Fine Chinese Paintings

Fine Chinese Paintings

Fine Chinese Paintings

Fine Chinese Paintings

27 March - 7 April 2023 • Hong Kong

Your local time • 02:00 AM GMT

海上諸家 百壽圖 | Shanghai Artists, Calligraphy of Longevity

3001 海上諸家 百壽圖 | Shanghai Artists, Calligraphy of Longevity

溥儒 仙童獻瑞圖 | Pu Ru, Child and Crane

3002 溥儒 仙童獻瑞圖 | Pu Ru, Child and Crane

丁輔之 喬松結子 | Ding Fuzhi, Exuberance of Pine

3003 丁輔之 喬松結子 | Ding Fuzhi, Exuberance of Pine

金城 嵩壽圖  | Jin Cheng, Pine Trees of Longevity

3004 金城 嵩壽圖 | Jin Cheng, Pine Trees of Longevity

陳巨來 祖國萬歲 | Chen Julai, Mighty Pine Tree

3005 陳巨來 祖國萬歲 | Chen Julai, Mighty Pine Tree

謝稚柳 雙清圖 | Xie Zhiliu, Plum Blossoms and Rock

3006 謝稚柳 雙清圖 | Xie Zhiliu, Plum Blossoms and Rock

陶冷月 高山流水圖 |Tao Lengyue, Waterfall in Verdant Mountains

3007 陶冷月 高山流水圖 |Tao Lengyue, Waterfall in Verdant Mountains

葉恭綽 行書八言聯 | Ye Gongchuo, Calligraphy Couplet in Xingshu

3008 葉恭綽 行書八言聯 | Ye Gongchuo, Calligraphy Couplet in Xingshu

徐悲鴻 蒼松萬古青 | Xu Beihong, Majestic Pine

3009 徐悲鴻 蒼松萬古青 | Xu Beihong, Majestic Pine

陸抑非 雙壽圖 | Lu Yifei, Birds by Bamboo

3010 陸抑非 雙壽圖 | Lu Yifei, Birds by Bamboo

鄭午昌 日昇松茂 | Zheng Wuchang, Longevity Pine in Rising Sun

3011 鄭午昌 日昇松茂 | Zheng Wuchang, Longevity Pine in Rising Sun

趙叔孺 雙松疊壽 | Zhao Shuru, Mighty Pines

3012 趙叔孺 雙松疊壽 | Zhao Shuru, Mighty Pines

張大千 行書七言聯 | Zhang Daqian (Chang Dai-chien), Calligraphy Couplet in Xingshu

3013 張大千 行書七言聯 | Zhang Daqian (Chang Dai-chien), Calligraphy Couplet in Xingshu

張大千 壽星圖 | Zhang Daqian (Chang Dai-chien), Deity of Longevity |

3014 張大千 壽星圖 | Zhang Daqian (Chang Dai-chien), Deity of Longevity |

張大千 童子牧牛書畫合璧 | Zhang Daqian (Chang Dai-chien), Buffalo and Herdboy; Calligraphy

3015 張大千 童子牧牛書畫合璧 | Zhang Daqian (Chang Dai-chien), Buffalo and Herdboy; Calligraphy

謝稚柳 翠巖隱舟 | Xie Zhiliu, Boating in Lush Mountains

3016 謝稚柳 翠巖隱舟 | Xie Zhiliu, Boating in Lush Mountains

豐子愷 戴月夜歸圖 |Feng Zikai, Boating in Moonlight

3017 豐子愷 戴月夜歸圖 |Feng Zikai, Boating in Moonlight

陶冷月 月夜泛舟 | Tao Lengyue, Willow Shore under the Moon

3018 陶冷月 月夜泛舟 | Tao Lengyue, Willow Shore under the Moon

于非闇 溪山幽居 | Yu Fei'an, Solitary Mountains

3019 于非闇 溪山幽居 | Yu Fei'an, Solitary Mountains

金城 倣王昱雪景山水 | Jin Cheng, Winter Landscape after Ancient Artist

3020 金城 倣王昱雪景山水 | Jin Cheng, Winter Landscape after Ancient Artist

張培敦 朱衣漁叟小影 | Zhang Peidun, Sailing by the Shore

3021 張培敦 朱衣漁叟小影 | Zhang Peidun, Sailing by the Shore

吳昌碩 石鼓文 | Wu Changshuo, Calligraphy

3022 吳昌碩 石鼓文 | Wu Changshuo, Calligraphy

何紹基 隸書〈文心雕龍〉| He Shaoji, Calligraphy in Lishu

3023 何紹基 隸書〈文心雕龍〉| He Shaoji, Calligraphy in Lishu

陳澧 隸書「根道核藝」|  Chen Li, Calligraphy in Lishu

3024 陳澧 隸書「根道核藝」| Chen Li, Calligraphy in Lishu

林風眠 江畔人家 | Lin Fengmian, Houses by the River

3025 林風眠 江畔人家 | Lin Fengmian, Houses by the River

林風眠 秋景 | Lin Fengmian, Autumn Scenery

3026 林風眠 秋景 | Lin Fengmian, Autumn Scenery

林風眠 花徑 | Lin Fengmian, The Garden Pathway

3027 林風眠 花徑 | Lin Fengmian, The Garden Pathway

林風眠 柳湖春雨伴親歸 | Lin Fengmian, Mother and Son

3028 林風眠 柳湖春雨伴親歸 | Lin Fengmian, Mother and Son

吳冠中 凡爾賽 | Wu Guanzhong, Versailles

3029 吳冠中 凡爾賽 | Wu Guanzhong, Versailles

吳冠中 泰山五大夫松寫生 | Wu Guanzhong, A Sketch of Five Pines of Mount Tai

3030 吳冠中 泰山五大夫松寫生 | Wu Guanzhong, A Sketch of Five Pines of Mount Tai

吳冠中 江邊竹 | Wu Guanzhong, Riverside Bamboos

3031 吳冠中 江邊竹 | Wu Guanzhong, Riverside Bamboos

吳冠中 四川達縣 | Wu Guanzhong, Scenery of Da Xian

3032 吳冠中 四川達縣 | Wu Guanzhong, Scenery of Da Xian

吳冠中 春到人家 |  Wu Guanzhong, Village by Spring Mountains

3033 吳冠中 春到人家 | Wu Guanzhong, Village by Spring Mountains

吳冠中 枝頭鳥 | Wu Guanzhong, Lovebirds

3034 吳冠中 枝頭鳥 | Wu Guanzhong, Lovebirds

吳冠中 筍林 | Wu Guanzhong, Bamboo Grove

3035 吳冠中 筍林 | Wu Guanzhong, Bamboo Grove

吳冠中 賽馬 | Wu Guanzhong, A Horse Race

3036 吳冠中 賽馬 | Wu Guanzhong, A Horse Race

吳冠中 竹澗圖 | Wu Guanzhong, Creek by the Bamboo Grove

3037 吳冠中 竹澗圖 | Wu Guanzhong, Creek by the Bamboo Grove

李可染 消夏圖 | Li Keran, Enjoying the Summer Breeze

3038 李可染 消夏圖 | Li Keran, Enjoying the Summer Breeze

齊白石 小鴨 | Qi Baishi, Duck

3039 齊白石 小鴨 | Qi Baishi, Duck

張大千 魚樂圖 | Zhang Daqian (Chang Dai-chien), Frolicking Fishes

3040 張大千 魚樂圖 | Zhang Daqian (Chang Dai-chien), Frolicking Fishes

于非闇 朱竹伯勞 | Yu Fei'an, Bird by Red Bamboo

3041 于非闇 朱竹伯勞 | Yu Fei'an, Bird by Red Bamboo

王雪濤 飛花伴蝶舞 | Wang Xuetao, Butterflies by Blossoms

3042 王雪濤 飛花伴蝶舞 | Wang Xuetao, Butterflies by Blossoms

徐操 鍾進士遊山圖 | Xu Cao, Excursion of Zhong Kui

3043 徐操 鍾進士遊山圖 | Xu Cao, Excursion of Zhong Kui

齊白石 水族佳禽 | Qi Baishi, Aquatic Lives and Magpie

3044 齊白石 水族佳禽 | Qi Baishi, Aquatic Lives and Magpie

于非闇 英雄獨立 | Yu Fei'an, Eagle on Pine

3045 于非闇 英雄獨立 | Yu Fei'an, Eagle on Pine

姚華 上野公園避震圖 | Yao Hua, Ueno Park

3046 姚華 上野公園避震圖 | Yao Hua, Ueno Park

陳衡恪、姚華 一腔心事託梅花 | Chen Hengke, Yao Hua, Plum Blossom with Pottery Vessel Rubbing

3047 陳衡恪、姚華 一腔心事託梅花 | Chen Hengke, Yao Hua, Plum Blossom with Pottery Vessel Rubbing

張大千 柳溪高士 |  Zhang Daqian (Chang Dai-chien), Scholar by Willow Tree

3048 張大千 柳溪高士 | Zhang Daqian (Chang Dai-chien), Scholar by Willow Tree