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19th and 20th Century Sculpture

19th and 20th Century Sculpture

19th and 20th Century Sculpture

9 December 202013:00 GMT


Please note that the results listed on this page are inclusive of any Sotheby's Premiums and exclusive of any applicable taxes and costs, unless otherwise noted.

Please note that the results listed on this page are inclusive of any Sotheby's Premiums and exclusive of any applicable taxes and costs, unless otherwise noted.

19th and 20th Century Sculpture

2 December - 9 December 2020 • London

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106 results sorted by Lot number (low to high)

106 results sorted by

Lot number (low to high)


1 Narcissus

The Medici Vase

2 The Medici Vase

Vénus Astarté (Venus-Astarte)

3 Vénus Astarté (Venus-Astarte)

Buste d'Angelot (Bust of a Cherub)

4 Buste d'Angelot (Bust of a Cherub)

Tarcisius, martyr chrétien (Bust of Saint Tarcisius)

5 Tarcisius, martyr chrétien (Bust of Saint Tarcisius)


6 Orpheus

Génie de la Danse (no. 1) (The Spirit of Dance)

7 Génie de la Danse (no. 1) (The Spirit of Dance)

Mask of Ludwig van Beethoven

8 Mask of Ludwig van Beethoven

Medusenschild (Shield with the Head of Medusa)

9 Medusenschild (Shield with the Head of Medusa)

L'Enlèvement d'Hippodamie (The Abduction of Hippodamia)

10 L'Enlèvement d'Hippodamie (The Abduction of Hippodamia)

Deux Bacchantes et un Hercule portant un vase (Two Bacchantes and Hercules carrying an amphora)

11 Deux Bacchantes et un Hercule portant un vase (Two Bacchantes and Hercules carrying an amphora)

Leda and the Swan

12 Leda and the Swan

Amor Mendicante (Cupid Begging)

13 Amor Mendicante (Cupid Begging)

L'Amour Captif (Cupid held captive)

14 L'Amour Captif (Cupid held captive)

L'Innocence tourmentée par l'Amour (Innocence tormented by Love)

15 L'Innocence tourmentée par l'Amour (Innocence tormented by Love)

Psyche Waking the Sleeping Cupid

16 Psyche Waking the Sleeping Cupid

Amore Segreto (Secret Love)

17 Amore Segreto (Secret Love)

Venus and Cupid

18 Venus and Cupid

L'Amour Vainqueur (Love Victorious)

19 L'Amour Vainqueur (Love Victorious)

Il Genio della Pesca (The Genius of Fishing)

20 Il Genio della Pesca (The Genius of Fishing)

The Flight of Love

21 The Flight of Love


22 Flora

Allegory of Spring

23 Allegory of Spring

Leda and the Swan

24 Leda and the Swan


25 Phryne

Sapho à la colonne (Sappho at a column)

26 Sapho à la colonne (Sappho at a column)

L'Art Étrusque (Allegory of Etruscan Art)

27 L'Art Étrusque (Allegory of Etruscan Art)

Bust of a Veiled Maiden

28 Bust of a Veiled Maiden


30 Psyche


31 Psyche

Bust of a Woman wearing a Diadem

32 Bust of a Woman wearing a Diadem

Self-portrait Bust

33 Self-portrait Bust

Portrait Medallion of Thomas Fenton

34 Portrait Medallion of Thomas Fenton

Roundel with a portrait of Henry Irving

35 Roundel with a portrait of Henry Irving

Bust of a Gentleman

36 Bust of a Gentleman

Bust of a Nymph

37 Bust of a Nymph

Femme aux couronnes (Woman with garlands)

38 Femme aux couronnes (Woman with garlands)

Glaneuse aux épis (Gleaner)

39 Glaneuse aux épis (Gleaner)

La Faneuse (The Haymaker)

40 La Faneuse (The Haymaker)

Porteuse de gerbes (Woman carrying Wheat)

41 Porteuse de gerbes (Woman carrying Wheat)

Baigneuse avant le bain (Woman before her bath)

42 Baigneuse avant le bain (Woman before her bath)

First Lesson

43 First Lesson

Relief Portrait of William Morris

44 Relief Portrait of William Morris

An Offering to Hymen

45 An Offering to Hymen

Orpheus and Eurydice

46 Orpheus and Eurydice

Herodias and Salome

47 Herodias and Salome

Nessus and Deianeira

48 Nessus and Deianeira

Relief of Psyche

49 Relief of Psyche

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