. 1953. Pavlik Morozov. Moscow, 1953
Zhitkov, B. Pomoshch idet. Moscow, 1977
Karpich, M. Kazka pro gusyache chechko. Hannover, 1946
Kovalensky, A. Rebyatishki. Moscow, [1930?]
Korolenko, V. Dom № 13. Moscow/Leningrad, 1926
Lapin, V. 1961. Stikhi. Moscow, 1961, worn
Marshak, S. Chorovod. Moscow, 1977
Marshak, S. Rasskaz o neizvestnom geroe. Moscow, 1978
Marshak, S. Raznotsvetnaya kniga. Stikhi. Moscow, 1974
Murzaev, V. Fleita. Rasskaz dlya detei mladshego vozrasta. Moscow, 1924
Tikhookeanskie skazki (Avstraliya i Polineziya). Moscow/Petrograd, 1923
Paustovsky, K. Zhiltsy starogo doma. Rasskazy. Moscow, 1964
Paustovsky, K. Kolkhida. Moscow, 1936
Paustovsky, K. Stalnoe kolechko. Moscow, 1963
Prishvin, M. Lisichkin khleb. Moscow, 1959
Prishvin, M. Zhurka. Moscow, 1940
Sadov, -. Fizkultura. Moscow, 1933
Utkin, Iosif. Miloe detstvo. Poėma. Moscow, 1933
Chernyi, S. Chto komu nravitsya. Stichi. Moscow, 1976
Chukovsky, K. Fedorino gore. Moscow, 1958
Chukovsky, K. Skazki. Moscow, 1935
Chukovsky, K. Moidodyr. Leningrad, 1935, slightly stained and worn
Knigi dlya detei i yunoshestva. Moscow/Leningrad, 1925, incomplete
Korinets, Yu. Poema o kostre. Moscow, 1989
Kak gonzik khodil za lekarstvom. Moscow, 1992
Kuprin, A.I. Chudesnyi doktor. Moscow, 1977
Iordansky, M. & M. Raukhverger. Dvenadtsat pesen dlya malyshei. Moscow, 1938
Barto, A. Igrushki. Moscow, 1992
Bilibin, I. Marya Morevna (Retold in English by Irina Zheleznova). Moscow, 1976
Budogoskaya. L. Kak sanku v ochag priveli. Leningrad, [1980s?] (1933)
Konashevich, V. Malchik - c - palchik. 1993. Moscow, 1993 (1923)
Konashevich, V. Kot v sapogakh. Moscow, 1993 (1922)
Lebedev, V./Marshak, S. 10 knizhek dlya detei. Leningrad, 1976 (including facsimiles of Tsirk, Morozhenoe, Okhota and others)
Chukovsky, K. Mukhina svadba. Leningrad/Moscow, [1970s/1980s]
Charushin, E. Pro Tomku. Moscow, 1992
S.M. Kirov v risunkakh detei. Leningrad, 1935
Bukbar. Moscow, 1979
Gershenzon, M.. 33 zatei, vypusk 4. Moscow, 1936
Sokolov, P.D. Kak chitat rebusy. Leningrad, 1946
Karnaval. [1930s?]
Rebusy. 1937
Krossvordy ABV... Leningrad, 1947
Ne vsegda ver glazam. Moscow, [1930s]
V chasy dosuga. Rebusy. Moscow, 1942
Azbuka v kartinakh. Moscow, 1949 (playing cards)
Vsem interesno! Igroteka. Moscow, 1948
Pantograf. Moscow, [1940s?]
Secondary literature
Krupskaya, N.K. O Kommunisticheskom vospitanii shkolnikov. Moscow, 1978
Bogoyavlensky, L.P. Rabota nad uchebnoi knigoi. Moscow/Leningrad, 1928
Yavorsky, A.N. Antireligioznoe vospitanie v srednei shkole. Minsk, 1940
Gankina, E.Z. Russkie khudozhniki detskoi knigi. Moscow, 1963
Zhizn i priklyucheniya Maksima Gorkogo. Moscow/Leningrad, 1928