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An important curtain from the north door (bab tawwasul) of the Prophet's Mosque in Medina, Ottoman, 19th century
Catalogue Note
Top roundel:
hadhahi al-sitarah al-sharifa li-bab al-tawassul
‘This noble sitarah is for the tawassul gate’
[bab tawwasul is the door on the northern wall of the Prophet’s mosque in Medina also known as bab al-majidi]
In the cartouche:
Qur’an, surah al-baqara (II), parts of 197
In the two roundels, the shahada:
la ilaha illa allah / muhammad rasul allah
‘There is no God but God, Muhammad is His Messenger"
In the main part:
Qur’an, surah al-hashr (LIX), 22-24.
In the six small roundels:
abu radi allah ‘anhu / ‘umar radi allah ‘anhu / ‘uthman radi allah ‘anhu / ‘ali radi allah ‘anhu / hasan radi allah ‘anhu / husayn radi allah ‘anhu /
‘Abu Bakr may God be pleased with him. ‘Umar may God be pleased with him. ‘Uthman may God be pleased with him. ‘Ali may God be pleased with him. Hasan may God be pleased with him. Husayn may God be pleased with him.’