Arts d'Asie

Arts d'Asie

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 169. An extraordinary gilt-bronze figure of Hayagriva, Densatil monastery, Tibet, 14th century | 十四世紀 藏傳丹薩替寺鎏金銅馬頭金剛立像.

Property from a European Private Collection | 歐洲私人收藏

An extraordinary gilt-bronze figure of Hayagriva, Densatil monastery, Tibet, 14th century | 十四世紀 藏傳丹薩替寺鎏金銅馬頭金剛立像

Auction Closed

June 15, 03:38 PM GMT


300,000 - 500,000 EUR

Lot Details


Property from a European Private Collection

An extraordinary gilt-bronze figure of Hayagriva

Densatil monastery, Tibet, 14th century

the six-armed krodha-vighnantaka with wings at his back decorated with diminutive vajras on the left and garudas on the right, a horse-head above each of his three faces, wearing sumptuous gem-set jewellery, serpent bracelets and a serpent as a necklace with its head entwined with its tail at his abdomen, a tiger skin dhoti with paws tied at the front, its tiger head resting on his right thigh and tail on the left, the deity striding in alidhasana and trampling intertwined naga serpents on a lotus pedestal, with an intact consecration plate in the middle of his back and a fragmentary tenon below to secure the statue in its designated position on a tashi gomang stupa

Himalayan Art Resources item no. 13864.

Height 33 cm, 13 in. ; Length 23 cm, 9 in.


Collection particulière européenne 

Extraordinaire statue de Hayagriva en bronze doré, monastère de Densatil, Tibet, XIVe siècle



十四世紀 藏傳丹薩替寺鎏金銅馬頭金剛立像


Galerie Deydier, Paris, 6th December 1994.



Compare the alternating lapis and tinted crystal rhombus-shaped inset gems of the crown band, physiognomic details, and the rounded sculptural forms of the Shri Devi at Asia Society, New York, the Mahakala in the Pritzker Collection, and the Jambhala in a private collection, for which Jean-Luc Estournel suggests a date of circa 1386 in “About the 18 stupas and other treasures once at the Densatil monastery”, asian, 2020, figs. 152-54. And compare the athletic posture and rounded forms of a fourteenth century Densatil Parnashavari, ibid., fig. 102.

The winged Heruka Hayagriva is rarely portrayed in this period, and this gilt bronze appears to be one of only two examples discovered so far than can be associated with Densatil monastery. A rare fragmentary thirteenth century Hayagriva with iconographic similarities has been identified as being from the earliest stages of the monastery’s development, ibid., fig. 33.



無論是冠飾鑲嵌青金石及菱形水晶色水晶、造像相貌細節或其他潤雕造型,本馬頭金剛立像可與亞洲協會之吉祥天母、普利茲克收藏之大黑天及某私人收藏之五姓財神比較,見Jean-Luc Estournel,〈關於丹薩替寺十八座佛塔及珍寶〉,,2020年,圖152至154。文中作者將此類造像斷代為1386年。再比一尊十四世紀丹薩寺替代佛衣佛母,其具動感姿態和圓潤外形極與本品為相似,同上,圖102。
