Master to Master: The Nelson Shanks Collection

Master to Master: The Nelson Shanks Collection

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 144. Saint John the Baptist Admonishing Herod.

Mattia Preti

Saint John the Baptist Admonishing Herod

Auction Closed

January 27, 08:24 PM GMT


800,000 - 1,200,000 USD

Lot Details


Mattia Preti

Taverna 1613-1699 Malta

Saint John the Baptist Admonishing Herod

oil on canvas

canvas: 69 1/2 by 101 in.; 176.5 by 256.5 cm.

framed: 77 by 108 ½ in.; 195.6 by 275.6 cm.

Please refer to the online catalogue for complete Exhibitions and Literature.
Probably commissioned by Ferdinand van den Eynde, 1st Marquess of Castelnuovo (d. 1674), inv. 2 December 1688, no. 5;
By descent through his daughter Elisabetta to his son-in-law, Principe Carlo Carafa di Belvedere, inv. 10 January 1707, no. 5;
By whom sold, London, Christie's, 15 December 1770, lot 77 ("a large and capital picture, St. John before Herod");
Allingham, by whom offered, London, Christie's, 6 June 1805, lot 73 (“St John before Herod – capital”, where unsold and subsequently reoffered and unsold: 14 March 1806, lot 74; 4 February 1809, lot 105);
Anonymous sale, Paris, Hôtel Bullion, 5 February 1810, lot 41 (where unsold and subsequently reoffered and unsold: 6 June 1810, lot 19); 
Alexis Delahante (1767 - 1837);
By whom sold, London, Phillips, 30 May 1817, lot 1 (as “John accusing Herod of Adultery,”)
Anonymous sale, London, Dyson, 10 November 1818, lot 118 ("St. John reproving Herod. The head of Herod very fine, the scorn of the wife throwing herself back in the chair well expressed, much richness in the grouping and architectural back ground, the daughter and St. John painted with great effect. A genuine and grand picture of the master");
There acquired by Leicester Square Picture Gallery, London;
Convent of St. John and Elizabeth, St. John’s Wood, London;
By whom sold, London, Sotheby's, 9 March 1983, lot 41;
There acquired.

B. de Dominici, Vite de' pittori, scultori ed architetti napoletani: Bernardo de Dominici, vol. 3, 1742, p. 344;

R. Ruotolo, Mercanti-collezionisti fiamminghi a Napoli: Gaspare Roomer e i Vandeneynden, Naples 1982, p. 27;

J. Spike, Mattia Preti, catalogo ragionato dei dipinti, Taverna 1999, pp. 113-14, cat. no. 3, reproduced p. 114;

M. Utili, Mattia Preti tra Roma, Napoli e Malta, Naples 1999, exhibition catalogue, p. 134, unnummbered, reproduced in color p. 133;

Matthiesen Gallery, 2001: An Art Odyssey (1500-1720), exhibition catalogue, London 2001, pp. 300 -305, cat. no. 35, reproduced in color and in detail;

J. Spike, A Brush with Passion: Mattia Preti (1613-1699), Paintings from North American Collections in Honor of the 400th Anniversary of his Birth, exhibition catalogue, Florence 2013, p. 46, cat. no. 7, reproduced in color p. 47 (as dating to c. 1656);

K. Sciberras in A. Denunzio, ed., Rubens, van Dyck, Ribera: La Collezione di un principe, Naples 2018, exhibition catalogue, p. 122, cat. no. 24, reproduced in color p. 125;

K. Sciberras, Mattia Preti, Life and Works, Malta 2020, pp. 87-89, 289, cat no. 271, reproduced in color p. 89, fig. 79.


Francesco La Marra, etching in reverse, 1792.

Naples, Museo di Capodimonte, Mattia Preti, tra Roma, Napoli e Malta, 28 March - 6 June 1999, unnumbered;

London, Matthiesen Gallery, 2001: An Art OdysseyClassicism, Mannerism, Caravaggism & Baroque, summer 2001, no. 35;

Williamsburg, VA, Muscarelle Museum of Art, A Brush with Passion: Mattia Preti (1613-1699), Paintings from North American Collections in Honor of the 400th Anniversary of his Birth, 9 February - 14 April 2013, no. 7;

Naples, Gallerie d'Italia Palazzo Zevallos Stigliano, Rubens, van Dyck, Ribera: La Collezione di un principe, 6 December 2018 - 7 April 2019, no. 24;

Philadelphia, Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1998-2021, on loan.

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