Shaul Seidler-Feller

  • Senior Specialist, Judaica
New York


Shaul Seidler-Feller joined the Sotheby's Books and Manuscripts Department as a Judaica specialist in 2017. Since that time, he has researched and catalogued such important sales as SASSOON: A Golden Legacy (December 2020), The Luzzatto High Holiday Mahzor (October 2021), and Codex Sassoon: The Earliest Most Complete Hebrew Bible (May 2023), the latter two of which broke auction records for Judaica. In addition, he serves as a freelance Judaica consultant and has translated or edited four books in Jewish Studies. He holds a master's degree in medieval Jewish history from the Bernard Revel Graduate School, Yeshiva University, and rabbinic ordination from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary.

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