The Cottesloe Military Library

The Cottesloe Military Library

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 25. Ascham, Toxophilus, London, 1571, modern red morocco.

Ascham, Toxophilus, London, 1571, modern red morocco

Auction Closed

November 19, 05:30 PM GMT


2,400 - 3,200 GBP

Lot Details



Toxophilus, the schole, or partitions of shooting contayned in ij. bookes... London: Thomas Marshe, 1571

second edition, 4to (183 x 130mm.), black letter, title within woodcut border (McKerrow & Ferguson 125), woodcut initials, modern full red crushed morocco gilt by Riviere, all edges gilt, border of title page slightly shaved at outer and lower edges, lacking final blank

Second edition of Ascham's classic defence of the military art of archery, now best remembered as the first learned defence of a pastime, and as a model of English vernacular prose writing. The first edition had appeared in 1545.


STC 838; ESTC S100277; Cockle p.7