Live Auction: 9 December 2023 • Hong Kong 拍賣: 2023年12月9日 • 香港

The Mei Yun Tang Collection Of Paintings By Chang Dai-chien — From Heritage to Breakthrough 9 December 2023 • 5:00 PM HKT • Hong Kong

F ollowing a series of record sales from the Mei Yun Tang collections a decade ago (2011 and 2013), Mei Yun Tang will once again offer masterpieces from its collection of paintings by one of the most prolific Chinese artists of the 20th century – Zhang Daqian (an artist alternatively known as Chang Dai-chien). Assembled by the late Mr and Mrs Kao Ling-mei over the course of half a century, the collection is internationally recognized as one of the most comprehensive of all times and one that showcases the unwavering friendship between the artist and the collector across the decades. This December, The Mei Yun Tang Collection of Paintings by Chang Dai-chien – From Heritage to Breakthrough will feature 21 prominent paintings and is expected to fetch a combined estimate in excess of HK$200 million / US$30 million.

Comprising masterpieces from the 1940s to the 1960s, all of which have never been offered at auction before, the collection reflects the different periods of Zhang’s career, spanning his early traditional fine brush paintings, to the bold splashed ink and colour works created of his late oeuvre. The offerings will be led by Autumn Mountains in Twilight, which carries the highest estimate ever placed on a splashed-ink landscape by the artist at Sotheby’s. Created in the 1960s, the splendid landscape was inspired by Zhang Daqian’s travels to California where he became utterly captivated by the magnificent cliffs and valleys of the Yosemite National Park. In addition, the collection features a meticulous figure painting from Zhang’s prime period, Musical Performance, which depicts the splendor of a musical performance at the Tang palace.

今年12月,香港蘇富比將隆重推出「梅雲堂藏張大千畫 ─ 不負古人告後人」專場拍賣,21幀張大千重要畫作總估價逾兩億港元。這是繼2011、2013年極為轟動的兩場專拍後,蘇富比再獲「梅雲堂」委託,推出其藏畫之第三部份。 



Exhibition Details 展覽詳情

25 November - 2 December, 5 - 9 December 2023
11AM - 5PM
Sotheby's Hong Kong Gallery
5/F, One Pacific Place, Admiralty

11月25至12月2日、 12月5日至9日


Autumn Mountains in Twilight 〈秋山夕照〉

Zhang Daqian
Autumn Mountains in Twilight 
Splashed ink and colour on paper, framed, 1967
194 x 104 cm
Estimate Upon Request

張大千  秋山夕照
潑彩紙本 鏡框 一九六七年作
194 x 104 公分

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Autumn Mountains in Twilight is a painting gifted by Zhang Daqian to Madame Jan Yun bor, drawing inspiration from the sunset views of Half Dome or El Capitan in Yosemite National Park, California, USA. During the summer of 1967, Zhang Daqian visited the area with his family and was greatly awestruck by the magnificent cliffs and valleys. Shortly after his return to Brazil in September, he created this work. 

The painting focuses on the majestic mountains in the evening glow. Apart from the twisting pine branches and bamboo groves in the foreground, it completely breaks away from the traditional brushstrokes of landscape painting. The vibrant colours almost cover the entire composition, with bright blue, green, white, red, and golden hues flowing and colliding, creating a surprising effect. The clouds and mist billow in the gorge, and cascades of waterfalls pour down. Particularly striking is the thin layer of golden colour in the sky, mixed with a hazy crimson, shining with the last glow of the setting sun. The artist, in a highly abstract manner, reproduces his own visual experience, capturing the grand and dramatic beauty of nature at its most magnificent moments. The painting's dreamlike play of light and shadow is full of tension, naturally flowing, and signifies Zhang Daqian's mastery of splashed ink reaching new heights.

〈秋山夕照〉乃張大千贈予高嶺梅夫人詹雲白,靈感來源為美國加州優勝美地的半穹峰(Half Dome)或酋長巖(El Capitan) 落日景象。一九六七年夏,張大千於加州展覽間隙,偕家人遊覽其地,壯美的絕壁峽谷令其驚嘆無已,九月返回巴西不久,即創作本幅。 


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Musical Performance〈按樂圖〉

Zhang Daqian
Musical Performance
ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll, 1944
90 x 75.6 cm
Estimate : 30,000,000-50,000,000 HKD

張大千   按樂圖
設色紙本 立軸 一九四四年作
90 x 75.6 公分
估價: 30,000,000-50,000,000 HKD

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In the autumn of 1944, Zhang Daqian devoted himself to completing four meticulous paintings of ladies: Musical Performance, Spring Lanterns, Lotus Picking, and Reading Paintings, which he took great pride in. When exhibited in Chengdu in October of the same year, each piece was priced at 600,000 yuan, surpassing the value of his other works. Some accounts suggest that they were marked as not for sale during the exhibition, leaving many disappointed. However, after the exhibition, Zhang Daqian presented Spring Lanterns to his dear friend Chang Chun. At the beginning of the following year, in 1945, he gifted Musical Performance as a New Year's greeting to Kao Ling-mei, the owner of the Mei Yun Tang.

This painting might have been inspired by the anonymous Emperor Ming Enjoying Music handscroll from the artist’s own collection, or perhaps by the musical scenes depicted in Dunhuang murals. The composition is extraordinary, resembling a close-up photograph, with the focal point placed in a corner of the Tang Palace. Through the partially concealed bamboo screens and the space between dragon-patterned columns, one can observe the musicians performing from a side angle. The musicians, as the main subjects, are meticulously portrayed, and the scene's arrangement is finely detailed. The harmonious integration of lines, vibrant colours, and figure depictions clearly show the influence of Dunhuang art. The female musicians possess robust and graceful figures, adorned in luxurious attire. They exude elegance while maintaining a natural charm. The artist's skillful brushwork in capturing their facial expressions brings them to life, showcasing the splendour of the Tang Dynasty. This painting is a representative masterpiece of Zhang Daqian's meticulous figure painting during his prime period.



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