HOTUNG | 何東 The Personal Collection of the late Sir Joseph Hotung: Part 1 | Evening

HOTUNG | 何東 The Personal Collection of the late Sir Joseph Hotung: Part 1 | Evening

HOTUNG | 何東 The Personal Collection of the late Sir Joseph Hotung: Part 1 | Evening

HOTUNG | 何東 The Personal Collection of the late Sir Joseph Hotung: Part 1 | Evening

20 September - 8 October 2022 • Hong Kong

Your local time • 11:30 AM GMT

An important and outstanding bronze male chimera, bixie, Han dynasty | 漢 青銅辟邪

1 An important and outstanding bronze male chimera, bixie, Han dynasty | 漢 青銅辟邪

Anonymous 無款 | Melon and Grasses 瓜草圖 設色紙本

2 Anonymous 無款 | Melon and Grasses 瓜草圖 設色紙本

A finely carved and reticulated huanghuali 'chilong' seal chest, 17th century | 十七世紀 黃花梨鏤雕螭龍紋官皮箱

3 A finely carved and reticulated huanghuali 'chilong' seal chest, 17th century | 十七世紀 黃花梨鏤雕螭龍紋官皮箱

An embellished gold- and silver-inlaid bronze 'tiger' garment hook, Eastern Zhou dynasty | 東周 銅嵌寶錯金銀獸首帶鉤

4 An embellished gold- and silver-inlaid bronze 'tiger' garment hook, Eastern Zhou dynasty | 東周 銅嵌寶錯金銀獸首帶鉤

A superbly carved large cinnabar lacquer 'peony' box and cover, Mark and period of Yongle | 明永樂 剔紅纏枝牡丹紋大圓蓋盒 《大明永樂年製》款

5 A superbly carved large cinnabar lacquer 'peony' box and cover, Mark and period of Yongle | 明永樂 剔紅纏枝牡丹紋大圓蓋盒 《大明永樂年製》款

An important and exceptionally painted blue and white 'fish' jar, guan, Yuan dynasty | 元 青花魚藻紋大罐

6 An important and exceptionally painted blue and white 'fish' jar, guan, Yuan dynasty | 元 青花魚藻紋大罐

A large huanghuali recessed-leg altar table, Late Ming dynasty | 明末 黃花梨夾頭榫如意雲紋平頭案

7 A large huanghuali recessed-leg altar table, Late Ming dynasty | 明末 黃花梨夾頭榫如意雲紋平頭案

A limestone seated figure of a Buddhist lion, Tang dynasty | 唐 石灰岩雕坐獅

8 A limestone seated figure of a Buddhist lion, Tang dynasty | 唐 石灰岩雕坐獅

Qi Baishi, Flowers and Fruits  |  齊白石  繁花碩果

9 Qi Baishi, Flowers and Fruits | 齊白石 繁花碩果

A highly important gilt-bronze seated figure of Avalokiteshvara, Acuoye Guanyin, Dali Kingdom, 11th - 12th century | 十一至十二世紀 大理國鎏金銅阿嵯耶觀世音菩薩半跏像

10 A highly important gilt-bronze seated figure of Avalokiteshvara, Acuoye Guanyin, Dali Kingdom, 11th - 12th century | 十一至十二世紀 大理國鎏金銅阿嵯耶觀世音菩薩半跏像

A very rare and outstanding huanghuali folding horseshoe-back armchair, jiaoyi, Late Ming dynasty | 明末 黃花梨圓後背交椅

11 A very rare and outstanding huanghuali folding horseshoe-back armchair, jiaoyi, Late Ming dynasty | 明末 黃花梨圓後背交椅

An exceptional Junyao purple and blue-glazed tripod narcissus bowl, Early Ming dynasty | 明初 鈞窰葡萄紫釉鼓釘三足水仙盆 底刻「五」字

12 An exceptional Junyao purple and blue-glazed tripod narcissus bowl, Early Ming dynasty | 明初 鈞窰葡萄紫釉鼓釘三足水仙盆 底刻「五」字

A unique and highly important moulded blue and white barbed 'fish' charger, Yuan dynasty | 元 青花魚藻凸花牡丹菱口大盤

13 A unique and highly important moulded blue and white barbed 'fish' charger, Yuan dynasty | 元 青花魚藻凸花牡丹菱口大盤

A very rare huanghuali painting table, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 黃花梨束腰拐子龍紋畫桌

14 A very rare huanghuali painting table, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 黃花梨束腰拐子龍紋畫桌

A bronze figure standing on a crouching beast, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period | 東周戰國時期 青銅馭獸立人燈座

15 A bronze figure standing on a crouching beast, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period | 東周戰國時期 青銅馭獸立人燈座

A finely carved cinnabar lacquer 'peony' box and cover, Mark and period of Yongle | 明永樂 剔紅纏枝牡丹圓蓋盒 《大明永樂年製》款

16 A finely carved cinnabar lacquer 'peony' box and cover, Mark and period of Yongle | 明永樂 剔紅纏枝牡丹圓蓋盒 《大明永樂年製》款

A jade animal-shaped plaque, Late Eastern Zhou - Western Han dynasty, 3rd - 2nd century BC | 東周末至西漢公元前三至二世紀 玉瑞獸珮飾

17 A jade animal-shaped plaque, Late Eastern Zhou - Western Han dynasty, 3rd - 2nd century BC | 東周末至西漢公元前三至二世紀 玉瑞獸珮飾

A black lacquer mallow-shaped dish, Song dynasty | 宋 黑漆葵式盤

18 A black lacquer mallow-shaped dish, Song dynasty | 宋 黑漆葵式盤

A rare pair of huanghuali yokeback armchairs, Late Ming dynasty | 明末 黃花梨四出頭方材官帽椅一對

19 A rare pair of huanghuali yokeback armchairs, Late Ming dynasty | 明末 黃花梨四出頭方材官帽椅一對

An important and extremely rare silver-inlaid bronze corner-piece, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period | 東周戰國時期 銅錯銀獸形承足

20 An important and extremely rare silver-inlaid bronze corner-piece, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period | 東周戰國時期 銅錯銀獸形承足

A rare carved cinnabar lacquer 'bird and flower' tray, Yuan dynasty | 元 剔紅穿花雙鳥紋盤

21 A rare carved cinnabar lacquer 'bird and flower' tray, Yuan dynasty | 元 剔紅穿花雙鳥紋盤

A bronze rider on a chimera, Han dynasty | 漢 青銅人形馭獸燈座

22 A bronze rider on a chimera, Han dynasty | 漢 青銅人形馭獸燈座

A rare and important huanghuali yokeback armchair, Late Ming dynasty | 明末 黃花梨四出頭官帽椅

23 A rare and important huanghuali yokeback armchair, Late Ming dynasty | 明末 黃花梨四出頭官帽椅

Qi Baishi, Bodhidharma Meditating Under the Bodhi Tree | 齊白石  菩提羅漢

24 Qi Baishi, Bodhidharma Meditating Under the Bodhi Tree | 齊白石 菩提羅漢

A rare black lacquer 'chrysanthemum' dish, Song dynasty | 宋 黑漆菊瓣盤

25 A rare black lacquer 'chrysanthemum' dish, Song dynasty | 宋 黑漆菊瓣盤

A possibly unique bronze figure of a standing man, Southwest China, Late Shang - Zhou dynasty | 商末至周 中國西南地區青銅人像飾件

26 A possibly unique bronze figure of a standing man, Southwest China, Late Shang - Zhou dynasty | 商末至周 中國西南地區青銅人像飾件

A finely carved and exceedingly rare huanghuali 'dragon' side table, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 黃花梨夔龍紋束腰條桌

27 A finely carved and exceedingly rare huanghuali 'dragon' side table, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 黃花梨夔龍紋束腰條桌

A large carved and polychrome wood seated figure of Avalokiteshvara, Guanyin, Ming dynasty | 明 木雕加彩觀世音菩薩半跏像

28 A large carved and polychrome wood seated figure of Avalokiteshvara, Guanyin, Ming dynasty | 明 木雕加彩觀世音菩薩半跏像

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