The Victor Shaw Collection of Chinese Jades: Online Part 1

The Victor Shaw Collection of Chinese Jades: Online Part 1

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 3020. A celadon and russet jade 'bird' finial, Song dynasty 宋 青玉瑞鳥杖首.

The Victor Shaw Collection of Chinese Jades 邵維錫藏中國玉雕

A celadon and russet jade 'bird' finial, Song dynasty 宋 青玉瑞鳥杖首

Lot Closed

February 28, 02:21 AM GMT


300,000 - 400,000 HKD

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The Victor Shaw Collection of Chinese Jades 邵維錫藏中國玉雕

A celadon and russet jade 'bird' finial,

Song dynasty

宋 青玉瑞鳥杖首

6.2 cm

The present lot demonstrates a combination of a strong overall naturalistic design and skilful carving technique, which is characteristic of Song dynasty jade carvings. It is particularly notable of the clever incorporation of the russet inclusions into the overall design, accentuating the naturalistic modelling of the bird. Compare the execution of the deftly carved wings on a pale green jade bird, dated Song dynasty, formerly in the Robert H. Ellsworth Collection, illustrated by James Watt, Chinese Jades from Han to Ch'ing, New York, 1980, p.94, pl.78; see also a related example of a yellow jade bird with brown markings, from the collection of Mr and Mrs B.H.Tisdall, illustrated in ibid., p.96, pl.81.

此瑞鳥杖首雕刻細緻,整體造型玲瓏精巧,生動傳神,玉質溫潤,手感細膩,充分展示了宋代玉雕動物寫實意趣,是不可多得的上乘之作。參考安思遠舊藏一件宋代玉鳥的雕刻風格,見屈志仁,《Chinese Jades from Han to Ch'ing》,紐約,1980年,頁94,圖版78;另參看一件B.H. Tisdall伉儷舊藏一件黃玉鳥,見同著錄,頁96,圖版81。