Fine Jewels & Watches
Fine Jewels & Watches
Property of a Lady
Lot Closed
October 24, 03:43 PM GMT
5,000 - 9,000 EUR
Lot Details
One brooch modelled as an elegant Venetian blackamoor with a carved wood head to a turban and dress enhanced with oval shaped and brilliant-cut diamonds to circular-cut ruby, measurement approximately 70 x 37 x 27mm approximately, the other designed as designed as an articulated palmette set with brilliant-cut diamond enhanced with ruby and emerald cabochon, can be worn as a pendant, assay mark for gold, gross weight 87.18.)
(Una spilla modellata come un moro veneziano con il capo intagliato nel legno e decorato con turbante e vesti in diamanti di taglio ovale, brillante e rubini di taglio circolare, misure approssimative 70 x 37 x 27mm, l'altra disegnata come una palmetta articolata in diamanti di taglio brillante e decorata con rubini e smeraldi cabochon, può essere indossata come pendente, punzoni dell'oro, peso grammi 87.18.)
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