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Adams, John, second President

50,000 - 70,000 USD
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  • paper and ink
Autograph letter signed ("John Adams"), 2 1/3 pages with integral franked address leaf (9 7/8 x 7 5/8 in.; 250 x 193 mm), Quincy, 29 December 1812,  5-line postscript dated 30 December and signed ("John Adams again"), to Benjamin Rush, about classical and contemporary literature, philosophy, and the War of 1812; long, clean split along center fold. Green cloth folding case, green morocco spine lettered gilt.

Catalogue Note

The Duke of Braintree discourses on the classics, philosophy, and the war of 1812. "I have not done with your letter of the 19th. I care not half so much about Red Heiffer, as I do about Taureau Blanc, the White Bull of Voltaire ... My friend read in Virgil Jupitors' acknowledgement, that though Fate had given him the commands of Gods and Men, yet he and the whole Universe were only Instruments of Fate. Read Edwards. Read Priestley. Read Jacques Le Fataliste et son Maitre, and after all ask yourself whether you have not a Conscience, that still tells you, that you have sometimes done wrong, and sometimes right? There is not now, never was and never will be, more than One Being who will understand the Universe. ..."  

"I would have made short work with Canada and incorporated it into the Union." He enumerates his various presidencies, and muses about what he would have done as President in a second term: " ... I have the honor to be President of the American Accademy of Arts and Sciences, of the Massachusetts Society for promoting Agriculture, and of the Board of Trustees of this Society and of the board of visitors of the Professorship of nature history at the University. There are twelve of us on these boards ... Every one, but myself, is a staunch AntiJeffersonian and AntiMadisonian, and at the late Election, Clintonian ... On the last Saturday of October ... the Gentlemen indulged in a little political conversation [and asked me] what course I would have pursued had I been continued President at this time. I said ... I would not have repealed the taxes ... With that revenue I would have fortified the frontiers on the lakes as well as on the oceans, I would have gradually increased the Navy ... I would have declared war against Great Britain five or six years ago when the King issued that most atrocious of all violations of the Law of Nations, his Proclamation for impressing Seamen from our Ships. I would not have said a Word about Canada: but ...If the War had continued for years and the nation become hot enough to demand Canada, I would not have invaded it till we had a decided Supremacy of Naval Power upon all the Lakes and waters from Michilimachinac to Montreal, if not Quebeck, nor till I had an Army of 35 or so thousand Men. With such an army ... I would have made short work with Canada and incorporated it into the Union.

"Io triumphe! The Sun now shines upon our Country. A happy New Year!" In a postscript Adams crows about news that Congress has approved funding to build several warships: "This moment the sun rising in the South East, and blazing with glorious effulgence on my Eyes ... reminds me of the glorious news in last Nights Paper from Washington of the Law to build four 74 and six forty fours. Io triumphe! the Sun now shines upon our Country. A happy New Year!" Adams was one of five members of Congress appointed to the Naval Committee. They drafted regulations for the navy which were adopted on 28 November 1775. He was so active in championing the nation's naval interests throughout his political career that he is widely regarding as the father of the American navy.