Important Chinese Art

Important Chinese Art

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 3728. A pair of exceptionally rare doucai waterpots, Marks and period of Yongzheng |   清雍正 鬪彩五色祥雲紋馬蹄式水丞一對 《大清雍正年製》款.

Property from an Asian private collection | 亞洲私人收藏

A pair of exceptionally rare doucai waterpots, Marks and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 鬪彩五色祥雲紋馬蹄式水丞一對 《大清雍正年製》款

Premium Lot

Auction Closed

April 8, 02:15 PM GMT


6,000,000 - 8,000,000 HKD

Lot Details


Property from an Asian private collection

A pair of exceptionally rare doucai waterpots,

Marks and period of Yongzheng


清雍正 鬪彩五色祥雲紋馬蹄式水丞一對 《大清雍正年製》款

wood stands

h. 5.3 cm

Collection of the Tsui Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1991.

The Jingguantang Collection.

Christie's Hong Kong, 3rd November 1998, lot 956.

The Gerald M. Greenwald Collection, collection no. 88.

Christie's Hong Kong, 1st December 2010, lot 2816.

An important Asian private collection.

Bonhams Hong Kong, 2nd June 2016, lot 12 and back cover.








The Tsui Museum of Art, Tsui Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1991, pl. 112.

Chinese Ceramics, vol. IV, Tsui Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1995, pl. 131.



The present pair of waterpots are extraordinary examples of Yongzheng doucai porcelain which represent some of the Yongzheng emperor’s greatest passions: his love of classical styles of the past; his taste for exacting contemporary design; his insistence on outstanding quality; and his infatuation with portends of good luck.

The Yongzheng emperor took a keen interest in the work of the various imperial manufactories in his empire and the production of the Jingdezhen imperial kilns. In addition, he also brought his personal influence to bear the workshop's artistic direction by fine-tuning shapes to ideal, harmonious proportions, developing sophisticated yet uncontrived designs, and taking the best works of the past as standards to aspire to, together with the celebrated kiln supervisor, Tang Ying, he achieved a porcelain production of a distinctive style, subdued elegance, and material refinement unmatched in any other period. 

The present lot may thus be regarded as a distant echo of a famous but rare and equally unorthodox Ming style of doucai cups painted with ruyi-head cloud scrolls, Chenghua marks and period, a pair, for example, from the Qing Court Collection, are illustrated in The Complete Collection of the Treasures of the Palace Museum: Porcelains in Polychrome and Contrasting Colours, Shanghai, 2007, no.181.

The eccentric, almost completely abstract design of the clouds is most characteristic of the taste of the Yongzheng emperor.The courage to abstraction in design and to immaculate, stream-lined forms calculated on the drawing board, which nowadays seem ultra-modern, are a trademark of Yongzheng artefacts unique in Chinese art, as no other emperor appears to have had a similarly sophisticated cultural understanding and artistic vision.

It was the Yongzheng emperor, who in the Qing dynasty refreshed the strong interest in auspicious symbols, which became ubiquitous later in the Qianlong reign. The design of swirling lingzhi-shaped five-coloured clouds on the present lot is known as wuse yun or qing yun clouds. Imperial works of art from the Qing Court Collection shows that the Yongzheng emperor seemed to have a particular fondness for the physical as well as symbolic appearance of qing yun between the 7th and the 10th year of his reign. Scenes of auspicious five-coloured clouds appearing above the sky were recorded several times in the Palace memorials presented to the emperor. The Imperial archives also recorded paintings depicting such type of clouds were ordered by the Yongzheng emperor in 1730, see L. Lina, 'Auspicious symbols and scenes of the Yongzheng period', in F. Mingzhu, Harmony and Integrity: The Yongzheng Emperor and His Times, Taipei, 2009, pp.374 – 399.

The Yongzheng emperor's fondness for this decoration is evident in the number of extant Imperial works of art, similarly decorated with multi-coloured clouds, including the carved wooden plaque inlaid with painted enamel swirling clouds and the inscription reading 'Heed Rashness and Use Perseverance'; a painted enamel snuff bottle, Yongzheng mark and period; a painted enamel tiered box and cover, Yongzheng mark and period; and a stand with a hanging fish pendant, depicted in 'Yinzhen's Amusements: Copying a Sutra in a Studio', illustrated in F. Mingzhu, ibid., Taipei, 2009, pp.20, 116-117, 258 and 269. See also a doucai bottle vase, Yongzheng mark and period, similarly decorated with cloud scrolls, which was sold at Sotheby's Hong Kong, 8 April 2010, lot 1862. 

See also a doucai stemcup, mark and period of Yongzheng, with similar five-coloured clouds decorated but together with a red sun; previously in the collections of Roger Lam, T.Y. Chao, Nancy and Ira Koger, and now in the Meiyintang collection, illustrated in Sotheby's. Thirty Years in Hong Kong 2003, pl.185, and published in R. Krahl, Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyintang Collection, vol. IV, London, 2010, no. 1744.


雍正對藝術的鍾爱 ,體現在他對宮廷造辦處以及景德鎮御窰廠各事務的直接干預,並以其獨特的個人情趣與品味對宮廷御製品的審美走向產生極大影響,對器物的形製、比例以及紋飾設都有嚴格的要求,以宮中舊藏前朝古器為靈感,與督陶官唐英一道在慕古的先人經典的基礎上又推陳出新,創作出一批品味超凡、特征鮮明的御用器具,致使後朝再無法超越。





類似的五色祥雲紋於一件雍正高足杯上也有所見,紋飾中同時繪有旭日,此高足杯先後由林秀降、趙從衍及 Nancy and Ira Koger 遞藏,現為玫茵堂收蔵,著錄於《香港蘇富比二十周年1973-1993》,圖185。亦收錄於《香港蘇富比三十週年》,香港,2003年,圖185,並同時出版於康蕊君,《玫茵堂藏中國陶瓷》,卷4,倫敦,2010年,編號1744。