Fine Classical Chinese Paintings

Fine Classical Chinese Paintings

Fine Classical Chinese Paintings

155 results sorted by Lot number (low to high)

155 results sorted by

Lot number (low to high)

Li Liufang, Autumn Landscape | 李流芳 秋風蕭瑟

3001 Li Liufang, Autumn Landscape | 李流芳 秋風蕭瑟

Wen Congchang, Pavilion under Pines | 文從昌 松下草亭

3002 Wen Congchang, Pavilion under Pines | 文從昌 松下草亭

Chen Huan, Studio by a River | 陳煥 溪畔書屋

3003 Chen Huan, Studio by a River | 陳煥 溪畔書屋

Zheng Zhong, Tea Brewing in Spring | 鄭重  品泉清話

3004 Zheng Zhong, Tea Brewing in Spring | 鄭重 品泉清話

Chen Guan, Studio in Mountain beside a River | 陳祼 山居觀瀑

3005 Chen Guan, Studio in Mountain beside a River | 陳祼 山居觀瀑

Wu Ling, Cottage in the forest |  吳令 山林人家

3006 Wu Ling, Cottage in the forest | 吳令 山林人家

Yi Bingshou, Ink Plum Blossom | 伊秉綬 墨梅

3007 Yi Bingshou, Ink Plum Blossom | 伊秉綬 墨梅

Ruan Yuan, Poems in running script | 阮元 行書詩二首

3008 Ruan Yuan, Poems in running script | 阮元 行書詩二首

Fei Nianci, Poem in the style of Wen Zhengming | 費念慈 臨文徵明書《黃岡竹樓記》

3009 Fei Nianci, Poem in the style of Wen Zhengming | 費念慈 臨文徵明書《黃岡竹樓記》

Chen Hongshou, Poem in Running script | 陳鴻壽 行書七言詩

3010 Chen Hongshou, Poem in Running script | 陳鴻壽 行書七言詩

Xu You, Poem in running script | 許友 行書七言詩

3011 Xu You, Poem in running script | 許友 行書七言詩

Zhou Zhimian, Mandarin Ducks under Willows | 周之冕 柳下鴛鴦

3012 Zhou Zhimian, Mandarin Ducks under Willows | 周之冕 柳下鴛鴦

Yao Shou, Calligraphy in running script | 姚綬 行書

3013 Yao Shou, Calligraphy in running script | 姚綬 行書

Fang Yizhi, Wang Shizhen’s poem in cursive script | 方以智 草書王世貞題畫詩

3014 Fang Yizhi, Wang Shizhen’s poem in cursive script | 方以智 草書王世貞題畫詩

Tang Yin, Bamboo in the rain | 唐寅 雨竹

3015 Tang Yin, Bamboo in the rain | 唐寅 雨竹

Chen Chun, Calligraphy in Cursive script | 陳淳 草書《觀道旁石澗尋源至五花閣詩》

3016 Chen Chun, Calligraphy in Cursive script | 陳淳 草書《觀道旁石澗尋源至五花閣詩》

Zhao Zuo, Studio under Pines | 趙左 松下草堂

3017 Zhao Zuo, Studio under Pines | 趙左 松下草堂

Chen Chun, Plum Blossom | 陳淳 墨梅

3018 Chen Chun, Plum Blossom | 陳淳 墨梅

Various Artists (Qing Dynasty), Landscape, Washing Elephant and Imperial Poems | 山水、楷書御製詩十四首、洗象圖、楷書御製詩十三首

3019 Various Artists (Qing Dynasty), Landscape, Washing Elephant and Imperial Poems | 山水、楷書御製詩十四首、洗象圖、楷書御製詩十三首

Wang Tao, Mountain after Raining | 王濤 溪山積雨

3020 Wang Tao, Mountain after Raining | 王濤 溪山積雨

Shen Zhou, Crows on Trees | 沈周 古木慈烏

3021 Shen Zhou, Crows on Trees | 沈周 古木慈烏

Fang Cong, Snowy landscape | 方琮 雪霽圖

3022 Fang Cong, Snowy landscape | 方琮 雪霽圖

Lu Zhi, Narcissus | 陸治 水仙圖

3024 Lu Zhi, Narcissus | 陸治 水仙圖

Zhou Xun, Landscape after Li Zhaodao | 周璕 倣小李將軍山水

3025 Zhou Xun, Landscape after Li Zhaodao | 周璕 倣小李將軍山水

Fang Cong, Landscape | 方琮 山水圖

3026 Fang Cong, Landscape | 方琮 山水圖

Hu Yukun, Misty Landscape | 胡玉昆 江山飄渺圖

3028 Hu Yukun, Misty Landscape | 胡玉昆 江山飄渺圖

Shitao, Returning among the Willows | 石濤 楊柳歸人圖

3029 Shitao, Returning among the Willows | 石濤 楊柳歸人圖

Attributed to Shixi, Visiting a friend in a Mountain Retreat | 石谿 (款) 山居訪友

3030 Attributed to Shixi, Visiting a friend in a Mountain Retreat | 石谿 (款) 山居訪友

Attributed to Xu Wei, Qingteng Studio | 徐渭(款) 青藤書屋

3031 Attributed to Xu Wei, Qingteng Studio | 徐渭(款) 青藤書屋

Shao Mi, Autumn scene | 邵彌 秋意圖

3032 Shao Mi, Autumn scene | 邵彌 秋意圖

Chen Jiayan, Plum Blossom and Narcissus | 陳嘉言 梅樹水仙圖

3033 Chen Jiayan, Plum Blossom and Narcissus | 陳嘉言 梅樹水仙圖

Zhang Hong, Buffalo and Shepherd Boy | 張宏 春波牛背圖

3034 Zhang Hong, Buffalo and Shepherd Boy | 張宏 春波牛背圖

Attributed to Yun Shouping, Autumn flower and bird | 惲壽平(款) 臨寫秋色圖

3035 Attributed to Yun Shouping, Autumn flower and bird | 惲壽平(款) 臨寫秋色圖

Attributed to Jiang Tingxi, Pigeons | 蔣廷錫(款) 金盆玉鴿圖

3036 Attributed to Jiang Tingxi, Pigeons | 蔣廷錫(款) 金盆玉鴿圖

Zhang Mu, Magnolia and Bird | 張穆 玉蘭棲禽圖

3037 Zhang Mu, Magnolia and Bird | 張穆 玉蘭棲禽圖

Zhou Zhimian, Chrysanthemums and Quails | 周之冕 菊花鵪鶉

3038 Zhou Zhimian, Chrysanthemums and Quails | 周之冕 菊花鵪鶉

Jiang Tingxi, Peonies | 蔣廷錫 富貴牡丹

3039 Jiang Tingxi, Peonies | 蔣廷錫 富貴牡丹

Song Nian, Flowers, Birds and Cat on a Rock | 松年 花鳥四屏

3040 Song Nian, Flowers, Birds and Cat on a Rock | 松年 花鳥四屏

Tang Yi, Flowers | 湯怡 百花圖

3041 Tang Yi, Flowers | 湯怡 百花圖

Wu Dan, Landscape | 武丹 山水四連屏

3042 Wu Dan, Landscape | 武丹 山水四連屏

Fan Qi, Wu Hong and et. al, Twelve Landscapes | 樊圻, 吳宏, 陳卓, 王概, 王蓍, 楊晉, 官銓, 陳訓, 鄒壽坤 山水十二屏

3043 Fan Qi, Wu Hong and et. al, Twelve Landscapes | 樊圻, 吳宏, 陳卓, 王概, 王蓍, 楊晉, 官銓, 陳訓, 鄒壽坤 山水十二屏

Anonymous, Birds | 佚名 百鳥圖

3044 Anonymous, Birds | 佚名 百鳥圖

Dong Bangda; the Qianlong Emperor, Landscape; Imperial Poems | 董邦達; 乾隆帝 山水冊頁

3045 Dong Bangda; the Qianlong Emperor, Landscape; Imperial Poems | 董邦達; 乾隆帝 山水冊頁

Zhang Wei, Birds and Flowers | 張煒 花鳥冊頁

3046 Zhang Wei, Birds and Flowers | 張煒 花鳥冊頁

Anonymous (Ming Dynasty), Willow and Oriolidaes | 佚名(明) 翠柳黃鸝

3048 Anonymous (Ming Dynasty), Willow and Oriolidaes | 佚名(明) 翠柳黃鸝

Anonymous, Birds feeding | 佚名 孝哺圖

3049 Anonymous, Birds feeding | 佚名 孝哺圖

Wen Zhengming, Wangchuan Villa | 文徵明 輞川圖

3050 Wen Zhengming, Wangchuan Villa | 文徵明 輞川圖

Lu Zhi, Painting of Yunchuan | 陸治 雲川圖

3051 Lu Zhi, Painting of Yunchuan | 陸治 雲川圖