European Sculpture & Works of Art

European Sculpture & Works of Art

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 204. The Virgin and Child in a Tabernacle.

Northern Italian, probably Venice, 15th century

The Virgin and Child in a Tabernacle

Lot closes


July 2, 02:04 PM GMT


10,000 - 20,000 GBP

Starting Bid

10,000 GBP

Lot Details


Northern Italian, probably Venice, 15th century

The Virgin and Child in a Tabernacle

gilt and polychromed wood

Virgin and Child: 55cm., 21 3/4 in.

overall: 94 by 55cm., 37 by 21 5/8 in.

Private collection, Switzerland

This sensitive carving of the Virgin and Child is stylistically consistent with 15th century Venetian types. The shape of the object suggests that the relief was originally part of a larger ensemble. Close comparison can be drawn to the 15th century central relief of the Virgin and Child in an otherwise painted polyptych attributed to Paolo Veneziano (1300-1365), illustrated by Michelangelo Murano (op. cit.).

The composition and facial types of this Virgin and Child, as well as the architectural frame with fine columns to either side, compare to a carved relief of the Virgin and Child in the altarpiece from S. Antonio Abate in the Museo del Territorio, San Daniele del Friuli. The finely carved dress with lively folds, comprising a cloak with a hood, relates closely to a relief of the Virgin by Jacopo da Cattaro in Castello Sforzesco in Milan, as well as to the relief in the polyptych by Paolo Veneziano.


A. M. Schulz, Woodcarving and Woodcarvers in Venice 1350-1550, New York, pp.396, 445, figs.92 and 142; M. Muraro, Paolo Da Venezia. With a Catalogue Raisonne, 1969, fig. 31