Stanhope's list (‘Liste des Tableaux qui ont été envoyés en Hollande’/ ‘A List of the Pictures which were carried to Holland’), 1702, no. 12: ‘Une Madona dans un paysage de l'Ecole de Bologne’ (‘A Virgin in a landscape, school of Bologna’);
Valuation list, Het Loo (‘Liste van de schilderijen op het Loo in 't konstcabinet en galderije gevonde’/ ‘List of paintings found in the art cabinet and galleries at Het Loo’), 6–7 December 1712, no. 87, as hanging in the great gallery: ‘Lievevrouw met het Kintje, Rubens’ (‘The blessed Virgin with the Christ Child, Rubens’), estimate: f 600/ 700;
Du Val's list (‘Schilderijen die volgens het zeggen van den kunst bewaerder du Val door hare Majt de Coninginne van groot Brittannien zyn gereclameert geworden als tot de Croon behorende’/ ‘Paintings which, according to information of curator du Val, have been claimed by Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain as Crown property’), 1713, no. N 47 (26): ‘Een Lieve vrouw met een kint door van Dyck’ (‘A blessed Virgin and Child by Van Dyck’);
Estate inventory of Het Loo, 8 April 1713, no. 856, as hanging in the picture gallery: ‘De maegt Maria met het kindeke Jesus door Van Dijck’ (‘The Virgin Mary with the Child Jesus by Van Dyck’);
Brief description of the sold, unsold and inherited paintings of Het Loo, n.d. [shortly after 26 July 1713], Letter C [?]: [f 1000] ‘Een Lieve vrouw met een kind door van Dyk’ (‘A Virgin Mary with a child by Van Dyck’);
Catalogue of the Exhibition of the King's Pictures, Royal Academy of Arts, London, 1946–47, p. 104, under no. 292 (in a list of other versions);
O. Millar, The Tudor, Stuart and Early Georgian Pictures in the Collection of her Majesty the Queen, 2 vols, London 1963, p. 103, under no. 161 (as a copy);
S.W.A. Drossaers and T.H. Lunsingh Scheurleer, Inventarissen van de inboedels in de verblijven van de Oranjes en daarmede gelijk te stellen stukken, 1567–1795, 3 vols, The Hague 1974–76, vol. I, pp. 678, 698 and 700;
M. Grimes in Homage to Rubens, exh. cat., The Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, 10 January – 9 April 1978, no. 8 (as Van Dyck);
J.S. Held, The Collections of the Detroit Institute of Arts, Flemish and German Paintings of the 17th Century, The Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit 1982, pp. 44–46, reproduced p. 45 (as a copy after Van Dyck);
B. Brenninckmeyer-de Rooij et al., Paintings from England: William III and the Royal Collections, The Hague 1988, p. 83, no. 12 (some references pertain to the present work and not to the picture reproduced);
E. Larsen, Van Dyck. The Paintings, Freren 1988, vol. II, p. 262, under no. 642 (as a copy; ‘art market, Detroit’);
H. Vey, in Van Dyck, A Complete Catalogue of the Paintings, S. Barnes et al. (eds), New Haven and London 2004, p. 253, under no. III.10 (as an autograph version);
K. Jonckheere, The Auction of King William’s Paintings 1713: Elite International Art Trade at the End of the Dutch Golden Age, Amsterdam and Philadelphia 2008, pp. 63 and 258–59, Claim 12.