19th & 20th Century Sculpture

19th & 20th Century Sculpture

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 525. Salammbô chez Matho (Matho kneeling before Salammbo).

Théodore Rivière

Salammbô chez Matho (Matho kneeling before Salammbo)

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6,000 - 8,000 GBP

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Lot Details


Théodore Rivière


1857 - 1912

Salammbô chez Matho (Matho kneeling before Salammbo)

signed: THEODORE RIVIERE, entitled: CARTHAGE, inscribed: Susse Fres Edteurs Paris. (cire perdue), and with the SUSSE FRERES EDITEUR PARIS pastille

bronze, gilt, dark brown and green patina

40cm., 15¾in.

The present bronze is a fine Susse cast of Rivière's celebrated model. There is a bronze and ivory version in the Musée d'Orsay, Paris (inv. no. RF 2521). The subject is taken from Gustave Flaubert's exotic historical novel, Salammbô, published in 1862. It represents the Carthaginian priestess Salammbô retrieving her city's sacred veil, the Zaïmph, from her enemy Mathô, who is consumed with desire for her.