- 75
Silk Embroidered Naval Picture: The U.S.S. Milwaukee with the State Seal of Wisconsin, Chinese for the American market circa 1900
- Silk threads on a black silk ground
- 71 1/2 in. by 34 3/4 in.
Catalogue Note
The Milwaukee (Protected Cruiser No. 21), built by the Union Iron Works Co., San Francisco, California, was one of the three protected cruisers authorized by Congress in an Act approved June 7th, 1900. The contract for the Milwaukee was signed on the 17th of April, 1901, and provided for the delivery of the vessel to the Government within thirty-six (36) months from that date, on or about the 17th day of April, 1904. The date of completion up to May 7th, 1906, but on account of the earthquate a further delay was asked for. The contract price for this vessel, exclusive of armor and armament was two million eight hundred and fifty thousand ($2,850,000) dollars. The guaranteed speed was twenty-two (22) knots per hour. The needlework, made in Asia, shows the Great Seal of the State of Wisconsin. It was adopted into use in 1851, being the last of the states to relinquish its territorial seal of 1836.1
1. U.S.S. MILWAUKEE Description and Official Trial, By Lieutenant E.P. Jessop, U.S. Navy.