Old Master & 19th Century Paintings Day Auction, Part II

Old Master & 19th Century Paintings Day Auction, Part II

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 331. Portrait of Marie-Thérèse Pommyer (born circa 1705), bust-length, wearing a blue velvet dress and white chemise, with a yellow wrap.

The Property of a Gentleman

Nicolas de Largillière

Portrait of Marie-Thérèse Pommyer (born circa 1705), bust-length, wearing a blue velvet dress and white chemise, with a yellow wrap

No reserve

Lot Closed

July 7, 12:31 PM GMT


4,000 - 6,000 GBP

Lot Details


The Property of a Gentleman

Nicolas de Largillière

Paris 1656–1746

Portrait of Marie-Thérèse Pommyer (born circa 1705), bust-length, wearing a blue velvet dress and white chemise, with a yellow wrap

oil on canvas, oval

unframed: 55.5 x 45.6 cm.; 21⅞ x 18 in.

framed: 78.2 x 68 cm.; 30¾ x 26¾ in.

Yves-Joseph-Charles Pommyer de Rougemont (?–1788), Directeur des Fermes du Roi;

Thence by descent to his daughter, Mme Louis Theurier, née Geneviève Pommyer (1774–1832);

Thence by descent to her son, Charles Theurier-Pommyer (1800–1876);

Probably by descent to his eldest son, Jacques-Jean-Baptiste-Simon Pommyer;

His widow, née Anne-Pierre de La Hupraye (1807–1883), Marquise Romaine, Paris;

Baron Alfred de Jacquier de Rosée (1871–1935), Château de Schaltin, Namur, Belgium (the great-grandson of Baronne Antoine-Laurent de Jacquier de Rosée, née Elisabeth d’Incourt de Fréchencourt, the daughter of the Abbé Pommyer’s niece, and sister of Jacques-Jean-Baptiste-Simon, Comtesse Pierre d’Incourt de Fréchencourt, née Marie-Françoise Pommyer de Rougemont);

His widow, née Louise Anne-Marie Daly (1885–1967);

Thence by descent to their nephew, Baron Emmanuel de Jacquier de Rosée (1906–1987);

Thence by descent to Baron Alfred Jacquier de Rosée, by 1928;

Thence by descent until anonymously sold ('The Property of a Continental Family of Title'), London, Christie's, 10 December 1993, lot 50, where acquired by the father of the present owner.

D. Brême, in Nicolas de Largillierre, 1656–1746, exh. cat., Paris 2003, p. 172, under no. 58.

Paris, Palais des Beaux Arts de la Ville de Paris (Petit Palais), Exposition N. de Largillière, May–June 1928, no. 126.

This portrait and the previous lot were sold together in 1993 with six other paintings by Largillière, and three pastels, representing members of the Pommyer family: the head of the family, Yves-Joseph – Président Trésorier de France au Bureau de Finances d'Alençon and later Secrétaire du Roi – his wife, Marie-Marguerite Lefève, and their seven children, of which these paintings represent two. As with the other paintings from the set, these works both bear inscriptions and dates on relining canvases, probably copied from the artist's own hand on the original supports.

Little is known of the life of Marie-Thérèse, who is thought to have died without issue.

We are grateful to Neil Jeffares for his assistance with the provenance of this lot.