The Marianne L. Dreesmann-van der Spek Collection

The Marianne L. Dreesmann-van der Spek Collection

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 178. Crucifix .

German, 19th century


Lot Closed

July 12, 03:12 PM GMT


800 - 1,200 EUR

Lot Details


German, 19th century



the cross with titulus inscribed I.N.R.I., his head three-quarter left, slightly looking up, his loincloth held by a rope, Adam's skull under his feet 

H. 48,5 cm ; 19 in.


Allemagne, XIXe siècle



La croix portant un titulus inscrit I.N.R.I., sa tête tournée de trois-quart vers la gauche, le perizonium tenu par une corde, le crâne d'Adam à ses pieds

H. 48,5 cm ; 19 in.

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Collection Professor Dr Drs Anton C.R. Dreesmann, Laren, inv. no. E17;

Collection Mrs Marianne L. Dreesmann-van der Spek, Laren, inv. no E015;

Thence by inheritance to the present owners.


Collection Professeur Dr Drs Anton C.R. Dreesmann, Laren, inv. no. E17 ;

Collection Mrs Marianne L. Dreesmann-van der Spek, Laren, inv. no E015 ;

Par descendance jusqu’aux propriétaires actuels.