Modern Discoveries
Online Auction: 21–28 February 2023 • 12:00 PM HKT • Hong Kong | 網上拍賣:2023年2月21–28日・下午 12:00 HKT・香港

Modern Discoveries 21–28 February 2023 • 12:00 PM HKT • Hong Kong

S otheby’s is pleased to present the February Modern Discoveries sale featuring a curation spanning the breadth of pivotal modern art movements and mediums.

Notable highlights of the sale include extraordinary oil on canvas works by Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita, André Brasilier, and George Chann, alongside stunning work on paper by Walasse Ting, Chen Wen Hsi, Fong Chung-Ray, Irene Chou and Dong Kingman, as well as lithographs by Marc Chagall, Chu Teh-Chun, Zao Wou-ki and many others. In addition, we have a specially curated section by Indonesian pioneer artists from “The Bandung School”, including Srihadi Sudarsono, Saraochim Salim and Abdul Djalil Pirous and Ahmad Sadali completing the eclectic array from across the vast regions of Asia, Europe, and beyond.


重點拍品包括藤田嗣治、安德烈・布拉吉利及陳蔭羆的布本油畫、丁雄泉、陳文希、馮鍾睿、周綠雲及曾景文的紙本佳構,以及馬克・夏加爾、朱德群、趙無極等現代巨匠的石版畫,琳瑯滿目。同場亦呈上印尼藝術先鋒「萬隆畫派」的前衛傑作,特選出自斯里哈迪・蘇達索諾、薩羅希姆・沙林(Saraochim Salim)、派若斯及阿曼德・薩達利手筆的精彩作品,誠邀一眾藏家踏上橫跨歐亞廣大幅員的藝術旅程。

Still Life生氣盎然

Literati’s Curiosities文人雅緻
Postwar abstract戰後抽象

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