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Sakyaprabha Distemper on cloth Tibet

20,000 - 30,000 USD
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  • Sakyaprabha
  • Distemper on cloth
  • 24 by 14 1/2 in. (60.9 by 36.8 cm)


"Tantric Buddhist Art," China House Gallery, New York, March 14 - May 24, 1974


E. Olson, Tantric Buddhist Art, China Institute of America, New York, 1974, pl. 47

Catalogue Note

"Sakyaprabha was the last of the eight great Indian masters called by the Tibetans 'the six Ornaments and two Excellents.' This painting doubtless belonged to series of eight thangkas portraying the members of that group: Nagarjuna, Aryadeva, Asanga, Vasubandhu, Dignaga, Dharmakirti, Gunaprabha and Sakyaprabha.

"Although individually well known in all Mahayana countries, the grouping of the eight and their collective veneration is a Tibetan tradition. Sakyaprabha, living in the eight century, was a native of western India who seems to have migrated to Magadha and spent his last years in Kashmir. He mastered the Vinaya and wrote important commentaries, two of which are in the Tanjur." (E. Olson, Tantric Buddhist Art, New York, 1974, p. 93)