W rapping up a spectacular year for Modern and Contemporary Art this December, Sotheby’s is honored to present a spectacular line up of works by leading masters of the modern era and contemporary luminaries, as well as emerging artists from around the world.
This bespoke curation interweaves narratives of Modern and Contemporary with notable highlights including the Important Collection of Paul Yeou Chichong that have been housed in Tahiti for decades, featuring masterpieces by Zao Wou-ki and Chu Teh-Chun, as well as works by Modern masters such as Georges Mathieu, Wu Guanzhong, Andre Brasilier, Hendra Gunawan and Fernando Zobel. An esteemed work by Mark Rothko leads a premium selection of contemporary works by acclaimed artists Yayoi Kusama, Yoshitomo Nara and Liu Ye among others, as well as vibrant paintings by Katherine Bernhardt, Susumu Kamijo and Szabolcs Bozó are also presented to conclude the fruitful year on a propitious note.
拍賣誠獻的作品橫跨現代及當代領域,其中以大溪地的 Paul Yeou Chichong 庋藏最為矚目。此收藏歷經數十載集腋成裘,廣集了趙無極、朱德群、喬治・馬修、吳冠中、安德烈・布拉吉利、亨德拉・古拿溫、費南度・索培爾等現代大師傑構。當代藝術方面由馬克・羅斯科領銜,並呈草間彌生、奈良美智和劉野等當代翹楚精品,還有凱薩琳・伯恩哈特、上條晋和薩波爾齊斯・博佐色彩紛陳的精彩力作,為蘇富比多姿多采的一年畫下繽紛句點。