Important Chinese Art

Important Chinese Art

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 3812. A pair of white jade slit 'dragon' discs, jue, Mid - late Western Zhou dynasty |  西周中晚期 白玉龍紋玉玦一對.

Chinese Jades from the Cissy and Robert Tang Collection | 喜聞過齋藏玉

A pair of white jade slit 'dragon' discs, jue, Mid - late Western Zhou dynasty | 西周中晚期 白玉龍紋玉玦一對

Auction Closed

April 8, 02:15 PM GMT


600,000 - 800,000 HKD

Lot Details


Chinese Jades from the Cissy and Robert Tang Collection

A pair of white jade slit 'dragon' discs, jue,

Mid - late Western Zhou dynasty


西周中晚期 白玉龍紋玉玦一對

each d. 5.3 cm

Outstanding for its superb quality of jade stone and the finely carved dragons in a complex scrolled configuration, the present pair of slit disks were likely used as ear ornaments. For a similar pair of slit disks in the Shanghai Museum, see Treasures of the Jin State. Gems from Excavations of Cemetery of Marquis of Jin in Shanxi Province, Shanghai, 2003, no. 143; and another one also in the Shanghai Museum, illustrated in Yang Boda, Zhongguo yuqi quanji [Complete collection of Chinese jades], Hebei, 2005, no. 268.

此對白玉龍紋玉玦玉質潔白瑩潤,雕工精湛,而龍紋在同類玉玦中非常少見。此對玉玦或為耳飾。參看上海博物館藏類似的一對玉玦,著錄於《晉國奇珍:山西晉侯墓群出土文物》,上海,200 年,編號 143。另見上海博物館藏單獨的另一例,著錄於楊伯達,《中國玉器全集》,河北,2005 年,編號 268。