Modern Evening Auction

Modern Evening Auction

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 18. Grosses Schererportrait (Der Maler; Zeichnender Maler; Grünes Selbstbildnis vor Landschaft).

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

Grosses Schererportrait (Der Maler; Zeichnender Maler; Grünes Selbstbildnis vor Landschaft)

Auction Closed

November 17, 02:14 AM GMT


2,500,000 - 3,500,000 USD

Lot Details


Ernst Ludwig Kirchner


Grosses Schererportrait (Der Maler; Zeichnender Maler; Grünes Selbstbildnis vor Landschaft)

Large Portrait of Scherer (The Painter; The Draughtsman; Green Self-portrait in Landscape)



Signed E. L. Kirchner. And dated 22 (lower left)

Oil on canvas

59 1/8 by 47 3/8 in.  

150.2 by 120.3 cm.

Executed in 1923.

This work is listed in the Ernst Ludwig Kirchner archives, Wichtrach/Bern.

款識:藝術家簽名E. L. Kirchner.並紀年22(左下)


59 1/8 x 47 3/8 英寸

150.2 x 120.3 公分




Please note this lot is subject to an irrevocable bid. Please note the estimate for this work is $2,500,000-3,500,000 and the title should read: Grosses Schererportrait (Der Maler; Zeichnender Maler; Grünes Selbstbildnis vor Landschaft); Large Portrait of Scherer (The Painter; The Draughtsman; Green Self-portrait in Landscape).

Estate of the artist

Fine Arts Associates (Otto M. Gerson), New York (acquired by 1957)

Mrs. Milton Kimmelman, New York (acquired from the above on 6 January 1958)

Acquired from the above by the present owner





Edith Hofmann, “Expressionism: not a German but an International Style,” Art News, Vol. LVI/11, 1957, p. 40, illustrated

Donald E. Gordon, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Cambridge, 1968, no. 687, p. 119, p. 435, p. 366, illustrated (titled Green Self-Portrait in Landscape (Grünes Selbstbildnis vor Landschaft) and dated 1922/1924)

Peter Vignau-Wilberg, Unbekannte Gemälde von Ernst Ludwig Kirchner: Separatdruck aus dem Jahrbuch 1968/69, Zurich, 1969, p. 125

Exh. Cat., Ferrara, Palazzo dei Diamanti & Locarno, Pinacoteca Communcale, Casa Rusca, Ipotesi Helvetia: un certo espressionismo, 1990-91, p. 98, p. 99, illustrated (titled Der Maler (Hermann Scherer zeichnend))

Exh. Cat., Chur, Bündner Kunstmuseum, Hermann Scherer: Skulpturen, Gemälde, Holzschnitte, 1999, p. 12, illustrated

Hans Delfs, ed., Der gesamte Briefwechsel: “die absolute Wahrheit, so wie ich sie fühle”, Zurich, 2010, nos. 1242, 1244, 1253, 3053

伊狄絲・荷夫曼,〈表現主義是國際風格,而非德國風格〉,《Art News》,第LVI/11卷,1957年,頁40,載圖



展覽圖錄,費拉拉,迪亞曼蒂宮及洛迦諾,Casa Rusca市立美術館,《赫爾維蒂亞假說:某種表現主義》,1990-91年,頁98,頁99,載圖(題為《畫家(赫爾曼・謝勒的畫)》)



Winterthur, Kunstverein, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, 1924, no. 30 (titled Der Maler) 

Stuttgart, Württembergischer Kunstverein, E.L. Kirchner 1880-1936, 1956, no. 21, n.p., illustrated 

New York, Fine Arts Associates (Otto M. Gerson), Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, 1957, no. 17, n.p., illustrated (titled Self-Portrait in Landscape and dated 1922)


斯圖加特,符騰堡藝術協會,「恩斯特・路德維希・基希納 1880-1936年」,1956年,品號21,無頁數,載圖


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