English Literature, History, Science, Children’s Books and Illustrations Online
30 November - 10 December 2018 • London
1 Civil War, a collection of 26 Pamphlets from the Fairfax Library, 1643
2 Duke of Marlborough, signed Treaty, 1702, later signed by Sir Winston Churchill
3 Robert Adam, watercolour design for a carpet, 1760
5 Plate books, A collection of three works, 1803-1836
6 Nelson, document signed (fragment only), 1803
7 Battle of Trafalgar, Fragments of flag said to have flown from HMS Victory
9 Boys. Original Views of London As It Is, 1842
10 Album of 49 early photographs of Scottish people, c.1840s-1850s
11 Album of curious cartes-de-visite, [c.1860s-70s]
12 Cameron, Photograph of W. Holman Hunt
13 Cameron, Photograph of Freddy Gould, "The beauty of Holiness", [1866]
14 Cameron, Photograph, "Days at Freshwater"
15 Gladstone, C.G. Duffy, and others, group of Victorian autograph letters
16 Coburn, Men of Mark, 1913, inscribed
17 Doughty, Travels in Arabia Deserta, 1921, presented by T.E. Lawrence to Pierce Joyce
18 Lawrence, Collection of 6 works, together with 8 photographs, from the library of Lt.Col. Pierce Joyce
19 Joyce, Lt.Col. Pierce. His field glasses, agal headwear, fly swat and carriage clock
20 Gandhi, 6 letters, in Gujarati, 1926-30
21 Gandhi, signed portrait, 1931
22 Gandhi, signed photograph and other items, framed
23 Lindbergh, "We", 1927, signed
24 Churchill, signed calligraphic copy of his 1940 speech "we shall fight on the beaches"
25 Churchill, typed letter signed, to his son-in-law Christopher Soames, 15 February 1950
26 Churchill, a collection of over 240 of press photographs
27 Churchill, deed box lettered with his name, early 20th century
28 Mao Zedong, signature in an autograph album, with 31 others, 1960-80s
29 Bowditch, The new American practical navigator, 1802
30 Briggs, Trigonometria Britannica, 1633,
31 Cotes, Harmonia mensurarum, 1722
32 [Darwin], Memorial of British Authors on the Subject of Copyright..., [1872]
33 Parkinson & Frodsham, Marine Chronometer, circa 1830s
34 Darwin, The Different Forms of Flowers, 1877, inscribed
35 Darwin, Autograph letter signed, to C.V. Riley, 1877
36 Darwin, Three autograph notes to Williams and Norgate, and related material, 1880
37 Gardiner, Tables of logarithms, 1742, Rochefoucauld copy
38 Gunter, The works, 1662
39 Harris, The description and use of the globes, and the orrery, 1731
40 Hooper, Rational recreations, 1783, 4 volumes
41 Kirkby, Arithmetical institutions.. a compleat system of arithmetic natural, logarithmical, and algebraical, 1735
42 Leybourn, The Art of Dialling, 1669
43 Leybourn, Panorganon, 1672
44 Leybourn, The art of numbring by speaking-rods, 1685, [with] The description and use... of Gunters quadrant, 1685
45 Mantell, autograph letter signed, 1824
46 Cuvier, Recherches sur les Ossemens fossiles, 1824, G. Mantell's copy, extra- illustrated
47 Mackay, The theory and practice of finding the longitude, 1801, bound with 2 others, 2 volumes
48 Mackay, The complete navigator, 1804, presentation and dedication copy
49 Mercator, Logarithmotechnia, 1668
50 Meredith, The description and uses of pocket cases of mathematical or drawing instruments, [1791]