Asian Arts / 5000 Years
12 December - 21 December 2023 • Paris
Your local time • 13:00 PM GMT
1 A small ‘Ding’-type white-glazed jug, Five dynasties - Song dynasty, 9th - 10th century | 五代至宋 九至十世紀 定窰白釉小壺
2 A ‘Ding’ white-glazed foliate-rim vase, Five dynasties - Song dynasty, 9th - 10th century | 五代至宋 九至十世紀 定窰白釉花口瓶
3 A 'huanghuali' brushpot, late Ming – early Qing dynasty, 17th century | 明末清初 十七世紀 黃花梨筆筒
4 An archaic jade 'fish' pendant, late Shang dynasty, 11th - 10th century BC | 商末 公元前十一至十世紀 玉雕魚形珮
5 An archaic pale celadon jade ‘bird’ pendant, Shang dynasty or Western Zhou dynasty, 11th - 9th century BC | 商或西周 公元前十一至九世紀 青白玉鳥形珮
6 An open work celadon jade 'toothed animal mask' ornament, Neolithic period, Hongshan culture, circa 3500 BC | 新石器時代 紅山文化 約公元前3500年 青玉帶齒動物面紋飾
7 An archaic pale celadon jade 'mask' scabbard chape, Western Han dynasty, circa 2nd century BC | 西漢 約公元前二世紀 青白玉獸面紋劍珌
8 A gilt-bronze and silver-inlaid incense burner and basin, Han dynasty | 漢 鎏金銅錯銀香爐連盤
9 An archaic bronze ornament, Shang dynasty | 商 青銅夔紋飾
10 A 'jichimu' and other woods altar table, Qing dynasty | 清 拼鸂鶒木平頭案
11 A white-glazed jar and cover, Tang dynasty | 唐 白釉蓋罐
12 A sancai-glazed alms bowl, Tang dynasty | 唐 三彩缽
13 A 'Jun' blue-glazed footed dish, Song dynasty | 宋 鈞窰天藍釉盤
14 A 'hongmu' rectangular corner-leg side table (banzhuo), 19th - 20th century | 十九至二十世紀 紅木霸王棖馬蹄足半桌
15 An archaic bronze ritual food vessel (gui), Early Eastern Zhou dynasty | 東周初期 青銅獸面紋簋
16 Two archaic bronze masks, Eastern Zhou dynasty | 東周 青銅獸面紋牌飾
17 A 'Jun' purple-splashed bowl and a Ge-type bottle vase, Song - Ming dynasty | 宋至明 鈞窰天藍釉紫斑盌 及 仿哥釉雙小瓶一組兩件
18 A 'tree trunk' brushpot, Qing dynasty | 清 樹樁式筆筒
19 A turquoise-inlaid gilt and silver bronze chased belt hook, late Warring States period - early Western Han dynasty | 戰國晚期至西漢初期 青銅鎏金銀嵌綠松石龍虎雙形鏤空帶鉤
20 A chalcedony pendant (huang), Neolithic period, Lingjiatan culture | 新石器時代 凌家灘文化 玉髓璜
21 A celadon jade figure of a dog, Song dynasty or later | 宋或以後 青玉犬
22 A sancai-glazed vase and a small green-splashed bowl, Tang dynasty | 唐 三彩花瓶及綠斑小盌一組兩件
23 A painted pottery 'cocoon' jar, Han dynasty | 漢 彩繪繭形陶壺
24 A Qingbai carved ‘peony’ bowl, Song dynasty | 宋 青白釉刻牡丹紋笠式盌
25 A 'Ding'-type 'lotus' bowl, probably Song dynasty | 或宋 定窰系白釉花口盌
26 A pair of carved Qingbai 'floral' bowls, Song dynasty | 南宋 青白釉刻花卉紋盌一對
27 A painted 'Cizhou' 'immortal and dragon' jar, Yuan dynasty | 元 磁州窰雲龍仙人圖罐
28 An iron head of boddhisattva, Song - Ming dynasty | 宋至明 鐵菩薩頭像
29 A group of three archaistic bronze vases (Gu), late Ming dynasty | 明末 銅出㦸花觚一組三件
30 A ‘Jian’ russet-brown glazed bowl and a Henan black-glazed russet-splashed bowl, Song - Jin dynasty | 宋至金 河南窰黑釉醬斑盌
31 A carved 'Ding'-type white-glazed ‘chilong’ bowl, Yuan or Ming dynasty | 元或明 定窰刻螭龍紋盌
32 A large 'Jun' blue-glazed bowl, Yuan dynasty | 元 鈞窰天藍釉大盌
33 A Ge-type cong-form vase, Qing dynasty | 清 仿哥釉琮式瓶
34 A inlaid gilt-bronze and repoussé necklace, Nepal, circa 1900 | 尼泊爾 約1900年 鎏金嵌寶項鍊
35 A fine thangka depicting Maitreya and Manjushri, Tibet, 14th - 15th century | 十四至十五世紀 藏傳彌勒佛及文殊菩薩唐卡 設色布本
36 A gilt-copper alloy figure of Shakyamuni Buddha, Tibet, 15th century | 十五世紀 藏傳銅合金鎏金釋迦牟尼佛坐像
37 A copper alloy figure of a Bön deity, Tibet, 16th century | 十六世紀 藏傳銅合金苯教佛坐像
38 A study collection of thirty ornaments, Thokcha, Himalayan regions, Central Asia and China, 9th/14th century | 喜馬拉雅地區,中亞,中國 九至十四世紀 托查一組三十件
39 A study collection of fifty-eight ornaments, Thokcha, Tibet and other Himalayan regions, 11th - 14th century | 西藏及喜馬拉雅其他地區 十一至十四世紀 托查一組五十八件
40 A study collection of twenty-seven ornaments, Thokcha, Tibet and other Himalayan regions, 10th - 14th century | 西藏及喜馬拉雅其他地區 十至十四世紀 托查一組二十七件
41 A study collection of thirty-four ornaments, Thokcha, Tibet and other Himalayan regions, 10th/14th century | 西藏及喜馬拉雅其他地區 十至十四世紀 托查一組三十四件
42 A study collection of twenty-seven ornaments, Thokcha, Himalayan regions, Central Asia and China, 9th- 14th century | 喜馬拉雅地區,中亞,中國 九至十四世紀 托查一組二十七件
43 A study collection of thirty-seven ornaments, Thokcha, Tibet and other Himalayan regions, 8th - 14th century | 西藏及喜馬拉雅其他地區 八至十四世紀 托查一組三十七件
44 A study collection of 'Gau' reliquaries, silver plaques and accessories, Tibet and other Himalayan regions, 16th - 20th century | 西藏及喜馬拉雅其他地區 十六至二十世紀 銀牌及嘎烏擺件一組二十二件
45 A study collection of thirty ornaments, Thokcha, Tibet and other Himalayan regions, 11th - 14th century | 西藏及喜馬拉雅其他地區 十一至十四世紀 托查一組三十件
46 A study collection of twenty-seven ornaments, Thokcha, Tibet and other Himalayan regions, 11th -14th century | 西藏及喜馬拉雅其他地區 十一至十四世紀 托查一組二十七件
47 A gilt-bronze figure of Vajradhara, Tibet, 14th - 15th century | 十四至十五世紀 藏傳銅鎏金金剛手菩薩坐像
48 A gilt-bronze figure of Manjushri, probably Tibet, circa 15th century | 約十五世紀 藏傳鎏金銅文殊菩薩坐像