'Bonfire at Thorpe Hall near Louth Lincolnshire on 5th Novr 1813 given by Revd W.C. to the boys belonging to the Seminary at Louth in consequence of the 5tth of Novr and the arrival of news of the Decisive Defeat of Napolean [sic] Bonaparte by the Allies'
‘Rival Stars’(‘Mr Bendizzy (Hamlet) “‘To be or not to be, that is the question:’ – ahem!”Mr Gladstone (out of an engagement) [aside] “‘Leading business’, forsooth! His line is ‘general utility!’ is the manager mad? But no matte-rr – a time will come –”’)
‘Dearly Bought’(‘Sir Garnet “It don't look much, madam, but it has cost good money, and better lives!” Britannia “And but for you, Sir Garnet, might have cost more of both!”’)(‘King Coffee's umbrella has been brought to England’ – Morning Paper)
‘Post Equitem!’(‘Behind the horseman sits black care!’)‘At the next election the people of England will have to decide the question in what way they will be governed.’ – Gladstone at Greenwich’
‘Question Time’(‘Mr Gl-dst-ne (as Mr Micawber, “for this occasion only”) “I am delighted to add that I have now an immediate prospect of something turning up. I am not at liberty to say in what direction!’ – David Copperfield’)