Books and Manuscripts: A Summer Miscellany

Books and Manuscripts: A Summer Miscellany

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 144. LAWRENCE, T.E. | Collection of upwards of 200 works by, about or relating to Lawrence.

From the Library of Alan Milne

LAWRENCE, T.E. | Collection of upwards of 200 works by, about or relating to Lawrence

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August 4, 03:21 PM GMT


6,000 - 10,000 GBP

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From the Library of Alan Milne



Lawrence, T.E. A Brief Record of the Advance of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force Under the Command of General Sir Edmund H.H. Allenby, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., July 1917 to October 1918. Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1919, second edition, original grey paper covered boards, grey linen spine, Camberley Library bookplate (withdrawn), offsetting, covers slightly scuffed, [O'Brien A012]; Carchemish... British Museum, 1969, dust-jacket, photolithographic reprint of 1921 edition, [A002 note]; Guérilla dans le desert 1916-1918. Brussels, 1992, first edition in French, [A268]; Oriental Assembly. Williams and Norgate, 1939, in jacket, [A221]; Minorities. Bertram Rota and Cape, 1971, preface by C. Day Lewis, NO.46 OF 125 SIGNED BY DAY LEWIS, [A257]; with further editions of same work; Handbook of the Turkish Army. Imperial War Museum, 1996, reprint of 1915 Cairo edition [O'Brien A009c]; The Arab Bulletin, 1916-1918. Archive Editions, 1986, [O'Brien A010a]; T.E. Lawrence in War & Peace. An Anthology of military writings. Greenhill Books, 2005, edited by Malcolm Brown, publisher's galley proofs, signed by Brown, [A274]; The Kaer of Ibu Wardani. Withnail Books, 2018, LIMITED EDITION, NO.54 OF 70 COPIES--Doughty, Charles M. Travels in Arabia Deserta. Medici Society, Cape, 1926, one volume, fourth English edition,half-leather, [A015]; with other editions of same work including first French edition of 1949--Garnett, Richard. The Twilight of the Gods. John Lane, the Bodley Head, 1927, dust-jacket; with first American illustrated edition--Felix, Bertram. Arabia Felix. Jonathan Cape, 1932, [A155]; with another edition--Guillaume, R. & A. An Introduction and Notes Seven Pillars of Wisdom. Tabard Press, 1998, first English edition, translated by Hilary Mandleberg, SPECIAL EDITION, NO. XI/XXV COPIES, quarter tan goatskin, blue cloth covers, [not in O'Brien]--Lawrence, T.E. (contrib.) Brown, Oliver. Exhibition... Evelyn Adams & Mackay, 1968, dust-jacket; with another copy--Thomas, Lowell. With Lawrence in Arabia. Hutchinson, 1925; with other contemporary works by Thomas--Graves, Robert. Lawrence and the Arabs. Jonathan Cape, 1927; with other editions of same work--German-Reed, T. Bibliographical Notes on T.E. Lawrence's Seven Pillars of Wisdom and Revolt in the Desert. W.&G. Foyle, 1928, NO.37/375 COPIES--[Bartlett, Stephen] "Gurney Slade". Led by Lawrence. Warne, [1934]--Hart, B.H. Liddell. 'T.E. Lawrence' In Arabia and after. Jonathan Cape, 1934; with several other editions of the same work (some foreign editions)--Kiernan, R.H. Lawrence of Arabia. George G. Harrap, 1935; with another copy, variant binding--[Gawsworth, John.] "G." Annotations on Some Minor Writings of 'T.E. Lawrence'. Eric Partridge Ltd at the Scholartis Press, 1935--Robinson, Edward. Lawrence. The Story of his Life. Oxford University Press, 1935; with another edition--St. Paul's Cathedral. Form of Service used at the Unveiling of the Memorial to Thomas Edward Lawrence... 1936--Lawrence of Arabia Memorial. Lawrence of Arabia Committee, 1935--Halifax, Viscount. T.E. Lawrence. An Address...delivered at St. Paul's Cathedral on Wednesday, 29th January 1936--Richards, Vyvian. Portrait of T.E. Lawrence. Jonathan Cape, 1936; with others by Richards--Lawrence, A.W., editor. T.E. Lawrence by his Friends. Jonathan Cape, 1937; 2 further copies, later impression and later edition--Altounyan, E.H.R. Ornament of Honour. Cambridge University Press, 1937--City of Oxford High School for Boys Proceedings at the Unveiling of the Memorial to Lawrence of Arabia 3 October 1936. Oxford: Thornton, 1937, inscription on upper cover "From Eric Kennington, Homer House, 1945"--Glen, Douglas. In the Steps of Lawrence of Arabia. Rich & Cowan, [1938]--Clouds Hill. National Trust, 1939; with later editions of same guide--Burbage, Wm. F. The Mysterious AC2. Crowther, 1940--Smith, Claire Sydney. The Golden Reign. Cassell, 1949, pocket edition; with 1978 edition--Storrs, Sir Ronald. Lawrence of Arabia, Zionism and Palestine. Penguin, 1943--Boussard, Léon. Le Secret de Colonel Lawrence. Paris: Editions Mont-Louis, 1941; with another edition--Williamson, Henry. Genius of Friendship: 'T.E. Lawrence'. Faber, 1941; with further editions of same work--Ocampo, Victoria. T.E. Buenos Aires: Editions des Lettres Françaises, 1942, limited issue, PRESENTATION COPY INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOR TO RALPH STEVENSON, British Minister at  Montevideo, in November 1942; with further editions of same work; together with a substantial collection of further works about or relating to Lawrence, predominantly published postwar, authors including Erik Lönnroth, Edward Robinson, John Thomas, Richard Aldington, James Fairweather Milne, Flora Armitage, Terence Rattigan, Anthony Nutting, Benoist-Méchin, Alastair Maclean, Suileimam Mousa, Robert Payne, Stanley Weintraub, Phillip Knightley, Charles Grosvenor, John E. Mack, Peter Brent, Desmond Stewart, Jill M. Phillips, Paul J. Marriot (1/600 signed by the author), T.J. O'Donnell, Philip O'Brien, Donald Weeks, Michael Yardley, Hugh Walpole (1/100), V.M. Thompson, Malcolm Brown, Julia Cave, Jeremy Wilson, Lawrence James, Susan Smith Nash, Patrick Knowles, A.G. Pryce-Jones, David Stevens, Michael Asher, Leslie McLouglin, Stephen E. Tabachnick, Anthony Sattin, Adrien le Corbeau and others; together with exhibition catalogues (including T.E. Lawrence Fifty Letters 1920-1935, University of Texas, 1962, one of 2000 copies), souvenir programmes for performances of David Lean's 1962 film biography and auction catalogues, and a collection of incidental books with references to Lawrence, and a series of periodicals with articles about him; chiefly 8vo, some first editions, some in dust-jackets (upwards of 200)

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