HOTUNG | 何東 The Personal Collection of the late Sir Joseph Hotung: Part 1 | Evening

HOTUNG | 何東 The Personal Collection of the late Sir Joseph Hotung: Part 1 | Evening

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 15. A bronze figure standing on a crouching beast, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period | 東周戰國時期 青銅馭獸立人燈座.

A bronze figure standing on a crouching beast, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period | 東周戰國時期 青銅馭獸立人燈座

Auction Closed

October 8, 01:37 PM GMT


500,000 - 700,000 HKD

Lot Details


A bronze figure standing on a crouching beast, 

Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period

東周戰國時期 青銅馭獸立人燈座

the man with a composed facial expression, detailed with alert eyes and a short moustache, his hair neatly tied under a top hat secured by strings knotted under the chin, wearing a long loosely-fitted robe of thick fabric and a wide belt, his hands grasping a cylindrical vessel in front of the chest, standing solemnly atop of a bear-like beast, the animal depicted with friendly eyes, plump cheeks, rounded ears and a short bushy tail, crouching foursquare with strong limbs and thick paws

22.8 cm

J.J. Lally & Co., New York, 10th February 1992.


Chinese Archaic Bronzes, Sculpture and Works of Art, J.J. Lally & Co., New York, 1992, cat. no. 28 and cover.

《Chinese Archaic Bronzes, Sculpture and Works of Art》,藍理捷,紐約,1992年,編號28及封面

The present figure with outstretched arms is holding a short cylinder, probably made to receive the peg of an oil lamp. Wearing an elaborate headdress and a long robe fastened with a sash below the waist, the figure has a carefully articulated face with an intent expression. It appears to be a realistic representation of a man of high social status, but the crouching beast under his feet suggests a religious or mythological meaning to the sculpture.

A Warring States period bronze lamp modelled as a kneeling man with similar facial features, also wearing a headdress and a robe and upholding an oil dish with a forked support was excavated from Shangcunling, Sanmenxia, Henan, and illustrated in Guolong Lai, 'Uses of the Human Figure in Early Chinese Art', Chinese Bronzes: Selected Articles from Orientations 1983-2000, Hong Kong, 2001, pp. 326-32, fig. 9. Another similar kneeling figure, holding a small tube in its hands, presumably to be used as a receptacle of a now-missing oil lamp, is in the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, accession no. 50.46.114, and illustrated ibid., fig. 8. It was reputedly unearthed from Jincun near Luoyang, Henan, where a cemetery of the royal family of the Eastern Zhou is believed to be located. An inlay-decorated standing figure wearing a headdress and a long robe, but of a more slender build, is also in the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, accession no. 2003.140.3. Compare a further bronze kneeling lamp bearer from the collection of Anthony Hardy, exhibited in Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong 2002-06, and sold at Christie's New York, 16th September 2010, lot 897.


參看河南省三門峽上村嶺出土的一件戰國中晚期青銅跪人燈,現藏河南省博物館,其人物頭飾及束髮方式與本品類似,見來國龍,〈Uses of the Human Figure in Early Chinese Art〉,《Chinese Bronzes: Selected Articles from Orientations 1983-2000》,香港,2001年,頁326-32,圖9。另見同著錄圖8藏於明尼阿波利斯美術館的一件類似跪坐人燈座,燈盤已失,此燈座據傳為河南洛陽金村東周王陵出土。明尼阿波利斯美術館亦藏另外一件錯金銀青銅鬼跪坐人燈座,唯人形更為消瘦,編號2003.140.3。思源堂舊藏一例,見《金木水火土:香港文物收藏精品展》,香港藝術館,2002-06年,後售於紐約佳士得2010年9月16日,編號897。