Jewellery Box Essentials to Love Now and Keep Forever

Jewellery Box Essentials to Love Now and Keep Forever


A lthough fashion trends change through the years, for jewellery there are certain classic and essential pieces you should consider for your collection. Of course, the first and fundamental step is to know what you like; everyone’s tastes are different but the exciting part of choosing jewellery is understanding what represents your aesthetics. In other words, it should be something you will want to wear over and over again. Ahead of Sotheby's Magnificent Jewels II auction, we have selected go-to pieces with just the right versatility to work beautifully with any style and any occasion. At the same time these jewels represent distinctive, classic designs that stand the test of time.


Without a doubt, the staple of any jewellery collection is a pair of diamond earrings. Whether delicate studs or drops, the way the light reflects and refracts in a diamond creates a brilliance that adds glamour to its wearer. Try different sizes, which will complement your look depending on the length and style of the piece. Other gems such as rubies or jade capture the light in different ways, expressing and matching one’s unique personality.

Whimsical Designs

Period Jewels

“The idea of having a piece no one else possesses has become core motivation for antique jewellery collectors." David Bennett, Worldwide Chairman of Sotheby's Jewellery, says about the growing appreciation for period jewellery in a November 2019 interview. Antique pieces and vintage pieces should appeal to those seeking something unique and timeless. Many of the earlier periods are rich in possibility. For example, antique cut gems were originally meant to be seen in the glow of candlelight, thus they exude a subtle radiance and character. The practice of incorporating ancient coins in the design brings a sense of history in the piece, while Maltese crosses and giardinetto brooches, which were popular in the 19th century, evoke the glamour of an earlier time.

Inspired by Nature

Colourful Rings

A strong and striking statement piece, the cocktail ring is a must-have in any jewellery collection. They were first worn by 1920s flappers who, intent on enjoying themselves and flouting conventional standards of behaviour, dressed in luxuriously elegant jewels. Choose colourful gemstones to light up the room at a party, from coloured diamonds to emeralds, aquamarines, color-changing sapphires and alexandrites.

Iconic Signed Pieces


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