- 60
important panneau montrant des poissons fossiles, éocène (environ 50 millions d'années) green river formation, kemmerer, western lincoln county, wyoming, usa
70,000 - 90,000 EUR
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- 181 x 272 cm
- 70,59 x 106,08 in
cette impressionnante plaque murale nous présente une vue des formes de vie d'Amérique du Nord durant l'Eocène. Il s'agit là d'un usage proprement majestueux de l'extraction d'une matrice, ici de couleur dorée, présentant de nombreux poissons fossiles semblant évoluer dans quelque important aquarium. Outre l'aspect décoratif indiscutable, nous pouvons témoigner de l'excellente fossilisation des différents spécimens de poissons que sont Diplomystus dentatus, Priscacara serrata et Knightia eocena, qui sont présentés complets et qui montrent de très nombreux détails. Les fossiles disposent de leurs couleurs naturelles qui contrastent heureusement avec la matrice couleur sable. Les fossiles de poissons présentent ainsi une élégante couleur caramel sur la gangue caractéristique de la localité et donc l'excellente conservation propre aux fossiles de la Green River Formation qui a produit, entre autres fossiles, les incomparables feuilles de palmier Sabalites sp. Cette plaque d'une seul tenant et de grande taille, d'obtention des plus difficiles est particulièrement rare en collection. Le panneau peut être présenté horizontalement ou verticalement sur un mur.
This impressive mural plaque shows North American life forms which date to the Eocene period. It demonstrates both the extraordinary use of excavation from the matrix and a golden sheen in which the numerous fish fossils seem to evolve in a special aquarium. In addition to the indisputable decorative aspect, we can attest to the excellent fossilization of different species of the fish species Diplomystus dentatus, Priscacara serrata and Knightia eocena, which are shown in their entirety with numerous details. The fossils retain their natural color which contrasts with that of the sand color of the matrix. The fish fossils also have the elegant caramel color of the gangue which is characteristic of its location and thus the excellent conservation of fossils from the Green River Formation which produced, among other fossils, the incomparable leaves of Sabalite palms. This plaque is particularly rare because because of its large size.
This impressive mural plaque shows North American life forms which date to the Eocene period. It demonstrates both the extraordinary use of excavation from the matrix and a golden sheen in which the numerous fish fossils seem to evolve in a special aquarium. In addition to the indisputable decorative aspect, we can attest to the excellent fossilization of different species of the fish species Diplomystus dentatus, Priscacara serrata and Knightia eocena, which are shown in their entirety with numerous details. The fossils retain their natural color which contrasts with that of the sand color of the matrix. The fish fossils also have the elegant caramel color of the gangue which is characteristic of its location and thus the excellent conservation of fossils from the Green River Formation which produced, among other fossils, the incomparable leaves of Sabalite palms. This plaque is particularly rare because because of its large size.
Gary B, Glass, Paleontology of the Green River Formation, with a review of the fish fauna, fig. II.4, p. 27.