Lot 22
  • 22

Rare et impressionante figure en fer de Mahakala Province du Yunnan, Royaume de Dali, XIIE siècle

60,000 - 80,000 EUR
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le gardien de la doctrine représenté debout en position frontale avec quatre bras, la figure avec l'air menaçant, les yeux exorbités et la bouche entrouverte, son large visage encadré d'une barbe bouclée, la tête couronnée d'un diadème de crânes entourés d'un serpent, un bouddha céleste au centre; vêtu d'une courte dhoti et chaussé de sandales tressées, d'autres crânes humains en parure autour de son cou, des serpents enroulés aux chevilles et aux poignets, tenant un rosaire dans la main inférieure droite (aksamala), un tambour (damarou ) dans l'une des mains gauche et une calotte cranienne (kapala) dans l'autre devant sa poitrine, un attribut manquant dans sa dernière main; le fer patiné noir et brun fonçé avec traces de pigments doré et rouge, deux compartiments de consécration et un crochet au dos, sur une base associée


Acquis en vente publique à Paris dans les années 50, et dans la famille depuis.


Les représentations de Mahakala en pied sont rares, un équivalent, en argent, est conservé au Musée de Kunming (Introduction fig.2). Un autre Mahakala, assis sur une base en forme de buffle, est conservée au musée Guimet MA6046 (fig.6). Un autre exemple, également assis sur un buffle, à été vendu dans nos salles, New York, 16 septembre 1999, lot 45A. (fig.7)


Condition An exceptional and very powerful sculpture. The figure was originally gilded, with traces of the original gold showing in some areas (on the reverse of the dhoti below the tiger skin, on the reverse of the veil around his arms and head, around the neck in front). A second layer of gilded paint has been later added, possibly on an initial coating of lacquer meant to protect or hide the original gold. This "bronzine" of which colour has turned dark of the years has later been covered with a black polish. These later layers have already been partially removed with solvent on the reverse of the statue, as well as some areas in the front, revealing the rich brown patina of the iron and the traces of the original gold. Another attribute should be in the upper right hand, possibly a sword or a trident. The two consecration compartments at the reverse of the figure are open. Some wear to the iron on his feet's toes, more pronounced on the right foot, possibly the result of the repeated action of pilgrims touching its foot in sign of devotion. An horizontal crack of 2.5 cm is visible on the middle of the left thigh (showing on the illustration in the catalogue). Provenance The lady who initially owned the figure acquired with her husband in Drouot in the 1915-1920. At her death in 1976, she gave it to her great son in law Mr Millet, the current owner, in memory of a gift, two lamps of iron that he had crafted and offered to her some years before. It is not exact that the wife of the initial owner was born in Shanghai in 1915 as we have written by mistake in the introduction of the catalogue. We take full responsability and apologize for this error. Sale's room notice: Please note that the the dimensions mentioned in the catalogue include the height of the stand. The actual size of the figure is 39.5cm or 15 1/2 in. The thermoluminescence test states that the figure has approximately 860 +/- 80 years of age. It can therefore been dated between the years 1060 and 1200, and not a "datation possible de l'an 860 à 1100" as it is currently written in the catalogue . Please see the additional photographs of the reverse and details of the Mahakala provided. You may want to also use the zoom feature on our website at www.sothebys.com/ browse catalogue to closely inspect the surface texture of the sculpture.
"In response to your inquiry, we are pleased to provide you with a general report of the condition of the property described above. Since we are not professional conservators or restorers, we urge you to consult with a restorer or conservator of your choice who will be better able to provide a detailed, professional report. Prospective buyers should inspect each lot to satisfy themselves as to condition and must understand that any statement made by Sotheby's is merely a subjective, qualified opinion. Prospective buyers should also refer to any Important Notices regarding this sale, which are printed in the Sale Catalogue.

Catalogue Note

Mahakala signifie litéralement 'grand' (maha) et 'noir' (kala), le Grand Dieu Noir. C'est une divinité du bouddhisme qui apparait sous une forme irritée et peut présenter jusqu'à soixante-quinze aspects différents. Elles se distinguent par leur nombre de bras ou de têtes. Parfois appelé 'protecteur à face de corbeau', le Mahakala à quatre bras est particulièrement honoré par l'ordre des Droukpa Kagyu. Cette représentation liée aux rites tantriques est un témoignage important sur les diverses influences subies au Yunnan à cette époque et ce type de représentation atteste de la présence d'une école de bouddhisme ésotérique dans la province. 

Voir en introduction les différente hypothèses expliquant l'arrivée du culte du Mahakala au Yunnan et son rôle de gardien protecteur du sud à l'époque du Royaume de Dali.