- 169
Sanctum provinciale concilium Mexici
5,000 - 7,000 GBP
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- celebratum anno domini millessimo quingentessimo octuagessimo quinto. Mexico: apud Joannem Ruiz, 1622
- paper
First edition, 2 parts in one volume, folio (280 x 193mm.), engraved historiated title, contemporary vellum, bookplate of Florencio Gavito, [Medina (Mexico) II, 343; Palau XIX, 293978; Sabin 48373], a few old annotations in margins, binding somewhat worn
Catalogue Note
First edition, described by Sabin as "extremely rare", of the decrees of the Third Mexican Council, held in 1575, and a basic source for the history of the colonial period. The council was presided over by Pedro Moya de Contreras, one of the most powerful figures in the New World at this period. He came to Mexico in 1571 to establish the Inquisition there, and was later appointed Archbishop and Viceroy. More than any other individual of his time, he brought the Counter Reformation to Mexico, and his reforming zeal reached its culmination in the Third Council.