Joseph H. Hirshhorn: Collector for a Nation, Part II

Joseph H. Hirshhorn: Collector for a Nation, Part II

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 62. Bust of Leon-Louis Rostan.

Sold by the Order of the Trustees of The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden to Benefit its Acquisition Program

Antoine Etex

Bust of Leon-Louis Rostan

Lot Closed

April 6, 03:02 PM GMT


2,000 - 3,000 USD

Lot Details


Sold by the Order of the Trustees of The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden to Benefit its Acquisition Program

Antoine Etex

1808 - 1888

Bust of Leon-Louis Rostan

inscribed Etex and Rostan and dated 1835


height: 27 ½ inches (69.9 cm)

Heim Gallery, London
Acquired from the present owner in 1977
Louis Auvray and Emile de la Chavignerie, Dictionnaire General des Artistes de l'Ecole
Francaise, vol. 2, New York, 1979, p. 523
Jacques de Case, "La Sculpture Francaise du XIXe Siecle dans les Collections Nord-Americaines," Revue de l'Art 51, 1981, p. 69, fig. 1, illustrated.
Stanislas Lami, Dictionnaire des Sculpteurs de l'Ecole Francaise au Dix-Neuvieme Siecle, vol. 2, Paris, 1916, p. 297
H.W. Janson and Peter Fusco eds., The Romantics to Rodin: French Nineteenth Century Sculpture from North American Collections, Los Angeles, California, 1980, pp. 253-254, fig. 126, illustrated
P.E. Mangeant, "Antoine Etex: Peintre, Sculpteur, et Architecte 1808-1888," Reunion des Societes des Beaux-Arts des Departement 18, 1894, p. 1392

Los Angeles, California, Los Angeles County Museum of Art; Minneapolis, Minnesota, Minneapolis Institute of Art; Detroit, Michigan, Detroit Institute of Arts; Indianapolis, Indiana, Indianapolis Museum of Art, The Romantics to Rodin: French Nineteenth Century Sculpture from North American Collections, February 1980 - May 1981