- 36
Latini, Antonio.
10,000 - 15,000 GBP
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- Lo scalco alla moderna overo L'arte di ben disporre i conviti, con le regole piu scelte di scalcheria, insegnate, e poste in pratica a beneficio de professori ed altri studiosi... Dove s'insegna il modo facile e nobile di trinciare, fare arrosti, bolliti, stufati, varie minestre signorili, diverse zuppe alla reale... Naples: [Domenico Antonio Parrino and Michele Luigi Mutii, 1692] 1694
2 parts in one volume, 4to, engraved frontispiece portrait of the author, woodcut initials, head- and tail-pieces, 4 engraved plates (3 folding), contemporary vellum, some minor paper repairs, occasional slight browning or foxing
Giuseppe Lodovico Valestri, inscription on title-page dated 1700; Westbury bookplate; Hroar Dege (lot 355)
Vicaire col. 492; Paleari Henssler p.420 (describing this as the third edition)
Catalogue Note
Latini started his career in the service of the Barberini family in Rome and became scalco to the Regent Cariglio at the court of Naples. He was the first in Italy to promote the use of tomatoes in cooking (until this date they were mostly used as decoration).