- 206
Great Game--An important collection
- of over 270 rare books, pamphlets, maps and articles relating to Central Asia, the Caucasus, Persia, Turkey, India, China, Russia and Iraq, including:
- paper
"In response to your inquiry, we are pleased to provide you with a general report of the condition of the property described above. Since we are not professional conservators or restorers, we urge you to consult with a restorer or conservator of your choice who will be better able to provide a detailed, professional report. Prospective buyers should inspect each lot to satisfy themselves as to condition and must understand that any statement made by Sotheby's is merely a subjective, qualified opinion. Prospective buyers should also refer to any Important Notices regarding this sale, which are printed in the Sale Catalogue.
Catalogue Note
A large collection of rare works, not previously offered for sale, being the remaining part of the library of Peter Hopkirk, author of The Great Game (1990) and five other books on Central Asia. The 'Great Game' refers to the secret war between Victorian Britain and Tsarist Russia over Central Asia in the nineteenth century. Before becoming an author, Hopkirk (b.1930) was a reporter and worked for nearly 20 years on The Times, five of which as chief reporter and latterly as a Middle East and Far East specialist. This collection provided invaluable intelligence and information for Hopkirk's books and nearly every volume bears his booklabel; his main library was sold in these rooms, 13-14 October 1998. In 1999 the Royal Society for Asian Affairs awarded Peter Hopkirk the Sir Percy Sykes Memorial Medal 'In recognition of his outstanding contribution to increasing man's knowledge of Central Asia through his extensive travels, scholarship and writings.'
Please note that the following list is for information only and that this lot is sold not subject to return.
ADYE, General Sir John – Indian Frontier Policy. An Historical Sketch. First edition, 1897. 61 pp, map. (First & Second Afghan Wars, & Russian connection).
(AFGHANISTAN) The True Story of our Afghan Policy. An appeal to the British Nation against Factious Misrepresentations. By 'An Indian Officer'. 1880. 35-page pamphlet
AFGHANISTAN Field Notes. General Staff of India , 1st edition, Calcutta, 1913. 168 pp, 9 plates of sketches of Afghan soldiers, 5 city plans, 2 folding panoramas (inc. Kabul with key), 3 folding maps of routes, 1 general folding map in front pocket & 1 folding map in end pocket showing distribution of Afghan Army. 37-page appendix & glossary including folding tables of fighting strengths, equipment, principle routes, fodder for animals, etc. Original cloth, 12mo. Marked 'For Official use only'.
AFGHANISTAN, Field Notes. General Staff of India, second edition, Calcutta, 1915. 165 pp, 4 plates of sketches of Afghan soldiers, 5 maps of main city environs, 1 plan of fort, 2 folding panoramas, including Kabul with a key. 2 large folding maps in end-pockets, including coloured ethnographical map, & folding 'main routes' map. Original cloth, 12mo. Marked 'For Official Use only'.
(AFGHANISTAN) The Mapping of Afghanistan. BY 'Rational View'. 8 page article in The Journal of the United Service Institution of India. Lahore, July, 1931. 2 folding maps
AITCHISON, J.E.T. – Notes on the products of Western Afghanistan and of North-Eastern Persia. Offprint from the 'Transactions of the Botanical Society', Edinburgh, 1890. 228 pp, (Author was a naturalist with the Afghan Delimitation Commission).
ANDREW, W.P – The Euphrates Route to India. Letters addressed to the British & Turkish Governments, etc. With introductory remarks and appendix. 1871. 38-page pamphlet.
ANON – The Dangers of British India, from French Invasion & Missionary Establishments. To which are added some account of the countries between the Caspian Sea and the Ganges; A narrative of the revolutions which they have experienced subsequent to the expedition of Alexander the Great; & a few hints respecting the defence of the British Frontiers in Hindostan. By a late resident at Bhagulpore. 1st Edn, 1808. 153pp, plus 3-pages of publisher's forthcoming books.
ANON (Sir John McNeil) – Progress and Present Position of Russia in the East. 1st Edn, 1836. 151 pp, large folding map. Rare & very important. (Author was a major player in the Great Game. See PH's The Great Game).
ANON (Gen. Sir Robert Wilson) – A sketch of the Military & Political Power of Russia in the year 1817. 208pp, folding map. New Leather spine, marbled boards. Rare & very important. (By the 'Father of Russophobia' – see PHs The Great Game).
ANON – The Russian Agents in India. By a Traveller from the East. 1st Edn, 1864. 50 pp
(ARMENIA) L'Arménie Transcaucasienne. Territoires, Frontières, Ethnographie, Statistique. Paris, December 1919. Published by the 'Delegation de la République Armenienne a la Conference de la Paix'. 53 pp, folding map showing population figures in Armenia & surrounding states, also large folding map of Armenia & adjacent areas. Original cloth-backed boards. Ex-FCO library with a few small markings.
BABINGTON, Prof. Churchill – Catalogue of a selection from Colonel Leake's Greek Coins, exhibited in The Fitzwilliam Museum. 1st Edn, Cambridge, 1867. 51 pp. Author's presentation inscription.
(BAKU) Vues de Bacou. N.d. (with written inscription dated 1912). 19 full-page photographs, and 10 photos on 5 pages. Original red cloth. Oblong 8vo. Photo captions in Russian.
The BALUCH-AFGHAN Boundary Commission of the 1896, Letters on. Under Captain A.H. McMahon. Calcutta, 1909. 90pp, green cloth. Small 8vo.
BARRANDE, Joseph (trans) – L'Amou et L'Ouzboi (son ancien lit). Mémoire publie par S.A.E. Le Grand-Duc Nicholas Constantino with a Samara le 11/23 mars 1879. 59-page extract from 'Bulletin de la Societe de Geographie'. Map.
BAXTER, W.E., MP – England and Russia in Asia. 1885. 96 pp, original red cloth. Small 8vo. 'Signet' library label
BELL, Major Evans – The Oxus and the Indus. 2nd edn, revised & considerably enlarged, 1874. 105 pp, folding colour map. Original green cloth. Inscribed by author on title page.
BELL, Lt. Col. M.s. – Afghanistan as a theatre of operations and as a defence to India. 25-page pamphlet, 1885. rebound in plain wr. Map referred to in the text not present but rare.
BERGE, Adolf – Die Sagen und Lieder des Tscherkessen-Volks, gesammelt vom Kabardiner Schora-Bekmursin-Nogmow, bearbeitet und mit einer Vorrede versehen. Leipzig, 1866. 144 pp. 8vo.
BLACKER, Capt. L.V.S. – Travels in Turkistan, 1918-20. 21-page article in RGS Journal, September 1921. Folding map.
BONN, A.G. – The Trans-Iranian Railway. 8-page article with sketch map in Royal Central Asian Journal , April 1938. Also other articles – Capt. C. H. Gowan: Northern Iraq; Major C.S. Jarvis: Southern Palestine & its possibilities for settlement; E.Epstein: The Bedouin of Transjordon; Eric Shipton: Mountaineering in the Himalaya, etc. Spine a little woven some foxing o/w vg. wr.
BRUCE, Major C.D. – Chinese Turkestan. 24-page offprint from the proceedings of the Central Asian Society. 1907. Original red wr.
BRUNNHOFER, Dr. Hermann – Russlands Hand uber Asien. Historisch – geographische – Essays zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des russischen Reichsgedankens. 1st Edn, St.Petersburg, 1897. 97 pp, original wr somewhat worn & marked, but contents vg.
(BURNES, Sir Alexander) – The Brothers Burnes; or, The Traveller and the Doctor. London, 1862. 22ppp. (Account of the lives & careers of Sir Alexander Burners and his brother, Dr James Burnes).
BURTON, Captain R.G. – Shikar as a training for Scouts. And the Organisation & training scouts for Indian frontier warfare).
BUXTON , D.R. – A Journey in Soviet Transcaucasia. 30-page offprint form 'Blackwood's Magazine', 1933. (Vladikavkaz to Batum via Tiflis & Erivian, on foot and by train).
CAMPBELL, C.W. – Journeys in Mongolia. 36-page offprint from RGS Journal, November 1903. Large folding map.
CAREY, A.D. – a journey round Chinese Turkistan and along the Northern Frontier of Tibet. 22-page article in RGS Journal, December 1887. Folding map. Also other articles & reviews.
CARRUTHERS, Douglas – Notes on the journey to the Arpa & Ak-Sai Plateaus in Russian Turkestan. 8-page article from the RGS Journal, 1910.7 photos, folding map.
CAUCASIA . Foreign Office Peace Handbook. HMSO, 1920. 95 pp. (CAUCASIA) Vues de Caucase. N.p.,n.d. (hand written inscription dated 1908). 27 full-page photographs & 4 smaller photos on two pages, original red cloth with gilt lettering. Oblong 8vo. Photo captions in Russian & French. (Includes Tiflis, Baku, Batoum, Military Highway, Pjatigorsk, with Lermentov's grave).
(CENTRAL ASIA) M.P.M. Lessar's Second Journey in the Turkoman Country – Askabad to Ghurian near Heart. 22-page article in RGS journal, January 1883. 2 maps. And Frederick Bourne: Notes of a Journey to the Imperial Mausoleas, East of Peking. 7pp. Also other articles & reviews.
(CENTRAL ASIA) Progress of the Russian Expedition to Central Asia under Colonel Pievtsoff. 18-page article in RGS Journal, January 1890. Also other articles & reviews.
CHERKASSKI, Prince Alexander Bekovitch – A Narrative of the Russian Military Expedition to Khiva, 1717. Trans from the Russuan by Robert Michell. India Office, London, 1873. 66pp.
CHILDS, W.J. – Germany in Asia Minor. 19-page article in 'Blackwood's Magazine', Febuary 1916. Also other articles inc. 'Six Months in the Dardanelles' by Zachabona; & 'A Visit to the Wali of Pusht-i-Kuh' by G.E.H. 288pp in all.
(CHIITRAL) Anon – The Chitral Expedition, 1895. Containing the account of the adventures & captivity of Lieutenants Fowler & Edwardes, together with full details of the operations of General Low's force, Colonel Kelly's march from Gilgit, and the massacre at the Koragh defile. Allahabad, 1895. 172 pp, 3 folding maps, limp cloth covers. 8vo Reprinted from 'The Pioneer'.
(CHIITRAL) Extracts from the Diary of John S.Fowler, R.E. Chitral, 1895. Published in Dublin, 1897. 103pp., red cloth.
(CHIITRAL) Notes on the Chitral Expedition, 1895. 16 pp. Pamphlet produced without covers. Article initialled 'E.W.F.' at end.
COLLEN, Lieut-Gen. Sir Edwin – The Defence of India. 1st Edn, 1906. Read before the Central Asian Society. 32 pp, folding map. ex-Royal United Service Inst.
CORRESPONDENCE respecting Russia, between Robert Goodlow Harper, Esq and RObwert Walsh, Jun. Together with the Speech of Mr Harper, commemorative of the Russian Victories. Delivered at Georgetown, Columbia, June 5th, 1813. Philadelphia, 1813. 140 pp.
COWLEY, M.A. – Another Unknown Language from Eastern Turkestan. Royal Asiatic Society offprint, 1911. 8 pp, 4 plates, wr. (Describes a document found by stein while exploring the Chinese 'limes' extending from Tun-Huang.)
(CRANE/Newark Museum) The Tibet Collection, Edward N.Crane Memorial. Newark Museum, 1912. 52 pp, 9 photos, 2 sketch maps. (The collection of Dr Alfred Shelton, a medical missionary murdere in Tibet purchased by the Crane family for the Newark Museum).
CURZON, Hon. G (Lord) The Karun River and the Commercial Geography of South-West Persia. 23-page article extracted from RGS Journal, 1890. Sketch map & folding map. Also bound in – Hon. G. Curzon: Memorandum on the Society's New Map of Persia. 10pp, large, folding map. (1892). Cloth.
CURZON, Lord – Frontiers. 'The Romanes Lecture', Oxford, 1907. 58 pp. (Much on Russia, British India, China).
CURZON, Hon. George, MP – The Transcaspian Railway. 23-page article from RGS Journal, 1889. Folding, coloured map. Cloth boards. (Account of his celebrated journey by 'the Great Game railway' to Samarkand, see PH's The Great Game).
DACOSTA, John – a Scientific Frontier; or, The Danger of the Russian Invasion of India. 1st Edn, 1891. 140pp. Previous owner's bookplate. 8vo.
The DARDANELLES for England. The True Solution of the Eastern Question. 3rd edn, 1876. 31pp.
DAVID, Major – Is a Russian Invasion of India Feasible? 1877. 31-page pamphlet with detailed folding map.
DAVIES, Rev. J. Llewelyn – Religious Aspects of the Eastern Question. 15-page pamphlet from 'The Eastern Question Association', n.d. (1880's). Papers on the Eastern Question no.2.
DAVIS, Prof. H. W. C. – The Great Game in Asia (1800-1844). 32-page offprint. The British Academy, n.d. (1926).
DENTON, Rev. William – Fallacies of the Eastern Question. 15-page pamphlet form 'The Eastern Question Association', n.d. (1880s). Papers on the Eastern Question no.8.
DEKHNEWALLAH, A. (nom de plume) – The Great Russian Invasion of India. A sequel to the Afghanistan Campaign of 1878-9. 1st Edn, 1879. 69 pp. Attractivly rebound in half leather & marbled boards. Sm 8vo. (Fictitious account of Russian conspiracy to seize British India.)
DILKE, Sir Charles Wentworth & Spenser Wilkinson – Imperial defence. 1st Edn, 1892. 234 pp, sketch maps. 44-page publisher's catalogue at end. (Mostly India).
DOUGLAS, Robert – The Life of Jenghiz Khan. Translated from the Chinese with an intro. 1st Edn, 1877. 105pp., 8vo.
DRAGAS, Lieut. Stefan – La Prise d'Assaut de Kars par les Russes, dans la nuit du 17 au 18 Novembre 1877. Traduit par J.Bornecque. Paris, 1880. 51 pp, folding plan of Kars at end. 12mo. (First published in 'La Revue militaire autrichienne de Streffleur').
Dunsterville, Maj-Gen. L.C. – From Baghdad to the Caspian in 1918. 14-page article in RGS Journal, March 1921. 8 photos, sketch map. And other articles & reviews.
(DUNSTERFORCE) A D.A.D.O.S. in Persia, 1918. Ordnance Dunsterforce & Local Resources in Persia. 195 pp, 2 sketch maps, 8 pages & the maps strengthened when contemporarily bound. Plain cloth with paper labels. (A curious but very interesting & detailed item evidently extracted from a substantial official work (Pages 290-481), though complete in itself.)
DUFF, Moutstuart E.Grant – The Eastern Question. A Lecture. 1st Edn, Edinburgh, 1876. 62p.
ELIAS, Ney – Notes of a Journey to the New Course of the Yellow River, in 1868. 32-page article extracted from the RGS Journal, May 1871. Plan, folding map, last page in facsimile.
ELIAS, Ney – Narrative of a journey through Western Mongolia, July 1872 to January 1873. 49-page article from RGS journal, 1873. Folding map, appendices – itineraries, survey, climate.
ENVER PASCHA – Um Tripolis. 1st Edn, Munchen, 1918. 102 pp, 11 photos. A few pencil annotations on two pages. (Enver's diary entries from 4th September 1911 – 25 November, 1912).
EVANS, Lt. Col. De Lace – On the Practicality of an Invasion of British India; and on the commercial & financial prospects & resources of the Empire. 1st Edn, 1829. 147 pp, coloured map. Handwritten paper label title on spine. (See PH's The Great Game)
FORBES, Maj. H.F. – The road from Simla to Shipki in Chinese Tibet & various minor routes with a few hints for travellers. 1st Edn, Calcutta, Thacker, Spink & Co,. 1893. 45pp, folding map in end pocket. 8vo.
FORSYTH, Sir Douglas – Progress of Trade with Central Asia. 1st Edn, 1877. 48pp.
GILL, Captain W.J. – travels in Western China & on the Eastern borders of Tibet. 115-page article from RGS Journal, 1878. Large folding map. Includes detailed itinerary.
GILLETT, M.C. – 'Hill Trips' or Excursions in China. Printed for private circulation, Lahore, 1937. Limited numbered edn of 50 copies of which this is no.35. 153 pp, original green 'local' cloth. Inscribed on e/p by gillett from Kashgar & letter from Gillett in Kashgar tipped in. (Sir Michael Gillett was British Consul-General in Kashgar. Also held many other posts in China).
GLEN, Rev.William – Journal of a tour from Astrachan to Karass, North of the mountains of Carcasus 1st Edn, 1823.227 pp. Leather-backed marbled boards.
GOLDSMID, Col. Sir Frederic John – Central Asia, and its Question: being a paper reads in the Speech-room of Harrow School on 18th March, 1873. 64 pp, plain boards.
GOLTZ, Field Marshal Colmar von der – Anatolische Ausfluge. Berlin, N.d. (1896). 460 pp, 37 illus (photos & sketches), 18 sketch maps. Origional blue decorated leather covers with gilt lettering. Photo taken by P.H. of Moltz's grave in the grounds of the German summer residence in Istanbul tipped in.
GOOCH, G.P. & Masterman, J.H.B. – A century of British Foreign Policy. 1st Edn, Council for the study of International Relations, 1917. 110 pp, 8vo. (Concerned mainly with the Middle & Far East).
(GREAT GAME) Anon – Notes on the Relations of British India with some of the countries west of the Indus. 1839. 23pp.
(GREAT GAME) Convention signed on August 31, 1907, between Great Britain and Russia, containing Arrangements on the subject of Persia, Afghanistan, and Tibet. HMSO, September 1907. Cd. 3750. 11pp. (Aimed at safeguarding India's frontiers, it arguably marked the end of the Great Game).
(GREAT GAME) Russia versus India, or Observations on the Present Political Relations of England with the East. by An Old Indian. 1st Edn, 1838. 27 pp
(GREAT GAME)The Russian Warning. N.p., n.d. 33 pp. half-leather, marbled boards, 4to. Inscribed on title 'The Earl of Carlisle with the writer's compts R.Warburton, Peshawar, 2.2.92'. (A detailed analysis of possible Russian strategies against British India. R. Warburton is almost certainly Sir Robert Warburton, son of a British Colonel and an Afghan princess, who was born in Afghanistan in 1842. A regular soldier, he later served as a political officer in the Khyber region, where he acquired a legendary reputation, raising the Khyber Rifles. Wrote Eighteen years in the Khyber.
GREEN. Col.Sir Henry – The Defence of the North-West Frontier in India with reference to the advance of Russia in Central Asia. 1873. 36 pp, folding coloured map
GREGORY, J.W. & C.J. – The Geology & Physical Geography of Chinese Tibet, & its relations to the mountain system of South-Eastern Asia, from observations made during the Percy Sladen Exhibition, 1922. Transaction of the Royal Society of London, 1924. 127 pp, 3 plates, folding map (geology sketch map of North-West Yunnan), 4to. Inscription to Col. F.M. Bailey from authors on front covers.
GUNTHER, R.T. – Contributions to the Geography of Lake Irmi and its neighbourhood. 20-page article from RGS Journal, November, 1899. 3 photos, 3 sketches, folding map. Bound in cloth covers.
HANNA, Col.H.B. – Indian Problems. 3 vols. I: Can Russia Invade India? II: India's Scientific Frontier. Where is it? What is it? III: Backwards or Forwards? 1st editions, 1895. 95, 111, 143 pp, 2 folding maps (lacks map to vol.3). Original red cloth. New Univ. Club Lib. 8vo.
HAXTHAUSEN, Baron August von – The Tribes of the Caucasus. With an account of Schamyl and the murids. 1st edition, 1855. 130pp, 8vo.
HEDIN, Sven – Tibet und Die Geschichte seiner Erforschung. 26-page off print from Sinica Jg, vol. X1V, 1939, 4 illus, inscribed on front to Orvar Karlbeck from Sven Hedin (in Swedish). 8vo.
HIPPEAU, Edmond – Les Republiques du Caucase. Georgie – Azerbaidjan. 1st Edn, Paris, 1920. 72 pp
HOLDICH, Col. T. H. – Notes on Ancient and Medieval Makran. 20-page article from RGS Journal, 1896. folding map. modern cloth.
HOLMS, John MP – Commercial and Financial Aspects of the Eastern Question. 20-page pamphlet from 'The Eastern Question Association' n.d. (1880s). papers on the Eastern Question no. 3.
HIMBAULT-HUART, M.C. – Le pays de 'Hami ou Khamil. Description, Historie. D'apres les auteurs Chinois. Bulletin de Geogr. HIst. Et Descriptive, 1892. 75 pp, folding map.
ISLAM in India. / Islam in Africa. Peace Handbook, historical Section, Foreign Office, 1919. 48 pp, 2 maps in end pocket. Stamp of 'British Embassy Constantinople' on front cover & title page.
JERNINGHAM, Hubert – Russia's warnings. Collected from Official Papers. 1st Edn, 1885. 56pp. original green cloth. (Central Asia, 1869-84).
KEMP, Miss E.G. – An artist's impressions of Western Tibet and the Turkestans16-pp offprint from the Central Asian Society, 1913. wr.
KHAN, Said Alim (Exiled Amir of Bokhara) – La Voix de la Boukharie Opprimee. 1st Edn, Paris, 1929. 71 pp, 6 plates & folding map, 8vo. Limited to 1,000 copies, none for sale. The plates include a colour illus of the National flag, the Emir, Boukharan decorations, etc. (KHIVA) A Narrative of the Russian Military Expidition to Khirva, under General Perfski, in 1839. translated from the Russian for the Foreign Department of the Government of India. 1st Edn, Calcutta, 1867. 182pp, folding plan & folding map. A few faint 'Calcutta Mint Library' stamps & number on title page. Original green cloth.
KIDWAI, Shaikh M.H. (of Gadia) – The future of the Muslim Empire, Turkey. 1st Edn, the central Islamic Society, n.d. (1919). 63 pp, wr. Preface by Marmaduke Pickthall.
KING, W.H. – The Telegraph to Lhasa. 5-page article in RGS Journal, June 1924. 2 photos. Also Capt. P.K. Boulnois : On the Western Frontier of Sudan. 14 pp, 12 photos, sketch map, wr. vg. (King was Assistant Engineer, Indian Telegraph Department).
KOSTENKO, Captain – Description of the journey of a Russian Mission to Bokhara in 1870. Trans by Robert Michell. Printed for the Secret & Political Department of the India Office, n.d. 71 pp. first & last pages browned . 'Confidential' written on title page.
(KURDISTAN) Noel, Maj. Edward – Diary of Major E.W.C.Noel, C.I.E., D.S.O., on special duty in Kurdistan. From June 14th to September 21st, 1919. Government Press, Basrah, n.d.(1920's?). 76 pp, 64 photos. Rebound with original wrappers preserved. Times obit of Noel tipped in. On title page he is erroneously called E.M.
LAMANKSKY, M. Eugene – Esquisse Geographique due Bassin de la Mer d'Aral, et quelques traits des Moeurs des Habitants de Boukhara, Khiva et Kokan. Lue a La Societe de Geographie de Paris. 40-page 'extrait du Bulletin de la Societe de Geographie'. Pari, 1858. With inscription from the author.
LEE, John - Cataloguer of the Egyptian Antiquities in the Museum of Hartwell House. 1st Edn, 1858. 91 pp, text illus, 1 plate, 1 folding plate of 'The Hartwell Papyrus'. Cloth-backed boards. Owned & annotated by Henry Tattam, leading Coptic scholar of his time.
LITTLE, Archibald – Notes on Western China and the opening of Ch'ung-k'ing. 1890. 22 pp, wr. Inscribed by author on front wr.cover. An introduction to Alexander Hosie's 'Three Years in Western China'.
LITTLEDALE, St.George – A journey across the Pamir from North to South. 35-page article extracted from RGS Journal, 1891. Folding map.
LOVETT, Lt-Col. Beresford – Itinerary Notes of Route Surveys in Northern Persia, in 1881 and 1882. 28-page article in RGS Journal, February, 1883. Large, folding map. Also other articles & reviews, wr. MACARTNEY (Sir) George – Eastern Turkestan: The Chinese as Rulers over an Alien Race. 20-page offprint from the Central Asian Society, 1909. Original red wrappers. Also tipped in is a review by Mccartney of Stein's 'Innermost Asia'. (Macartney was legendary British Consul-General in Kashgar).
MACDONALD, David – Touring in Sikkim and Tibet. 1st Edn, Kalimpong, 1930. 142 pp. Rebound in half-leather with raised bands. 8vo. (Tibetan-speaking author was British Trade Agent, Gyantse and Yatung, Tibet, for 15 years).
MCNAIR, W.W. – A Visit to Kafiristan. 18-page article from RGS Journal, Jan. 1884. Accompanying map was not ready for this issue & is therefore not present. (A journal done in disguise. See Keay's Gilgit Game, pp.113-122).
MALLESON, Col. G.B. – The Russo- Afghan Question and the invasion of India 2nd edn, London, 1885. 192 pp, sketch map, 8vo. MANCHURIA. Foreign Office Handbook, 1919. Peace Handbook 68a. 88 pp, wr.
MANNERHEIM, (Field-Marshal) C.G.E. – A visit to the Saro and Shera Yogurs. 1st Edn, Helsingfors, Societe Finno-Ougrienne, 1909. 72 pp, 33 photos, 35 objects illustrated by photo & sketches on 5 plates, folding map, wr. vg. Letter from Finnish Embassy to PH re Mannerheim collection tipped in.
MAP of Afghanistan & adjoining countries; showing the Russo-Afghan Frontier, & the advances of Russia towards India. Stanford map, wr. vg. Letter from Finnish Embassy to PH re Mannerheim collection tipped in.
MARVIN, Charles – Our Public Officers: embodying an account of the Disclosure of the Anglo-Russian Agreement and the Unrevealed Secret Treaty of May 31st, 1878. 3rd edn, 1882. 334 pp, sketch illus, 8vo. (Perhaps his rarest work. The inside story of his celebrated 'leak', which led to his arrest but subsequent release. See PH The Great Game, p. 419)
MASON, Lieut. Kenneth – the Indo-Russian Triangulation Connection. 9-page article in RGS Journel, June 1914. Also Dr. F. de Filippi's Asiatic Expedition, 5 pp. And other articles & reviews.
MAYER, S.R. & John C.Paget – Afghanistan. Its Political & Military history, Geography & Ethnology. Including a full account of the wars of 1839-42. And an appendix on the prospects of a Russian invasion of India. 1st Edn, 1879. 191 pp, map, 12mo.
MELVILLE, Hon. William Leslie – Remarks on the War in Afghanistan. 1842. 27-page pamphlet.
MICHAILOW – Adventures of a Russian Captive; among the Kalmucs, Kirghiz, and Kiwenses. Written by himself. 1822. 46 pp, MICHELL, Robert – The Jaxartes or Syr-Daria, from Russian Sources. 31-page extract from RGS Journal, 1868. Leather-backed marbled boards.
MOHAMMEDAN HISTORY. Foreign Office Peace Handbook. HMSO, 1920. 156 pp. Faint Univ.College lib stamp on title page & cover. Divided into three sections – The Rise of Islam & the Pan-Islamic Movement. The Rise of the Turks & the Pan-Turanian Movement. Islam in India & Africa.
MOLTKE, Helmuth von – Briefe uber Zustande und Begebenheiten in der Turkei, aus den Jahren 1835 bis 1839. 1st Edn, Berlin, 1911. 546 pp, f'piece, 2 maps, plan & sketch. Dec. Cloth. Interesting cutting from The Times loosely inserted. See PH's On secret service East of Constantinople.
MONGOLIA. Foreign Office Handbook no. 68. HMSO, 1920. 24 pp, wr. (MONGOLIA) Despatch from his majesty's minister at Peking, enclosing a RReport by Mr George J.Kidston on a journey in Mongolia. HMSO, May, 1904. Cd. 1954. 26 pp, 22 photographs. Folio. (MONGOLIA) Recent Russian Explorations in Western Mongolia. 4-page article in 'The Geographical Magazine', July 1875, with coloured map. Also 3-page article on 'Captain Napier's travels in northern Persia'; 1-page article on 'Zanzibar'. And other articles & reviews. Disbound. La 8vo.
MONTGOMERIE, Captain T.G. – Report on the Trans-Himalayan Explorations, in connection with the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, during 1865-7: Route-Survey made by (an unnamed) Pundit, from Nepal to Lhasa, and thence through the upper valley of the Brahmaputra to its Source. Extracts from a paper read at the RGS, 1868. 28 pp, wr.
MOORCROFT, William – A journey to Lake Manasarovara in U'n-des, a province of little Tibet. 157-page article extracted from the Asiatic Society of Calcutta Journal, 1816. Folding map.
MORELL, John Reynell – Russia and England: their Strengths and Weaknesses. 1st Edn, New York, 1854. 94pp, 8vo. (mostly the Caucasus. Much on Schamyl.)
MORGAN, E. Delmar – Journey of Carey and Dalgleish in Chineae Turkestan and Northern Tibet (Dalgleish's detailed 40-page itiniary), and General Prejevalsky on the Orography of Northern Tibet. 86-page RGS Supplementary Pape, 1890. 1 photo, large folding map, original blue wr. Also tipped in obit of A.D. Carey, June, 1936. (Dalgleish was later murdered. See PH's The Great Game.
MORGAN, E. Delmar – Notes on the recent Geography of Central Asia; from Russian Sources. 61-page article in the RGS Supplementary Papers, 1884. large folding map.
MORGAN, E. Delmar – Prejevalsky's Journeys and Discoveries in Central Asia. 20-page article in RGS Journal, April 1887. Plus 'Potanin's Journey in North-Western China & Eastern Tibet' 3 pp. And 'A Journey in Northern & Eastern Manchuria' 4 pp. Also other articles. Together with large, folding map of Prejevalsky's routes in RGS Journal for May, 1887. wr.
MROER, Captain – Memoir on the Countries about the Caspian and Aral Seas, illustrative of the late Russian Expedition against Khivah. Trans from the German if Lieutenant Carl Zimmermann, of the Prussian Service. 1st Edn, 1840. 74 pp, folding table & folding map in front pocket, a little worn at the folds. Small embossed lib stamp on a few pages.
MONTGOMERIE, Captain T.G. – report on the Trans-Himalayan Explorations, in connection with the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, during 1865-7: Route-Survey made by an unnamed Pundit, from Nepal to Lhasa, and thence through the upper valley of the Brahmaputra to its Source. Extracts from a paper read at the RGS, 1868. 28pp
MULLER, Prof. Max – Suggestions for the Assistance of Officers in Leaning the languages of the seat of War in the East.. 1st Edn, 1854, 134 p, folding, coloured 'ethnological' map. (Semitie, Arian & Turanian groups.)
NAZAROV, Philippe – Voyage a Khokand entrepris en 1813 et 1814. 122-page article extracted from 'Magasin Asiatique', 1825. Map.
NEWELL, Lt-Col. H.A. – Ambala to Peshawar by Motor car. A guide to places of interest along the road. Lahore, 1917. Printed at tge 'Civil & Military gazette' Press. 42 pp, 7-pages of ads, following map, 12mo.
(NIEDERMAYER)German intrigues in Persia. The diary of a German agent. The Niedermayer Expedition through Persia to Afghanistan and India. 1918. trans from the German. 40 pp, sketch map. (Diary of Lt. Walter Griesinger, one of Niedermayer's officers, captured by British & published with commentary by them).
NOEL, Capt. J.C.L. – A Reconnaissance in the Caspian Provinces of Persia. 18-page article from RGS Journal, June 1921. 8 photos, sketch map.
O'BRIEN, Capt. J.B.L. – A Reconnaissance in the Caspian Provinces of Persia. 18-page article from RGS journal, June 1921. 8 photos, sketch map.
THE PAN-ISLAM MOVEMNET and the Rise of Islam and the Caliphate. Foreign Office Peace Handbook, 1919. 72 pp. Small FCO lib stamp on title page.
The PARSIS and their religion . complied from Dosahoy Framjee, Murray Mitchell, Darmesteter...etc. 1st Edn, 1900. 88 pp. 10 illus, boards, 12mo.
PELLIOT, Paul – Les Documents Chinois Trouves par la Mission Kozlov a Khara-Khoto. 16-page offprint from 'Journal Asiatique', Paris, 1914.
(PELLIOT) Paul Pelliot. La Societe Asiatique, Paris, 1946. 80 pp. Portrait f'piece, plain wr. (7 essays in honour of Pelliot by George Salles, Edmond Faral, Jean Dilliozat, Louis Vaillant, Paul Demieville, J.Deny & L.Hambis. Plus a list of Pelliot's work.
PEREIRA, Maj-Gen. Sir Cecil – Peking to Lhasa. From the diaries of the late Big Gen. George Pereira. 22-page article, 12 photos. Sketch map in RGS Journal, August, 1924. Also The Mount Everest Dispatches (20pp, 2 photos).
(PERSIA/AFGHANISTAN) Correspondence relating to Persia & Afghanistan. London, 1839. 524pp, bound in India in black leather spine & boards. (Important Great Game item. Political letters from diplomats in Russia & Persia to Foreign Office in London. Followed by Indian papers on treaties & correspondence dealing with Afghanistan & Persia – in particular correspondence from Alexander Burnes in Kabul).
PITTS, Joseph – the religion of the Mahometans, with a description of Mecca and Medina. 29-page extract with folding illus of 'The Temple at Mecca'. Contemporary extract from Pitts' 'A faithful account of the religion and Manners of Mahometans', 1704. rebound in boards. 12mo.
(POLLOCK MEDAL) Anon – Memoir, extracted and compiled from various sources, to illustrate the origin and foundation of the Pollock Medal. 1st Edn, Woolwich, 1875. 102 pp, original covers (showing medal in gilt). (Deals hardly at all with the medal bearing his name, and almost entirely with Gen.Pollock's dramatic part in the race to avenge the Afghan disaster of 1841-42. See PH's The Great Game, pages 272-277).
(POTTINGER) review of Lt. Henry Pottinger's 'Travels in Beloochistan and Sinde'. Extract from the Asiatic Journal, 1816. 9pp. (Early secret Great Game reconnaissance by young Indian Army subalterns in disguise as horse-traders.)
RAWLINSON, (Sir) H.C. – Notes on a Journey from Tabriz, through Persian Kurdistan, to the ruins of Takhti-Soleiman, and from thence by Zenjan and Tarom, to Gilan, in October & November, 1838; with a memoir on the site of the Atropatenian Ecbatana. RGS Journal, 1840. 158 folding map
RAWLINSON, Major-Gen. Sir H.c. – Observations n two memoirs recently published by M.Veniukof on the Pamir Region and the Bolor country in Central Asia. 19-page article in proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society Journal, 1866. Also – Capt. T.G Montgomerie: on the Geographical Position of Yarkund & other places in Central Asia (4pp); Capt. A. Bennett: Rough Notes on a Visit to Daba, in Thibet (4 pp); W.Lockhart: Notes on Peking and its neighbourhood (4 pp).
RIDLEY, Rev. H. French – Over the Takla-Makan Desert. A journey in Chinese Turkestan. 59-page offprint from 'Hexham Courant', 1930. portrait photo, sketch map, 12mo. (Author was with China inland Mission).
(ROCKHILL) Mr Rockhill's attempt to reach Lhasa. 5-page article in RGS Journal, December 1889. Also other articles (this account of his journey was contained in a letter from Chungking to Mr H.H. Howarth, MP, dated August 2nd, 1889.
ROCKHILL, William – The 1910 Census of the population of China. 9-page offprint form the 'T'oung-Pao', vol. XIII. Leyden, 1912
ROSS, Sir E.Denison and Wingate, Rachel – Dialogues in the Eastern Turki Dialect on Subjects of interest to travellers. 1st. Edn, Royal Asiatic Society, 1934. 60 pp, boards.
(RUSSIA) The QUARTERLY REVIEW, March 1854 & December 1853. 3 sets of reviews extracted & bound in marbled boards & cloth spine. 131 pp. 1st set of reviews (Russian Empire) – baron Auguste de Haxthausen: Etudes sur la Situation Interieure, la Vie Nationale, et les institutions Rurales de la Russie. Laurence Oliphant : the shores of the black sea. Shirely Brooks : The Russians of the South.. L.Leouzonle SDuc: La Russie Contemporaine. Von Moltke: Der Russisch-Turkische Feldzug in der Europaischen Turkei 1828 und 1829. he speech of the Earl of Shaftsbury in the House of Lords on March 1, on the manifesto of the Emperor of Russia. 2nd Set of reviews: (Turkey and Russia) – the Progress & present position of Russia in the East; an historical summery. M.A. Ubicini: Lettres sur la turquie; ou tableau Statustuque, Religieux, Polituque, Administratif, Militaire, et Commerciale de 18 empire Ottoman depuis le Khatti-Cherif de e Gulkhane and M.A. Ubicini : La Question d'Orient devant l'Europe. Documents Officiels, Manifestes, Notes , Firmans, Circulaires, etc., depuis l'Origine du different ; annotes et precedes d'une Exposition de la Question des Lieux-Saints. 3rd set reviews (The Turks and Greeks) – Correspondence relating to Turkey presented to Parliament. Ma. Ubicini: Lettres sur la Turquiie. Robert Curzon: Armenia: A Year at Ertzeroom and on the Frontiers of Turkey, Persia and Russia. W.W, Smyth: A Year with the Turks. Patrick O'Brien: Journal of the residence in the Danubian Principalities in 1853. E. E. Crowe: The Greek & the Turk; or, powers and prospects in the Levant. Captain Slade: Travels in Turkey, with a Cruise in the lack Sea. And Communications respecting Turkey made to HM Government by the Emperor of Russia, with the answers returned to them, January to April 1853.
(RUSSIA) The QUARTERLY REVIEW, January 1887. 576 pp, (plus 100-pages of ads, mainly new books), John Murray 1887. Includes anonymous 22-page review of 3 publications on Constantinople, Russia and India – (1) Lt. A.C. Yate: England and Russia face to face in Asia. Travels with the Afghan Bounday Commission. (2) S.G.W. Benjamin: Persia and the Persians. (3) Captain J.M. Grierson: The Armed Strength of Russia. Prepared in the Intelligence Branch of the War Office.
RAMBAUD, Alfred – The Expansion of Russia: Problems of the East and Problems of the Far East. 1stEdn, Burlington, Vermont, 1900. 95pp, 8vo. (Reprint of an essay written for 'The International Monthly'.)RAWLINSON, Major- Gen. Sir H.C. – The Road to Merv. 30-page article in RGS Journal, March 1879. Folding map. Also – C.R. Markham: The Basin of the Helmund. (10 pp, large folding map). Also other articles & reviews.
RAYMOND, M. Xivier – Historia del Afghanistan. 1st Edn, Barcelona, 1847. 77 pp, 10 plates, folding map.
RICKMERS, Willy Rickmer –Travels in Bokhara. 25 – page article extracted from RGS Journal, December 1899. 10 photos, folding map.
RICKHILL, William – Explorations in Mongolia and Tibet. 20-page article. Sketch map, 8 photos, 3 sketch illus. No record of date, or which publication this appeared in. Bound in marbled boards. (Rockhill set out on this journey in 1891)
RODENBOUGH, Brigadier-General Theo – Afghanistan and the Anglo-Russian Dispute. An account of Russia's advance towards India, based upon the reports & experiences of Russian, German, and British officers and travellers; with a description of Afghanistan & of the military resources of the powers concerned. 1st Edn, New York, 1885. 139 pp, 23 illus, 3 folding maps. Cloth, 8vo. (By an American General).
ROMANOVSKI, M. – Notes on the Central Asiatic Question. 1st Edn, Calcutta, 1870. 192 pp. Stylishly rebound with leather spine and marbled boards. Royal United Services 'presented by R. Mitchell' (who translated many Russian Great Game works).
(ROSS, Sir Denison) – A Manual on the Turanians and Pan-Turanianism. Naval Staff Intelligence Department, 1918. 256 pp, large, coloured folding map in rear pocket. 'British Embassy, Constantinople'
ROUIRE, Dr – La Rivalité Anglo- Russe au XIXe Siecle en Asie. Gold Persique – Frontieres de l'Inde. 1st Edn, Paris, 1908. 298 pp, folding map. 8vo.
(RUSSIA) The Evacuation of North Russia, 1919. HMSO, 1920. Parliamentary Papers. 45 pp, 2 folding maps. Large 8vo.
RUSSIAN Designs against India, and Intrigues in Afghanistan. A short statement of facts, complied from Official Sources. February, 1881. Publication of the National Union, no. XLIX. 8 pp
RUSSIAN missions into the Interior of Asia: I: Nazaroff's expedition to Kokand. II: Eversmann & Jakovlew's account of Bucharia. III: Capt. Mouraview's Embassy to Turkomania and Chiva. Trans. from the German. 1823. 112 pp, 1 aquatint plate.
The New RUSSO-PERSIAN Frontier east of the Caspian Sea. 6-page article in RGS Journal, April 1882, with sketch map. Also Lt. Kalitin's Journey across the Turkoman Desert from Geok-tepeh to the Khivan Oasis. 6 pp. and other articles and reviews, wr.
(RUSSOPHOBE PAMPHLETS) 3 anonymous articles (by David Urquhart) bound in with two further articles (one by Sir John McNeill). 449 pp, 2 folding maps. Leather –backed marbled boards, sl scuffed, contents vg. Articles as follows: David Urquhart – England, France, Russia & Turkey. 1835. 119 pp. – The Sultan Mahmoud, & Mehemet Ali Pasha. 1835. 67 pp. – a Statement of Facts. By a resident at Constantinople. 1835. 60 pp. Sir John McNeill – Progress and Present Position of Russia in the East. 1836. 151 pp, folding, coloured map. Last, unidentified article – The Confederation of Gaul. Copy of a Diplomatic Paper taken at St Petersburgh in 1836, from the Original Document deposited in the Secret Archives of the Russian Court. 1838. 52 pp, map.
(SAUDI ARABIA) Berger, Philippe – Nouvelles Inscriptions Nabateennes de Medain Salih. Paris, 1884. 19 pp, 2 folding plates. 8vo.
SHAKESPEAR, Capt. Sir Richmond – a personal Narrative of a Journey from Heraut to Ourenbourg, on the Caspian, in 1840. 30-page article in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, June 1842. Bound in with other Blackwood magazine issues from Jan-June, 1842. Half leather, marbled boards, with Aldenham School lib label on fep, but contents vg. (only existing account of Captain Shakespear's freeing of the Khivan slaves. See PH The Great Game)
SHOWERS, Maj-Gen C.L. – The "Central Asian Question" and massacre of the Cabul Embassy. 29-page pamphlet. London, 1879
STEBNITZKI, M. – Les Steppes des Turcomans. 11-page pamphlet. n.p. 1870. Extracted from a French journal.
STEBNITZKY, Col. – Report on a journey in 1872 in Central & Southern Turkomania. Summarised & translated from the Russian by E. Delmar Morgan. 10-page article from RGS Journal, n.d. (c.1873?).
STEIN, Sir Aurel – Central-Asian Relics of China's Ancient Silk Trade. 8-page offprint fom "Asia Major", 1922. wr. vg. Also tiped in - Sir Aurel Stein: an Archaeological Tour along the Waziristan Border. 4-page article from RGS Journal, April 1928. Plus Dr. M.A. Stein: Notes on Topographical Work in Chinese Turkestan. 5-page article from RGS Journal, April 1901.
STEWART, Lt.Col. Charles – The Counry of the Tekke Turkomans, and the Tejend and Murghab Riversl 34-page article from the RGS Journal, September 1881. Large folding map of Khorasan and Neighbouring Countries. (By author of Through Persia in Disguise)
STEWART, Col. Charles – The Herat Valley and the Persian Border., from the Harirud to Sistan. 20-page article from RGS Journal, March 1886. Folding map, red cloth.
STRANGFORD, Viscountess (ed) – A Selection from the Writings of Viscount Strangford on Political, Geographical and Social Subjects. 2 vols. 1st Edn, 1869. 439, 341 pp, foxing on e/p & bookplate (of Joseph Cowen) (Largely Turkey, Central Asia & Russia)
SUYEMATSU, Baron – La Russie et Le Japon. Probsthain, 1904. 28pp.
SYKES, Brig-Gen. Sir Percy – Afghanistin: The Present Position. 31-page article from Journal of the Royal Central Asian Society, April 1940. 1 sketch map, wr. Also a 3-page obit of Sir Michael O'Dwyer by Sykes. (O'Dwyer was shot dead by an Indian terrorist during his lecture by Sykes).
SYKES, Herbert – The Lut, The Great Desert of Persia. 13-page offprint, 'Journal of the Geographic Society', 1907. (Includes author's own crossing).
SYKES, Sir Percy – South Persia and the Great War. 17-page article in RGS Journal , August, 1921. 8 photos, sketch map. Also other articles & reviews
SYKES, Major P.M. – A Sixth Journey in Persia. 33-page article RGS Journal, 1911. 7 sketch plans, 8 photos, folding map, few sl. (Two tours – i) A Tour in Ancient Parthia and ii) Nishapur and Turshiz.)
TEICHMAN, Sir Eric – The Motor Route from Peking to Kashgar. 12-page article with 11 photos, folding map. RGS Journal, April 1937. Also other articles 7 reviews, (Contains Teichman's now famous photograph of 5 armed men on ponies used by PH as the cover picture for his The Great Game.)
TEMPLE, Bernard – The Place of Persia in World-Politics. 24-page offprint. Central Asian Society, 1910.
TEMPLE, Sir Richard, The Lake Region of Sikkim, on the frontier of Tibet. 19-page article with 1 plate & 10 illus, in RGS Journal, June 1881. Also E.D. Morgan: Dr Regel's Expedition from Kuldja to Turfan in 1879-80 (13 pp). And other articles & reviews
THOMPSON, H.G. – From Yunnan-Fu to Peking along thje Tibetan & Mongolian Borders, including the last journey of Brig. Gen. George Pereira. 24-page article in RGS Journal, January 1926. 14 photos, 2 sketch maps. And other articles and reviews
TIBET. Peace Handbook. HMSO, 1920. 75 pp.
(TIBET) Explorations in Western Tibet, by the Trans-Himalayan parties of the Indian Trigonometrical Survey. 9-page article in RGS Journal, July 1879. Also other articles & reviews.
(TIBET) Shelton, Mrs A.L. – Songs of Service containing Words & Music of Sacred Hymns, including Selections from Amundsen's Hymn-Book as well as Twenty Kindergarten Songs. Tibetan translation by Gezong Ongdu. 1st Edn, Calcutta Baptist Mission Press, 1922. 155 pp, thin cloth covers. Colonel F.M. Bailey's signature on fep. (sheet music and Tibetan script).
TREVELYAN, Sir Charles – From Pesth to Brindisi. Being notes of a tour in the autumn of 1869 from Perth to Belgrade, Constantinople, Athens, Corfu, Brindisi and Naples. 1st Edn, Edinburgh, n.d. 68 pp. 'With the author's kind regards' on title page which is slightly worn.
TSYBIKOFF, G.Ts – Lhasa and Central Tibet. 20-page article extracted from RGS Journal, n.d. (1905). 9 photographs. Trans from the Imperial Russian Geographical Society journal, 1903. Cloth-backed marbled boards. (Author travelled to Lhasa disguised as a pilgrim in April 1900, managed to evade detection and take photographs).
(TURKEY) The Northern Question. Or Russia's Policy in Turkey Unmasked. 1876. 71 pp. Leather-backed boards. (Anon, but preface says author is an Englishman who had 'travelled for some years, with a thoroughly unbiased mind' in Turkey.)
(TURKEY/PERSIA) Correspondence respecting the Demarcation of the Frontier between Turkey and Persia. HMSO, London, 1865. 12 pp, wr. 4to. (Letters between Sir Stratford Canning and Viscount Palmerston & Sir A. Buchanan to Earl Russell. Including Treaty of Erzeroom between Turkey & Persia signed May, 1847.
TYACKE, Lt. Col. R.H. – The Sportsman's Manual. In quest of game in Kullu, Lahoul & Ladak, to the Tso Morari Lake. With notes on shooting in Spiti, Bara Bagahal, Chambra, & Kashmir. And a detailed description of sport in more than 130 Nalas. 1st Edn, Calcutta, 1893. 128 pp, 7 folding maps. Original cloth. 12mo.
UNITED SERVICES JOURNAL. Extracts of Eastern Military interest. 1833, '34, '39, '49. 146pp, 2 sketch maps, boards. vg. (Among the 7 articles are the following: On the Overland Invasion of India, by J.M. (Sir John Malcolm) dated 1833. 23 pp. Also the Natural and Artificial Defences of Asia Minor, by T.M. Russell, late of the Kurdistan Expedition, 1840. And the Battle of Nazib, by T.M. Russell, dated 1840.)
URQUHART, David – The Mystery of the Danube. Showing how through Secret Diplomacy, that river has been closed, exportation from Turkey arrested, and the re-opening of the isthmus of Suez prevented. 1st Edn, 1851. 149 pp, 2 folding maps, some pencil side-lining. Red-leather.
URQUHART, David – Progress of Russian in the West, North, and South. London, 4th Edn, 1853. 438 pp, 8vo (Covers Spain, Hungary, Scandinavia, Denmark, the Danube & Euxine, and the Levant and Red Sea)
URQUHART, David – Recent Events in the East. Being a reprint of contributions to the Morning Advertiser, during the autumn of 1853. 1st Edn thus, 1854, 311 pp. Half leather and marbled boards, 8vo.
(URQUHART, David) – England, France , Russia, and Turkey. 4th Edn, 1835. 119 pp, inscribed by author on half-title.
(URQUHART, David) –England and Russia: Being a fifth edition of England, France, Russia and Turkey. Revised & enlarged, 1835. 220 pp. Rebound in half-leather & marbled boards. (See Hopkirk's The Great Game, pp. 153-8)
URQUHART, David – The Edinburgh Review and the Afghan War. Letters reprinted, with additions, from the Morning Herald. 1st Edn, 1843. 61 pp. Tipped in is a 'Political Fly-Sheet no. V' – Position of Louis Napoleon in respect to Russia: also 'A Letter on Circassia', 1854. 14 pp. Speech given by David Urquhart in 1853)
VAMBERY, Prof. (Arminius) Hermann – Ueber die Reformfahighkeit der Turkei 1st Edn, Budapest, 1877. 60 pp
VAMBERY, A. – The Russian Campaign in Khokand. 4-page article in 'The Geographical Magazine', April 1876. With folding, coloured map. Also other articles. 8vo.
VALENTINI, Baron von – Military Reflections on Turkey. Extracted & translated from the General's Treatise on the Art of War. By a Military Officer. 1st Edn, 1828. 102 pp, map & plan. Ex-Cavalry Club Library, with label on fep. Front free endpaper annotated with a handwritten bibliography & notes. (Russian threat to Constantinople).
VAUGHAN, Captain H.B. – Journeys in Persia (1890-91). 31-page article from RGS Journal, January and February 1896, folding, coloured map.
"VINCENT, Arthur" – The Defence of India. 1st Edn, 1922. Vol. 2 of 'India of Today' series, but complete in itself. 95 pp, folding map. 8vo. (The Russian Menace, The Frontier Army, Border Countries, Northern & North-Eastern Frontiers & Burma).
VON LE COQ, A. – A Short Account of the Origin, Journey, & Results of the first Royal Prussian (Second German) Expedition to Turfan in Chinese Turkestan. 24-page offprint from 'Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society' April 1909.
WALKER, Gen. J.T. – Four Years' Journeyings through Great Tibet, by one of the Trans-Himilayan explorers of the Survey of India. 28-page article in RGS article in RGS Journal, February 1885. Also other articles & reviews, folding map (Author was late Surveyor-Gen)
WEIL, M – L'Expedition de Khiva. 1st Edn, Paris, 1874. Publication de la Reunion des Officiers. 72 pp, 2 small folding maps. 8vo
WESTMACOTT, Capt. G.E. – The Present and Future Prospects of our Indian Empire. Indian Commerce & Russian Intrigue. 1st Edn, 1838. 84 pp, folding map. Rebound in grey boards, 8vo. (Author served as a political officer in northern India.)
WILLIAMSON, Rev. Alexander – Notes on Manchuria. 26-page article extracted from RGS Journal, 1870. Folding map. Bound in cloth boards.
WILSON, Lt-Col. Sir Arnold – The Bakhtiaris. 21-page offprint from Central Asian Society's Journal, July 1926
YATE, Captain A.C. – Colonel Yate's Mission to Herat and the Kushk Valley. 5-page article in 'The Scottish Geographical Magazine', August 1893. Also Gen. J.T. Walker" The Divarications of the Lower Oxus (4pp). And other articles & reviews.
YOUNGHUSBAND, Lieut. F.E. – A Journey across Central Asia, from Machuria and Peking to Kashmir, over the Mustagh Pass. 34-page article from RGS Journal, 1888. folding map.
YOUNGHUSBAND, Captain F.E. – Journeys in the Pamirs and Adjacent Countries. 30-page article from RGS Journal, April 1892. Folding map.
YOUNGHUSBAND, Sir Francis – The Geographical Results of the Tibet Mission. 18-page offprint from RGS Journal, May 1905. 10 photos, folding, coloured route map.
YOUNGHUSBAND, Lt. F.E. – A Journey across Central Asia, from Manchuria & Peking to Kashmir over the Mustagh Press. 34-page article in RGS Journal, August 1888. Also other articles & reviews. Original blue wrappers. And RGS Journal, September 1888 with the folding map to accompany the Younghusband article, and 8-page article on the Hydrography of S.E. Tibet by Gen. J.T. Walker.
YOUNGHUSBAND, Col. Sir Francis – Our position in Tibet. 15-page offprint. Central Asian Society. Read on Nov. 2, 1910
YOUNGHUSBAND, Sir Francis – Wedding. 1942. 76 pp, wrappers. (Probably Younghusband's rarest title, and his last. See Patrick French, p.382-386)
YOUNGHUSBAND, Lt. Col. Sir Francis – obits and tributes. 7-page article in RGS Journal, September 1942. Tributes by three officers on the Tibet Mission – Frederick O'Connor, C.E.D. Ryder & F.M. Bailey. Also other articles & reviews.
YULE, Colonel H. – Papers connected with the Upper Oxus Regions. 43-page article in RGS Journal, n.d. (1873). With folding page showing three sketch maps. Plain grey boards with paper label.
BROWNE, Edward – The Reign of Terror at Tabriz. England's Responsibility. Compiled for the use of the Persia Committee. London, October, 1912. 15 pp text, 16 rather gruesome photos
CURZON, Hon. G. – The Transcaspian Railway. 22-page article extracted from RGS Journal, 1889. Folding map. Red cloth covers.
VATSLIK, I.Y. – The Trans-Caspian Railway; Its meaning and its future. Translated & condensed from the Russian by Lt-Col. W.E. Gowan. 29-page article with author's corrections in margin in ink. With author's signature. Wrappers.
TRANS-CAUCASIA, Military Report. Prepared by the General Staff, War Office. 1907. 'Confidential'. 452 pp, 2 maps in end pocket, cloth backed boards.
MILITARY REPORT on Russian Turkistan or Central Asia. Prepared by the General Staff, War Office, 1905. 145pp. lacks map in end pocket. Leather backed boards.
BERESFORD, Col. C.E. de la Poer – Russian Railways towards India. Central Asian Society, 1906. 24 pp. Original Red Wrappers. Beresford was late Military Attache at St. Petersburg.
KER, James Campbell – Political Trouble in India, 1907-1917. 1st Edn, Calcutta, 1917. 550 pp. Marked: "This book is strictly confidential and the recipient is responsible for its safe custody" on half-title page. Author was Personal Assistant to the Director of Criminal Intelligence, 1907-1913.
BINSTEED, Lt. G.C. – Life in a Khalkha Steppe Lamasery. Royal Asiatic Society, 1914. 54-page article bound on its own, 2 plans, 2 plates. Original wrappers.
MOSCOW, GUIDE to the City of. A Handbook for Tourists. Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR, Moscow, 1937. With information on the City's past, present & future, descriptions of its museums and points of interest. 277 pp, maps. Cloth covers.
BAGDAD RAILWAY. British Parliamentary Papers. HMSO, Bagdad Railway No. 1 (1911). Cd. 5635. Contains: Convention of March 5, 1903. Statutes of Imperial Bagdad Railway Company. Specification. Loan Contract, first series 1903. Loan Contract, Second & Third Series, 1908. Additional Convention of June 2, 1908. 71 pp, 2 folding maps, stitched wrappers.
PARFIT, J.T. – Romance of the Baghdad Railway and The Gates of the Orient. 1st Edn, London, 1933. 67 pp, map, photos. Wrappers
SAROLEA, Charles – The Bagdad Railway and German Expansion as a Factor in European Politics. London, 1907. 31 pp
WOODS H. Charles – The Bagdad Railway and its Tributaries. 26 pp article. 1917. 4 maps, 8 photos. Rebound in cloth board.
WINTERFLETTEN, Dr. K. von – Berlin- Bagdad. Munchen, 1915. 80 pp, wrappers
'IRAQ RAILWAYS.' 7-page 'General Information' pamphlet for travel on the Bagdad Railway. N.d. (1930/31). 'Rapid travel in luxury. Basra to London in Ten Days. Baghdad to London in Eight Days.' Includes time and fare table.
BAGHDAD, Some notes on the Country above Baghdad. General Staff, India, 1917. Simla Government Central Press. Provisional Edition. 29 pp.
LUSHINGTON, R.F. – A Prisoner with the Turks, 1915-1918. 1st Edn, London, 1923. 101 pp, cloth-backed boards.
INTERROGATION of Prisoners of War. No place of publication, or date. For use by British Intelligence officers interrogating Turkish and Arab prisoners in W.W.1. 91pp, boards. (Questions in Romanised Arabic, English, Romanised Turkish, also in Arabic and Turkish script).
WILSON, Maj-Gen. Sir Charles (ed) – Handbook for Travellers in Asia Minor, Transcaucasia, Persia, etc. John Murray, London, 1903 (1895). 416 pp, text illus & folding map. Rebound in cloth with a stamp 'Ship Store, Royal Navy'.
PAN-TURANIAN MOVEMENT and The Rise of the Turks. Foreign Office Peace Handbook, 1919. 49 pp, folding, coloured map in end pocket. Marked 'confidential' on front cover. Wrappers.
MILITARY UNIFORMS of the British Empire Overseas. Issued by John Player & Sons, 24 pages. All 50 'cigarette cards' filled in. wrappers. Covers South Africa, Southern Rhodesia, Australia & New Zealand, Canada, India and Burma, Nigeria, Gold Coast, King's African Rifles, Somaliland Camel Corps, etc.
PERSIA, Urumieh. Folding map. Degree Sheet No. 1 G. 1910. Scale 4 miles to 1".
PERSIA, Hamadan. Folding map. Degree Sheet No. 9 B. 1915. Scale 4 miles to 1".
PERSIA, Langarud. Folding map. Degree Sheet No. 8 K. 1910. Scale 4 miles to 1".
PERSIA, Kazvin. Folding map. Degree Sheet No. 8 H. 1916. Scale 4 miles to 1".
PERSIA, Kirmanshah. Folding map. Degree Sheet No. 2 N. 1915. Scale 4 miles to 1".
TURKEY in Asia. Baghdad. Folding map. Degree Sheet no. 2 C. 1915. Scale 4 miles to 1".
TURKEY in Asia. Baghdad. Folding map. Degree Sheet no. 2 C. (Rough Provisional Issue – 2nd Edn). 1915. Scale 4 miles to 1".
TURKEY in Asia. Kerbela. Folding map. Degree Sheet No. 2 D. not dated (circa 1910). Scale 4 miles to 1".
TURKEY in Asia. Kut-Al-Amarah. Folding Map. Degree Sheet No. 2 H. 1915. Scale 4 miles to 1".
TURKEY in Asia. 'Ali-Al-Gharbi. Folding map. Degree Sheet no. 2 L. 1915. Scale 4 miles to 1".
TURKEY in Asia & Persia, Bagdad. Folding Map. Sheet No. 2. 1917. Scale 16 miles to 1 inch.
TURKEY in Asia & Persia, Kaleh Zava. Folding Map. Degree Sheet No. 1 C. 1910. Scale 4 miles to 1".
TURKEY in Asia & Persia, Amarah. Folding map. Degree Sheet No. 3 M. 1915. Scale 4 miles to 1".
TURKEY in Asia & Persia. Iraq and Arabistan Provinces. Folding Map. No. 10 B. 1912. Scale 4 miles to 1".
TURKEY in Asia & Persia. Mosul & Ardalan Provinces. Folding Map. Rough Compilation. No. 2 I. 1915. Scale 4 miles to 1".
NELIGAN, A.R. – Hints for Residents and Travellers in Persia. 1st Edn, 1914. 195 pp, folding map. Author was 'Physician to his Majesty's Legation at Tehran'.
PARLETT, Sir Harold – A Brief Account of Diplomatic Events in Manchuria. Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1929. 93 pp, map, wrappers.
RAILWAYS IN ASIATIC TURKEY. Parliamentary Papers, Turkey no. 4. Cmd 8019. HMSO, 1896. 23 pp, 5 folding maps. Rebound in marbled boards.
L'AZERBAIDJAN. La Premiere Republique Musulmane. (par D.Z.T.) 46-page extract from Revue du Monde Musulman. Paris, 1919. Map. Wrappers.
(AFGHANISTAN) Bibliography of Russian Works on Afghanistan. Central Asian Research Centre, 1956. 12pp. stapled wrappers.
BAGHDAD. Some Notes on the Country above Baghdad. General Staff, India, 1917. Government Central Press, Simla, 1917. 29 pp. cloth case.
BASKAKOV, Professor N.A. – The Turkic Languages of Central Asia: Problems of Planned Culture Contact. Translation with comments by Dr Stefan Wurm. 52 pp, wrappers.
(BOLSHEVISM) A Collection of Reports on Bolshevism in Russia. Presented to Parliament, April, 1919. HMSO, 1919. Cd. 8. 88pp, stapled wrappers.
CHERADAME, M. Andre – the Baghdad Railway. Proceedings of the Central Asian Society, 1911. 20 pp. red wrappers.
CONSTANTINOPLE, Trade of, for the Years 1899 and 1900. Diplomatic and Consular Reports no. 2650. Turkey. Foreign Office, 1901. 40 pp, 2 large folding maps showing the Baghdad Railway. Worn blue wrappers.
D'AVENNES, E. Prisse – Egyptian and Arabian Horses. 11-page article from The Smithsonian Report for 1904. Washington, 1905. 2 photos, wrappers.
DOUGHTY, Charles – Hogarth's "Arabia". 9-page review from 'The Observer', March 19, 1922. 25 Copies printed for the author at the Chiswick Press, London April 1922. This is no. five. Signed by Charles M. Doughty.
DULLING, G.K. – Turkic Languages of the USSR. 8-page offprint from Central Asian Review, 1967. Folding diagram. Stapled wrappers.
DUPREE, Nancy & Louis and Motamedi, A.A. – The National Museum of Afghanistan. Kabul, 1974. 114 pp, 56 b/w & 14 colour photos. Wrappers.
GROUSSET, Rene – Le Reveil de l'Asie. L'Imperialisme Britannique et La Revolte des Peuples. Paris, 1924. 251 pp, wrappers.
HOLDSWORTH, Mary – Turkestan in the Nineteenth Century. A Brief History of the Khanates of Bukhara, Kokand and Khiva. Central Asian Research Centre, 1959. 81 pp, map, wrappers.
HUDSON, Alfred – Kazak Social Structure. Yale University Publications in Anthropology, no. 20. New Haven, 1938. 105 pp. wrappers.
INGRAMS, W.H. – Unexplored Regions of the Hadhramaut. Offprint from Journal of the Royal Central Asian Society, 1936. 35 pp, wrappers.
IRAQ COMMAND – Report. October, 1922 – April, 1924. Air Ministry, November, 1924. Air Publication 1105. 68 pp, 2 large folding , maps at end. Wrappers, stapled.
IRELAND, P.W. – The Baghdad Railway: Its New Role in the Middle East. 9-page article in Royal Central Asian Society Journal, July, 1941. Original red wrappers.
KESSLER, Melvin – Ivan Viktorovich Vitkevich, 1806-39. A Tsarist Agent in Central Asia. Central Asian Collectanea, Washington, 1960. 26 pp, wrappers. (2 copies)
KUMAR, Ravinder – The Records of the Government of India on the Berlin-Baghdad Railway Question. 10 pp article in The Historical Journal. 1962.
MORGAN, E. Delmar – The Old Channels of the Lower Oxus. 20-page article from RGS Journal, 1877. Extracted and bound on its own in paper covers.
MORGENTHAU, Ambassador Henry – Secrets of the Bosphorus. Constantinople , 1913-1916. 2nd Edn, n.d. (1919). 275 pp, 19 photos. Signed by the author on front endpaper.
NEWCOMBE, Capt. S.F. & Lieut. J.P.S. Greig – The Baghdad Railway. 4-page article, 5 photos, folding map. In RGS Journal, December, 1914. Blue wrappers.
(PAPEN) Selection from Papers found in the possession of Captain von Papen, Late German Military Attache at Washington, Falmouth, January 2 & 3, 1916. Presented to both Houses of Parliament, February, 1916. HMSO, 1916. Cd. 8174. 35 pp. Stitched wrappers.
SOKOL, Edward Dennis – The Revolt of 1916 in Russian Central Asia. Johns Hopkins university Studies in Historical & Political Science. 1953. 188 pp, map, wrappers.
STONE, Alex- The First Afghan War, 1839-1842, and its Medals. Offprint from the Numismatic Circular, 1967. 11pp, wrappers.
SUMNER, B.H. – Tsardom and Imperialism in the Far East and Middle East, 1880-1914. Raleigh Lecture on History, British Academy, 1940. 43 pp, wrappers.
TORREY, Charles – Gold Coins of Khokand and Bukhara. 37-page Monograph from The American Numismatic Society, 1950. Wrappers.
VON WARTENBURG, Maximilian – Russischen Macht in Asien. Berlin, 1900. 67 pp. large folding map in endpocket. Rebound in cloth-backed boards.