Master Paintings and Sculpture Part II

Master Paintings and Sculpture Part II

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 507. Assortment of fruit in a landscape.

Giovanni Battista Ruoppolo

Assortment of fruit in a landscape

Auction Closed

January 27, 09:38 PM GMT


60,000 - 80,000 USD

Lot Details


Giovanni Battista Ruoppolo

Naples 1629 - 1693

Assortment of fruit in a landscape

oil on canvas

canvas: 39¼ by 60½ in.; 99.7 by 153.7 cm.

framed: 49⅞ by 70⅝ in.; 126.7 by 179.4 cm.

Anonymous sale, New York, Sotheby's, 13 October 1989, lot 178 (as Circle of Ruoppolo, while in partially-overpainted state);
Where acquired by a private collector;
By whom anonymously sold ("In the Light of Caravaggio: Still Lifes from a Private Collection"), New York, Sotheby's, 22 May 2018, lot 57;
Where acquired by the present owner.
A. Cottino, in L'Incantesimo dei sensi: Una collezione di nature morte del Seicento per il Museo Accorsi, exhibition catalogue, Turin 2005, pp. 72, 108, cat. no. 15, reproduced pp. 73, 108 (as Ruoppolo).
Turin, Fondazione Accorsi, L'incantesimo dei sensi: Una collezione di nature morte del Seicento per il Museo Accorsi, 30 November 2005 - 1 May 2006, no. 15 (as Ruoppolo).

This grand still life, which features a cornucopia of ripe fruit, including melons, grapes, apples, pomegranates, peaches, figs, and quines, dates to circa 1680, the mature period of Ruoppolo’s career. The late-seventeenth-century Neapolitan painter almost exclusively produced still lifes, which were highly sought after by contemporary collectors.

Ruoppolo was part of an artistic dynasty in Naples, where several generations of his family worked as professional artists: his father and father-in-law made maiolica, his brother was a maiolica painter, and his nephew was a still-life specialist. Ruoppolo’s still lifes are rooted both in the previous generation of Neapolitan still life painters, including Luca Forte and Giovan Battista Recco, and in the Roman tradition of Baroque still lifes by artists such as Mario Nuzzi and Michelangelo Campidoglio. Another strain of artistic influence on Ruoppolo, especially on his late works, came from the north: in 1675, Abraham Brueghel, the son of Jan Breughel the Younger, moved to Naples. From Brueghel, Ruoppolo adopted the use of larger-format compositions and the inclusion of more extravagant decorative details, like those in the present work.

When this work was sold at Sotheby’s, New York, in 1989, it had been partially overpainted (a woven basket had been added to the composition’s center), which led to its attribution to the Circle of Ruoppolo. Following that sale, the work was cleaned, a restoration that enabled Ruoppolo's full authorship to come to light.