Old Master Drawings

Caravaggio by the Numbers

By Sotheby's

S cholars disagree on the number of major works Caravaggio completed. It is likely more than 40 but fewer than 80.

Caravaggio, Boy Bitten by a Lizard, circa 1594 – 1596

The last time Caravaggio was seen alive, he was embarking for Rome with 3 paintings to bring to Cardinal Scipione.

The Metropolitan Museum in New York has 2 of Caravaggio’s paintings.

As a young boy he completed a 4-year apprenticeship in the studio of Simone Peterzano.

Caravaggio, Entombment, circa 1603

Saint John the Baptist appeared as a major figure in at least 8 of Caravaggio’s paintings.

Caravaggio spent 9 months in Sicily the year before his death.

Caravaggio, Medusa, circa 1597 – 1598

He signed a contract to join the studio of Peterzano at the age of 12.

Caravaggio was brought to trial for breaking the law 11 times.

The Louvre has 3 of Caravaggio’s paintings.

Caravaggio, Saint Francis of Assisi in Ecstasy, circa 1595 Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, The Ella Gallup Sumner and Mary Catlin Sumner Collection Fund

He was 35 years old when he killed Ranuccio Tomassoni.

The Beheading of Saint John the Baptiste, Caravaggio’s largest painting, stands at 12.5 feet high and 16.7 feet wide.

Caravaggio died at the age of 38.

Caravaggio, The Taking of Christ, circa 1602

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