The John Golden Library: Book Illustration in the Age of Scientific Discovery

The John Golden Library: Book Illustration in the Age of Scientific Discovery

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 17. Donovan, Edwards | First edition of a rare catalog of South Seas insects.

Donovan, Edwards | First edition of a rare catalog of South Seas insects

Auction Closed

November 22, 05:54 PM GMT


20,000 - 30,000 USD

Lot Details


Donovan, Edwards

An Epitome of the Natural History of the Insects of New Holland, New Zealand, New Guinea, Otaheite and Other Islands in the Indian, Southern and Pacific Oceans;... London: for the author and for F.C. and J. Rivington, 1805

4to (286 x 235 mm). Series title, dedication leaf, advertisement leaf, volume title, advertisement leaf, 41 handcolored engraved plates by and after Donovan; but for spotting to tissue guards, a clean copy with the plates in very pleasing condition with only the very occasional stray spot. Near-contemporary half calf and marbled boards, spine gilt, morocco lettering-pieces, gilt crest surrounded by motto, shield bearing initials "JVS"; minor repair to spine and wear to extremities.

First edition of a rare catalog of South Seas insects; the Dumbarton Oaks copy

The source was the author’s collection of specimens, founded on the earlier collections of Dru Drury and of Cook's astronomer William Bayly. Donovan also used the collection of Sir Joseph Banks and dedicated the work to him.

Donovan, intending this to be the first of series, produced in this work the first truly systematic account of Australian insects, "there is, perhaps, no extent of country in the world that can boast of a more copious or diversified assemblage of interesting objects in every department of natural history than New Holland... it burst upon our view at the first glance like a new creation" (from his introduction).


Nissen ZBI 1145; Fergusson 408


John Vandeleur Stewart (b.1802, of Rock Hill, armorial bookplate, binding) — Mildred Bliss (Dumbarton Oaks, bookplate)

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