Lot 113
  • 113

A fine Kashan cobalt blue albarello, Persia, early 13th century

30,000 - 40,000 GBP
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of cylindrical form with short sloping shoulder, short neck with everted rim, cobalt blue glaze over a moulded body with a monumental calligraphic frieze on a scroll ground with minor strapwork and stellar bands above and below, the neck with moulded kufic band

Catalogue Note


al-'izz wa al-iqbal wa al-dawla wa al-salama wa al-ni'ma

'Glory and Propserity and Wealth and Well-beuing and God's blessing'


This unusual decoration on this jar would have taken its inspiration from either mould-blown glass or hammered sheet metal, the metal proto-type being the more likely as it was the more expensive and desirable.