E ntering the auction season of April, Sotheby’s is honored to present the first live Important Watch auction of the year on the 26th of April 2022. Featuring an assortment of horological inventions, the sale includes an array of timepieces, from vintage to modern, functional sports watches to charismatic dress watches furthered by a wide variety of stylish decorative clocks from antiques to modern.
While the sale may feature multiple significant categories of timepieces, highlighting the auction is a selection of important Patek Philippe minute repeaters. The collection of repeaters ranging from the early 1950s up until today includes a highly unusual vintage Reference 2524 and a possibly unique Reference 5016 with red accents. Shifting the focus to contemporary watchmakers, there are multiple examples from the elegant artistry and mechanical prowess of F.P. Journe. With a strong emphasis on the Octa collection, it is a rare opportunity to have side by side comparisons of watches from the same collection but different eras together, from early brass movement examples to the recent works of complications.
Last but not least, our curation is completed with the decorative handcrafts by multiple Maisons. From the Haute Joaillerie of the Cartier Panthère, enameling techniques of Van Cleef & Arpels to the automata bird of Jaquet Droz, these remarkable treasures exemplify the captivating world of mechanical watchmaking.
Exquisite and rare the present Important Watches auction would be one of the most spectacular watch curations to be offered at Sotheby’s. Starting our preview on April 23, these extraordinary timepieces are sure to appeal to you.
步入春季拍賣季節,蘇富比有幸於 2022 年 4 月 26 號帶來本年首個珍貴名錶現場拍賣。從經典名錶到現代錶款,實用的運動腕錶到優雅的正裝腕錶,還有多款別致的經典座鐘,拍賣囊括古今中外,引人入勝的珍罕時計。
拍賣彰顯製錶界不同的重要工藝,但首屈一指的還要數百達翡麗的三問功能。從 50 年代到今天的三問錶將被一一呈拍,如一枚獨具特色的經典型號 2524 ;及一枚應絕無僅有,備紅色鑲刻的型號 5016。而代表獨立製錶師莫過於F.P. Journe 華麗而精密的典範,拍賣特別搜羅了衆多的 Octa 系列,由早期銅製機芯到近代複雜造工,藏家們可盡數系列截然不同卻又各具特色之處,機會難得。最後來到腕錶的手工裝飾,從卡地亞璀璨的珠寶設計,梵克雅寶的琺琅工藝,到雅克德羅的鳥型活動人偶,這些匠心獨運的手藝象徵著最觸目的傳統製錶術。
預展將於 4 月 23 號開始,蘇富比非常榮幸呈獻我們一場最精彩絕倫的手錶拍賣,這些非凡的寶藏注定扣人心弦。