I n the upcoming autumn Sale, Sotheby’s Fine Classical Chinese Paintings will be led by two important works: Xiao Yuncong’s Refuge Among the Green Mountains and Juran’s Scholars Cross River by a Boat. The former is a seminal work by the artist, evoking a poetic realm, and the latter is an absolute rarity in the art market. These treasured works have been in the hands of great connoisseurs throughout the centuries and been included in important publications worldwide.
The sale features the first installment of the Chinese Paintings and Calligraphies from the Yee-Ming Kuo Collection, offering a series of Calligraphy handscrolls by important Ming artists and fan leaves by Qing literati. Other highlights include Jin Nong’s Ink Plum Blossoms from the Yuzhai Collection and Bada Shanren’s Geese by the Hibiscus.
今秋,香港蘇富比中國古代書畫秋季拍賣將於10月9日舉行,由兩幅重要作品領銜 ——蕭雲從《青山高隱圖》及巨然《山川歸渡圖(又名:溪煙遠岫圖)》,前者為畫家一生經典之作,極具詩境;後者屬寥若晨星,罕見於藝術市場。兩者皆流傳有緒,海內外出版眾多。
另有「郭彝民珍藏中國古代書畫」專輯,主要包括一系列明代重要書家手卷,以及清代文人翰墨扇面,庋藏約一世紀,現分批呈獻,機會難得。其他亮點還有「玉齋」舊藏金農《墨梅》,及八大山人《芙蓉蘆雁 》等。
蕭雲從 Xiao Yuncong
《青山高隱圖》 Refuge Among the Green Mountains
估價待詢 Estimate Upon Request
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巨然 Juran
《山川歸渡圖(又名:溪煙遠岫圖)》 Scolars Cross River By a Boat
Estimate: 30,000,000 - 50,000,000 HKD
朱耷(八大山人) Bada Shanren
《芙蓉蘆雁 》 Geese by the Hibiscus
Estimate: 8,000,000 - 12,000,000 HKD
郭枻(1883-1974),字彝民,別號則生,以字行,吉林長春縣人。郭氏畢業於日本東京帝國大學(The Imperial University),主要為國民政府時期外交官, 1934年受命為駐台北總領事,直到1937年戰爭爆發撤離。