Fine Classical Chinese Paintings
Live Auction: 27 April 2022 • 10:00AM HKT • Hong Kong | 拍賣:2022年4月27日 • 上午10時 • 香港

Fine Classical Chinese Paintings 27 April 2022 • 10:00 AM HKT • Hong Kong

T he Fine Classical Chinese Paintings Sale will lead with court painter Leng Mei’s Lofty Scholar admiring Prunus Blossoms, a model of early Qing figure painting. Elegant works such as Song dynasty Sutras and Gu An’s Ink Bamboos are exceedingly rare and will certainly catch a discerning collector’s eye. Other highlights include Shi Zhong’s Studio beside Bamboos and Shi Tao’s Flowers of the Four Seasons, representing important masters of the Ming and Qing dynasties.

古代書畫專場拍賣則由宮廷畫家冷枚《高士賞梅圖》領銜,一顯清初人物畫之典範;高古作品則有《宋人寫經》及顧安 《竹石圖》,稀世僅有,識者自珍。其他亮點包括史忠 《竹亭話舊圖》、石濤《四季花卉》等,涵蓋明清兩朝重要名家翰墨,精品紛呈,以饗藏家。

乾隆、董邦達《中秋帖子詞卷》The Mid-Autumn Festival at the Imperial Garden by the Qianlong Emperor and Dong Bangda

乾隆、董邦達 Qianlong Emperor and Dong Bangda
《中秋帖子詞卷》 The Mid-Autumn Festival at the Imperial Garden
Estimate: 70,000,000 - 90,000,000 HKD

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冷枚《高士賞梅圖》Leng Mei’s Lofty Scholar admiring Prunus Blossoms

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冷枚為經歷了康雍乾三朝、乾隆帝最為賞識的人物畫家。本作品繪於癸巳年(1713),同年為冷枚再次被召入宮中領銜繪製《康熙萬壽圖》之時。背景為一曲折靈動的梅樹,樹下有一紅衣高士,在童子開傘擋雪下,尋找梅花一枝,表達手法簡潔清晰。人物開臉保留傳統「三白法」分染,再施以明暗渲染,塑造出立體感,用筆輕且松,帶有溫婉雅淡之效果,收錄於《石渠寶笈初編》。收錄於《石渠寶笈》中的冷枚作品只有十四件,而在市場流通者則更為罕見,本幅乃屬滄海遺珠。詩堂上更有乾隆帝於乾隆元年(1736) 題詩,表達了對畫家的高度賞識。

Estimate: 10,000,000-15,000,000 HKD
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顧安 《竹石圖》Gu An’s Ink Bamboos


顧安 《竹石圖》
Estimate: 7,500,000-15,000,000 HKD
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