Magnificent Jewels

Magnificent Jewels

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 1754. HARRY WINSTON | 'HOLLY WREATH' DIAMOND NECKLACE | 海瑞溫斯頓 | 'Holly Wreath' 鑽石項鏈 (鑽石共重約125.00卡拉).

HARRY WINSTON | 'HOLLY WREATH' DIAMOND NECKLACE | 海瑞溫斯頓 | 'Holly Wreath' 鑽石項鏈 (鑽石共重約125.00卡拉)

Premium Lot

Auction Closed

October 7, 10:25 AM GMT


8,000,000 - 12,000,000 HKD

Lot Details



海瑞溫斯頓 | 'Holly Wreath' 鑽石項鏈 (鑽石共重約125.00卡拉)

Set with brilliant-cut, pear- and marquise-shaped diamonds weighing approximately 125.00 carats in total, mounted in platinum, signed Winston, length approximately 380mm.

Accompanied by two GIA reports no. 7358897011 and 7351897044, both dated 1 September 2020, stating that diamonds weighing 2.05 and 1.51 carats are both D Colour, VS2 and VS1 Clarity respectively. Also accompanied by GIA report no. 7356897052, dated 1 September 2020, stating that diamond weighing 1.76 carats is E Colour, VVS2 Clarity.

Talk to Me Harry Winston!

Celebrated as ‘The King of Diamonds’, Harry Winston founded Harry Winston Inc. in 1932 in New York City. Over the course of his dazzling career, Winston handled some of the world’s most famous diamonds.

From the 1950s through to the 1970s. his boutiques were the destination of choice for royalty, Hollywood stars and business moguls alike. Acknowledged as a visionary in the field for his pursuit of excellence, Harry Winston’s combination of passion, discretion, intuition and knowledge was greatly appreciated by his high-profile and discerning clientele.

As the jeweller to the stars, Harry Winston started dressing celebrities as early as 1935, the year that he purchased the 726 carat “The Jonker” diamond. He was also the first jeweller to dress a celebrity for an Academy Awards show in 1944, loaning diamond jewellery to actress Jennifer Jones, who had been nominated for her role in The Song of Bernadette. Harry Winston jewellery has graced the red carpet ever since.

In the 1953 movie, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Marilyn Monroe famously sang the line “Talk to me Harry Winston! Tell me all about it…” whilst performing the song “Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend; perfectly summing up the jubilant attitude towards diamond’s most famous namesake. Harry Winston’s innovative design philosophy, in which individual gemstones, rather than metal settings, would dictate each design – helped revolutionize fine jewellery designs, and continues to remain the cornerstone of a timeless aesthetic that continues to inspire all Harry Winston creations.

The story of how Harry Winston hit upon the idea for the diamond wreath necklace is legendary. Returning to his idyllic Scarsdale home in the 1940s, he observed that the holly wreath decorating his front door seemed to be held together without any internal support; the leaves obscuring the wire beneath them.

Winston immediately went back to his jewellers and asked them to translate this principle to jewellery design, creating a technique that allowed the stones to appear to float, with an invisible structure holding them in place. The concept of clustering, regarded as a Winston signature of technical virtuosity, comprising of mixed-cut diamonds set with minimal metal at varying angles allows the diamonds to appear to float on top of the wearer.

The Harry Winston wreath necklace is one if not, the most instantly recognizable of Winston designs. Created almost like a piece of fabric, its workmanship, quality and details showcase the pinnacle of what Harry Winston collectors are after. Lot 1754 is the true definition and trademark of the Harry Winston firm and a sign of the finest quality setting, which only a true Harry Winston jewel can possess.


1932年在紐約創辦的品牌海瑞溫斯頓(Harry Winston Inc.)素有「鑽石之王」的美譽。這位珠寶名匠海瑞・溫斯頓(Harry Winston)在其成就不凡的職業生涯裡,經手過很多世界知名的鑽石。


溫斯頓是影星的御用珠寶匠,最早在1935年為名人設計造型,同年,他購入重達726卡拉的「瓊格爾之鑽」(The Jonker)。1944年,他向憑電影《聖女之歌》獲金像獎提名的女演員珍妮花・鍾絲(Jennifer Jones)借出鑽石首飾,是第一位為出席該頒獎禮的藝人置裝的珠寶匠,從此,海瑞溫斯頓的鑽飾成為紅地毯常客。

在1953年的電影《紳士愛美人》中,瑪莉蓮・夢露表演《鑽石是女孩最好的朋友》一曲時,唱出經典歌詞「Talk to me Harry Winston! Tell me all about it…」,滿懷喜悅地點名歌詠這個世界上最有名的鑽石品牌。海瑞溫斯頓認為寶石比金屬底座更能主導首飾外形,這個創意非凡的設計哲學革新了高級珠寶的工藝意念,成為延續品牌雋永美學的磐石,以及啓發後來設計的靈感泉源。


溫斯頓馬上折返工作室,吩咐工匠將這個原理運用到珠寶設計中,由此啓發而來的嶄新工藝令寶石彷彿懸浮在半空,固定它們的托架隱藏其中。「Cluster 錦簇鑲嵌」是溫斯頓引以為傲的招牌工藝,將花式切割的鑽石以不同角度鑲嵌在極簡約的金屬底座上,令鑽石呈現輕盈地漂浮在佩戴者身上的效果。


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