The New Vanguard | Curated by NFT Asia
先導者 | NFT Asia特別策劃
Online Auction: 10–15 March 2023 • 11:00 PM HKT • Hong Kong | 網上拍賣:2023年3月10–15日・上午 11:00 HKT・香港

The New Vanguard | Curated by NFT Asia 10–15 March 2023 • 11:00 AM HKT • Hong Kong

S otheby’s Hong Kong is thrilled to announce its first edition of Digital Art Auction for 2023, The New Vanguard, with a special curation from NFT Asia. The sale not only evokes an innovative conversation between Sotheby’s as one of the oldest auction houses, and NFT Asia which is one of the largest digital art collectives in the world, but also continue showcasing the value in digital art as a young but fast-growing category. 

The meticulous curation exemplifies the power of art to offer a respite from the mundane experiences of everyday life. This sale will be showcasing the works of established artists from Asia and beyond who have consistently pushed the boundaries of digital art through mediums such as photography, illustration, animation, and 3D rendering. The selection of art invites the audience to discover the diversity and creativity of the Asian digital art community.

香港蘇富比2023年首場 由NFT Asia特別策劃的The New Vanguard 數碼藝術網上拍賣「先導者」,不僅激起蘇富比作為歷史最悠久之拍賣行與全球最大數碼數碼藝術社群NFT Asia之間的一場超前對話,也繼續探討數碼藝術這一年輕又迅速崛起的類別之中的價值與潛力。 


For artists like Daniel Liang, digital art has been the perfect device to fuse their Eastern culture background and Western inspirations. Through his digital paintbrush, Daniel Liang transcends his everyday encounters – temples, statues, neon lights, and cityscapes, to a universal language through his vivid imagination. 

“Culture, time, and solitude are the most important parts of my artworks, I always tried to tell the story of the fictional world through culture and time, and bring my feelings into that world with solitude. Even in the most crowded world, one can always find a place of their own.”
Daniel Liang

對於像Daniel Liang的藝術家而言,數碼藝術是完美的表達手法,讓他們結合自身的東方文化背景和源自西方的創作靈感。Daniel Liang利用豐富的想像力,以數碼藝術將廟宇、造像、霓虹燈、城市景觀等日常景物,轉化成世界共通的語言。

Daniel Liang

Gods’ Inspection神巡

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YuYu represents a distinct artistic style in the digital space that seeks to voice one’s own identity, which lies as the core value of web3. Inspired by the very nature of blockchain technology and decentralization, YuYu embarks on a quest to examine and decontextualize masterpieces of Western Cultural history while at the same time, emphasizing issues surrounding race inclusion, gender representation, and the stigma often attached to the nude form.

“Blockchain provides creators with tools we never had before. Queer art throughout history has been a victim of erasures, today we have the ability not only to directly monetize our work but simultaneously secure its ability to endure through time.”



Veni Vidi Vici我來,我見,我征服

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Creating art in digital form has also enabled a new generation of artists like Willea Zwey to combine different mediums in a way that cannot be achieved only by traditional methods. As a multidisciplinary artist who works with visual, spatial, and musical elements, Willea Zwey strives to include as many nuances and intricacies in the making of each piece. 

“Using digital tools has offered me the flexibility I need to balance each element and enables me to bring to life the worlds I envision in my mind.”
Willea Zwey

數碼藝術的創作形式也讓Willea Zwey等新一代藝術家有更大自由,他們結合多種媒介創作,傳統創作手法根本無法滿足他們。跨領域藝術家Willea Zwey的創作融會視覺、空間和音樂元素,她在每件作品都極盡展現差別微妙的複雜韻致。

Willea Zwey

Where from? Where going?從哪來?到哪去?

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By presenting these alternate and imaginative realms, the auction redefines the perception of contemporary digital art, and its significance in the art world. Prepare to be inspired by the exciting lineup of works that demonstrate the immense potential of art to transport and elevate our spirits.

這些作品呈現多個精彩的異想國度,帶領觀眾發掘亞洲數碼藝術社群的多元文化與創意,希望藉此重新定義大眾對當代數碼藝術的看法,以及它在藝術世界中的意義。蘇富比與 NFT Asia 誠邀大家投入這場視覺盛宴,感受藝術振奮人心的力量。

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