Asian Arts / 5000 Years
5 December - 12 December 2024 • Paris
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1 A gilt-copper alloy figure of crowned Buddha, Tibet, 14th century | 十四世紀 藏傳銅合金鎏金佛坐像
2 A gilt-copper alloy figure of Manjushri, Tibet, 15th century | 十五世紀 藏傳銅合金鎏金文殊菩薩坐像
3 An inscribed silver and copper-inlaid copper-alloy figure of Sakya Lama, Tibet, 15th / 16th century | 十五 / 十六世紀 藏傳銅錯銀薩迦派喇嘛坐像
4 A turquoise, paste and semi precious stones inlaid gilt-silver belt buckle and a jade disc (Bi), Nepal, 19th century | 尼泊爾 十九世紀 銀鎏金嵌寶帶扣 及 玉雕璧
5 A gilt-copper alloy figure of Manjushri, Tibet, 14th century | 十四世紀 藏傳銅合金鎏金文殊菩薩坐像
6 A rare inscribed gilt-bronze figure of Mahottara Heruka, Tibet, 14th century | 十四世紀 藏傳銅鎏金赫魯嘎立像
7 A rare inscribed gilt-copper figure of Yeshe Tsogyal, Tibet, 17th / 18th century | 十七 / 十八世紀 藏傳銅鎏金益西措嘉立像
8 A group of four copper-alloy ritual implements, Himalayan regions, 19th century | 喜馬拉雅地區 十九世紀 各式法器一組四件
9 A ritual bone apron, Tibet, some carvings 15th / 16th century | 十五 / 十六世紀 藏傳骨雕瓔珞裙
10 A copper-alloy figure of Avalokiteshvara, Tibet, circa 16th / 17th century | 約十六世紀 / 十七世紀 藏傳銅合金十一面觀世音菩薩立像
11 A group of three silver and copper-alloy figures of deities, Tibet and Mongolia, 18th / 20th century | 西藏及蒙古 十八 / 二十世紀 銀及合金銅佛像一組三件
12 A painted lacquer and papier maché crown, Tibet, 18th century | 十八世紀 藏傳紙雕彩繪寶冠
13 A thangka depicting a mandala of Vairochana, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 普明大日如來曼荼羅唐卡 設色布本
14 A thangka depicting Gelug refuge field, Tibet, circa 1900 | 約1900年 藏傳皈依境唐卡 設色布本
15 A thangka depicting the Padmasambhava triad, Tibet, circa 1900 | 約1900年 藏傳蓮花生大士唐卡 設色布本
16 A group of seven thangkas, Tibet, 18th / 20th century | 十八 / 二十世紀 藏傳唐卡 設色布本 一組七件
17 A gilt-bronze figure of White Tara, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 銅鎏金白度母坐像
18 A rare gilt-bronze triad of Medicine Buddhas, Qing dynasty, Qianlong period | 清乾隆 銅鎏金佛坐像一組三尊
19 A medical thangka, Tibet, circa 1900 | 約1900年 藏傳醫術唐卡 設色布本
20 A monumental scroll painting depicting Chakrapurusha, Western India, 19th century | 西印度十九世紀 毗濕奴神輪 設色布本
21 Two palmistry diagrams and two yantra paintings, India, 19th century | 印度 十九世紀 設色紙本一組四件
22 A Jain cosmic diagram, Western India, 19th century | 西印度 十九世紀 耆那宇宙圖表 設色紙本
23 A small Jain cosmic diagram, Western India, 19th century | 西印度 十九世紀 耆那宇宙圖表 設色紙本
24 A stone cosmic egg, Northern India | 北印度 石雕林伽
25 A large Jain cosmic diagram, Western India, 19th century | 西印度 十九世紀 耆那宇宙圖表 設色布本
26 A fine Picchavai painting depicting Krishna and Gopis, India, 19th / 20th century | 印度 十九 / 二十世紀 黑天及牧牛姑娘 設色布本
27 A Guhyakali manuscript, Nepal, circa 18th century | 尼泊爾 約十八世紀 古雅伽黎女神對開本 設色紙本
28 A Picchavai painting depicting Shrinathji, India, 20th century | 印度 二十世紀 吉祥主黑天 設色布本
29 An astrological calendar, Indonesia, Bali, probably 19th century | 印尼巴里島 或十九世紀 彩繪星象曆表
30 Two gilt-copper alloy figures of Amitabha and Vairocana, Tibet, 14th / 15th century | 十四 / 十五世紀 藏傳銅合金鎏金阿彌陀佛及大日如來佛坐像 一組兩件
31 An important thangka depicting Mahasiddha Damarupa and Avadhutipa, Tibet, Sakya school, circa 1420 | 薩迦派 約1420年 藏傳大成就者札瑪如巴及阿瓦度帝巴唐卡 設色布本
32 A rare thangka depicting Amitabha, Avalokiteshvara and Green Tara, Tibet, Sakya school, Ngor monastery, 15th century | 薩迦派 俄爾寺 十五世紀 藏傳阿彌陀佛及觀音菩薩及綠度母唐卡 設色布本
33 A well-preserved thangka depicting four Sakya Hierarchs, Tibet, Sakya school, Ngor monastery, 16th century | 薩迦派 俄爾寺 十六世紀 藏傳四喇嘛唐卡 設色布本
34 A thangka depicting a Chakrasamvara mandala, Tibet, 15th century | 十五世紀 藏傳勝樂金剛曼陀羅唐卡 設色布本
35 A thangka depicting a Sakya lama, Tibet, Ngor monastery, 19th century | 俄爾寺 十九世紀 藏傳薩迦派喇嘛唐卡 設色布本
36 A large thangka depicting Ushnishavijaya, Tibet, 18th / 19th century | 十八 / 十九世紀 藏傳尊勝佛母唐卡 設色布本
37 A large copper-alloy stupa, Central Tibet, circa 13th century | 藏中 約十三世紀 藏傳合金銅佛塔
38 A bronze seated figure of Vairocana, Tibet, 14th century | 十四世紀 藏傳銅毗盧遮那佛坐像
39 A gilt-copper repoussé figure of Garuda, Tibet, circa 15th century | 約十五世紀 藏傳鎏金銅捶揲迦樓羅坐像
40 A gilt-copper and repoussé seated figure of Tsongkhapa, Tibet, 18th / 19th century | 十八 / 十九世紀 藏傳鎏金銅宗喀巴坐像
41 A carved gilt and polychrome wood sutra book cover, Tibet, 14th / 15th century | 十四 / 十五世紀 藏傳金加彩木雕護經板
42 Two polychrome copper figures of Naga Kings, Tibet, 18th / 19th century | 十八/十九世紀 藏傳銅加彩龍尊王坐像 一組兩件
43 A polychrome wood 'mandala' altar table, Tibet, 18th / 19th century | 十八 / 十九世紀 藏傳木加彩曼陀羅紋小方桌
44 A gilt-damascened iron 'lotus' door pull and box, Tibet, circa 18th century | 西藏 約十八世紀 鐵鋄金蓮紋門把手及蓋盒一組兩件
45 A set of gilt-damascened iron door ornaments and a door pull Tibet, 17th / 18th century | 西藏 十七 / 十八世紀 鐵鋄金門飾一組
46 A rare pair of gilt-damascened iron ritual pincers, Tibet, circa 17th century | 約十七世紀 藏傳鐵鋄金鉗
47 Two silver ceremonial vessels, Tibet, 19th century | 西藏 十九世紀 銀執壺及瓶一組兩件
48 A silver incised 'Auspicious Emblems' butter lamp, Tibet, 20th century | 西藏 二十世紀 銀刻吉祥紋酥油燈